Jacob Excelling at Chess 190p. Everyman Chess Great
Britain 2001 s.c. VG+ 18,00 €
- Aagaard,
Jacob Excelling
at Combinational Play. Learn to identify and exploit tactical
chances. 500 exercises with solutions 239p. Everyman Chess UK
2004 s.c. VG+ 20,00 €
- Aagaard,
Jacob Excelling
at Positional Chess. 108 exercises with solutions 176p.
Everyman Chess Great Britain 2003 s.c. VG+ 18,00 €
- Aagaard,
Jacob Excelling
at Technical Chess. Learn to identify and exploit small
advantages 183p. Everyman Chess UK 2004 s.c. VG+ 18,00 €
- Abrahams,
Gerald Brilliance in Chess VII+143p. Pitman Great
Britain 1977 dj. VG- 15,00 €
- Abrahams,
Gerald Technique in Chess IV+216+(15)p. Dover New
York 1973 s.c. VG 5,00 €
- Abrahams,
Gerald Test Your Chess. Foreword by Max Euwe. 55
exercises with solutions. Pages unnumbered. Revised edition
Pan Books Great Britain 1975 s.c. VG 8,00 €
- Abrahams,
Gerald The Chess Mind 292p. Betts 11-49 English
Universities Press Great Britain 1951 b. Ocloth. VG- 15,00
- Agaragimov,
Djakhangir Pearls
of Azerbaijan. A lot of combinations (exercises with
solutions) 229p. Chess Evolutution Poland 2016 s.c. VG+ (As
new) 20,00 €
- Alatortsev,
Vladimir Problemy sovremennoj teorii shakhmat
334+(2)p. Sah 628 Sah(2) 1159 Fizkultura i sport Moskva 1960
b. Oboards. VG 10,00 €
- Alburt,
Lev Building Up Your Chess. The Art of Accurate
Evaluation and Other Winning Techniques 352p. Chess
Information and Research Center USA 2002 s.c. VG 15,00
- Alburt,
Lev Chess Training Pocket Book. 300 Most Important
Positions and Ideas 187+(1)p. 2nd revised edition Chess
Information and Research Center USA 2000 s.c. VG- 10,00
- Alburt,
Lev Test & Improve Your Chess. Numerical
Evaluation and Other Improvement Techniques VII+128p. Pergamon
Press Great Britain 1989 s.c. VG 15,00
- Alburt
& Palatnik Chess Strategy for the Tournament
Player 348p. Chess Information and Research Center "Comprehensive
chess course series" USA 1997 s.c. VG 15,00
- Alburt
& Palatnik Chess Tactics for the Tournament
Player. With Roman Pelts 243+(3)p.2nd
edition Chess Information and Research Center "Comprehensive
chess course series" USA 1996 s.c. VG 15,00
- Alburt
& Palatnik The King in Jeopardy 250+(3)p.
Chess Information and Research Center "Comprehensive
chess course series" USA 1996 s.c. VG 10,00
- Alburt
& Palatnik Platonov's Chess Academy. Using
Soviet-era methods to improve 21st-century openings 176p. CIRC
USA 2012 s.c. VG+ 15,00 €
- Alekhin,
Aleksandr Shakmatnye lektsii. E.g. annotated games
played by Arturo Pomar and Alekhine 120+(8)p. Russian Chess
House Moskva 2012 b. Oboards. VG+ 15,00 €
- Alexander
& Beach Learn Chess: A New Way for All. Volume
one: First Principles IX+116p. Pergamon "Chess Series" Great
Britain 1963 s.c. VG 5,00 €
- Alexander
& Beach Learn Chess: A
New Way for All. Volume two: Winning Methods XI+212p.
Pergamon "Chess Series" Great Britain 1963 s.c. VG 5,00
- Alexander
& Beach Learn Chess: A
New Way for All. Volume two: Winning
Methods XI+174p. Second edition Pergamon Press "Chess
Series" Great Britain 1987 b. Oboards. VG 10,00
- Alexander,
Hugh Alexander on Chess VIII+227p. Pitman
Publishing Great Britain 1974 dj. VG 15,00 €
- Alföldy,
Laszlo 33 sakklecke. Many endgames 253p. Sport
Budapest 1983 b. Oboards. VG 5,00 €
- Anton,
Reinhold Praktischer Leitfaden des Schachspiels.
Eine leichtverständliche Einführung mit über 60
Spieleröffnungen, über 30 Endspielen und 17 Stellungsbildern
112p. Friedrich Hörhold Verlag "Miniatur-Bibliothek" Germany
1950 s.c. VG 5,00 €
- Anton,
Reinhold Schach. Das Wunder des Opferzuges. Eine
kleine Sammlung interessanter und lehrreicher Beispiele aus
der Kombinationspraxis 59p. Miniatur-Bibliothek Germany 1951
s.c. VG- 5,00 €
- Ashley,
Maurice The Most Valuable Skills in Chess. From the
basic moves to winning your first games - and beyond 159+(1)p.
