Avoin Linja - in English

This is a short introduction in English about Avoin Linja chess magazine, an independent Finnish chess discussion forum.


What is Avoin Linja?

Avoin Linja homepage.

Avoin Linja (open line in English) is an independent Finnish chess magazine. Avoin Linja was founded in the early 1990's by players from a Finnish chessclub called Hämäläis-Osakunnan Shakkikerho (HOSK). In 1997 the magazine changed it's format to free www-magazine, and people behind the magazine have changed a little, but the idea to publish good chess-related stuff still remains. In 1999 Avoin Linja started co-operation with ShakkiNet Internet service, providing a independent forum for chess related discussion in Finland.

Who are behing Avoin Linja?

Editors of the magazine with proper contact information are listed here. Please feel free to contact us, if you have any questions or any good chess stories for us to publish.

Last updated 28.04.1999.