Gambit Publications Great Britain 2009 s.c. VG+ (As new) 18,00
- Ault,
Leslie The Chess Tutor. Elements of Combinations
XVI+329p. Barrie & Jenkins Great Britain 1976 dj. VG 40,00
- Averbachas,
J & Beilinas, M Kelione i sachmatu sali
246+(3)p. Sviesa Kaunas 1983 b. Oboards. VG- 15,00
- Averbach
& Beilin Viaje al reino del ajedrez 315+(1)p.
Editorial Progreso Moscu 1979 dj. Some pencil notes. VG 10,00
- Averbach,
Kotov, Judovic Sachova skola 272+(4)p. Sport
Bratislava 1979 dj. VG 5,00 €
- Averbakh
& Beilin Journey to the Chess Kingdom. Gold
classics of Russian chess. Over a million copies sold!
284+(3)p. Chess Evolution Poland 2014 s.c. VG 20,00
- Averbakh
& Bejlin Puteshestvie v shakhmatnoe
korolevstvo 288p. Sah(2) 498 Fizkultura i sport Moskva 1972 b.
Ocloth. VG 5,00 €
- Averbakh
& Bejlin Puteshestvie v shakhmatnoe
korolevstvo 288p. Izdanie 2-e Sah(2) 499 Fizkultura i sport
Moskva 1976 b. Ocloth. VG 5,00 €
- Averbakh,
Kotov & Judovitsh Shakhmatnaja shkola. Kurs
lektsij dlja shakhmatistov-razrjadnikov 255p. Fizkultura i
sport Moskva 1976 dj. VG 5,00 €
- Averbakh,
Yuri Chess Tactics for Advanced Players 326+(2)p.
Sportverlag Berlin 1984 dj. VG 20,00
- Avni,
Amatzia Creative Chess VIII+140p. Pergamon Chess
Great Britain 1991 s.c. VG
15,00 €
- Avni,
Amatzia Devious Chess. How to bend the rules and win
144p. Batsford Great Britain 2006 s.c. VG+ 15,00 €
- Avni,
Amatzia Surprise in Chess 112p. Cadogan Chess Great
Britain 1998 s.c. VG+ 15,00 €
- Awerbach,
Kotow, Judowitsch Schachbuch für Meister von
Morgen 228p. 5. Auflage Beyer Verlag Tschechische Republik
2003 b. Oboards. VG+ 10,00 €
- Awerbach,
Yuri a.o. Die Russen lehren Schach. 24 Lektionen -
zusammengestellt von German Friedstein. Mit einem Vorwort von
Helmut Pfleger 186+(2)p. Edition Olms "PraxisSchach 29"
Germany 1998 s.c. VG+ 20,00
- Bagnoli,
Paolo Scacchi matti. La mossa sbagliata nel
momento sbagliato 176p. Mursia Milano 1974 s.c. VG 10,00
- Balajka,
B(Edited) Zajmove krouzky sachove. Soubor programu,
organizacnich zasad a metodickych nametu. 57 annotated games
115+(1)p. Edice Programy Prague 1978 s.c. VG 5,00
- Balogh,
Csaba Greatest
551 puzzles. From practical games of 2016. 218+(4)p. Chess
Evolution Hungary 2017 s.c. VG+ (As new) 25,00 €
- Barcza
& Toth Tanulj sakkozni 88p. Sport Budapest
1963 s.c. VG 5,00 €
- Barden,
Leonard An introduction to chess moves and tactics
simply explained 102p. Dover New York 1964 s.c. VG 5,00
- Barden,
Leonard Batsford Chess Puzzles 176p. Batsford Great
Britain 2002 s.c. VG+ (As new) 15,00 €
- Barden,
Leonard Chess Puzzle Book. An Evening Standard
Chess Book 149p. Faber Great Britain 1977 s.c. VG+ 10,00
- Barden,
Leonard How Good is Your Chess? Rate Your Skill and
Improve Your Strategy by Participating in 35 Master Games
XI+112+(15)p. Dover New York 1957 s.c. VG 10,00 €
- Batnikov,
I Shakhmatnoe podmoskove 144p. Sah(2) 688
Moskovskij Rabotshij Moskva 1981 s.c. VG 5,00 €
- Baumbach,
Fritz & Thormann, Wolfgang Die Schachuhr läuft - Ihr
Zug, bitte! 240 x kombinieren 126+(2)p. Sportverlag Germany
1993 b. Oboards. VG+ 10,00 €
- Beim,
Valeri How to Calculate Chess Tactics. A revealing
look at the nuts and bolts of chess thought 175+(1)p. Gambit
Publications Great Britain 2006 s.c. A few underlines at the
beginning of the book, otherwise VG 20,00
- Beim,
Valeri How to Play Dynamic Chess. Seize the moment
and take full advantage of your chances! 175+(1)p. Gambit
Publications Great Britain 2004 s.c. VG
15,00 €
- Bejlin,
Mikhail Khod konëm 39p. Sah 350 Sport detjam
Moskva 1966 s.c. VG 5,00 €
- Beliavsky
& Mikhalchishin Secrets of Chess Intuition. How
to stimulate your chess subconscious 176p. Gambit Publications
Great Britain 2002 s.c. VG
20,00 €
- Beljavskij,
Mikhaltshishin, Stetsko Strategija izolirovannoj
peshki 197+(3)p. Russian Chess House "Shakhmatnyj Universitet
36" Moskva 2009 b. Oboards. VG 10,00
- Benoit,
Michel Les echecs en trois jours 276+(10)p. Petite
Bibliotheque Payot Paris 1995 s.c. VG 10,00 €
- Bhend,
Edwin Kombinieren und Angreifen I. 180 problems with
solutions 96p. Praxis Verlag Basel 1986 s.c. VG+ 15,00
- Bhend,
Edwin Kombinieren und Angreifen II. 200 problems
with solutions 112p. Praxis Verlag Basel 1986 s.c. VG+ 15,00
- Bhend,
Edwin Kombinieren und Angreifen III. 160 problems
with solutions 96p. Praxis Verlag Basel 1986 s.c. VG+ 15,00
- Bilguer,
Paul Rudolf von Handbuch des Schachspiels. Fortgesetzt
und herausgegeben von seinem Freunde Tassilo von Heydebrand
und der Lasa. Mit einem Vorwort von Viktor Kortschnoi
(7)+XII+376+124p. Nachdruk der Ausgabe Berlin 1843 Edition
Olms Germany 1979 dj. VG 30,00 €
- Bird,
David & Saunders, John The practical
step-by-step guide to Chess & Bridge. How to play. Winning
strategies. Rules. History 512p. Hermes House Great Britain
2010 dj. VG+ 10,00 €
- Björnskov,
Kai 54 firtraekkere. Fra turneringspraksis. 54
exercises with solutions (32p.) Hertug Hans Skoles
Skoleskakklub Haderslev 1985 s.c. VG 5,00
- Bjelica,
Dimitrije Sahovska citanka 208p. II izdanje Sarajevo
1969 s.c. VG 5,00 €
- Blanco,
Uvencio The Chess Teaching System. Blue book of
chess in schools. This english edition was distributed among
Federations belonging to FIDE (1)+316p. FIDE Italy 2001 s.c.
VG 30,00 €
- Blanco,
Uvencio(Venezuela) Jose
Raul Ajedrecista. Texto Oficial Comite Mundial del Ajedrez en
las Escuelas Programa de Alfabetizacion Ajedrecistica
168+(4)p. FIDE Caracas 1997 s.c. VG+ 20,00
- Blau, Max Chess
for beginners. Using the Algebraic System 103p. Lusis 263
Foulis "Spectrum Colour Books" England 1975 s.c. VG+ 8,00
- Blau, Max Les
echecs. Initiation a la pratique du jeu 92+(4)p. Librairie
Payot Lausanne (s.a.) b. Oboards. VG 5,00 €
- Bobekov,
Radko Pozitsionnata igra v shakhmata 72p. Sofija
1970 s.c. VG 5,00 €
- Bogoljubow,
E Schach-Schule. Eine planmässig und
allgemeinverständlich verfasstes Lehrbuch für die deutsche
Jugend 127+(1)p. L/N 1610 Verlag Konkordia Bühl-Baden 1935
s.c. VG- 35,00 €
- Bogoljubow,
E Schach-Schule. Eine planmässig und
allgemeinverständlich verfasstes Lehrbuch für die deutsche
Jugend 129+(1)p. + photo of Bogoljubow 5. Auflage Verlag
Konkordia Germany 1952 s.c. VG 20,00
- Bojki
& Polowodin Schach im Selbstunterricht
230+(1)p. Biznes Sport Sankt-Peterburg 1992 b. Oboards. VG 12,00
- Bonham
& Wormald Chess Questions Answered VIII+138p.
2nd edition (L/N 1698) Betts 14-9 Jordan & Sons Limited
Great Britain 1946 s.c. VG 20,00
- Bondar,
Liivshits, Ljuboshits Shakhmatnye semestry 240p.
Sah(2) 1667 Vyshejshaja shkola Minsk 1984 b. Oboards. VG 5,00
- Bosch
& Giddins The Chess Instructor 2009. The New
In Chess Compendium for Chess Teachers, Coaches and Parents.
With ready-to-use teaching exercises for all levels 218p. New
In Chess The Netherlands 2008 s.c. VG 20,00 €
- Bott
& Morrison Spela schack. I översättning och
bearbetning av Karl Bergsten 175p. Gleerups Lund 1966 b.
Oboards VG 10,00 €
- Bott
& Morrison The Chess Player's Bedside Book
83p. Faber & Faber Great Britain 1966 b. Ocloth. VG- 8,00
- Bouwmeester,
Hans Schachtraining mit den Grossmeistern 127+16p.
Falken "Schach-Bibliothek" Germany 1983 s.c. VG 8,00
- Bouwmeester,
Hans Winning Chess Combinations VI+138p. Batsford
"The Club Player's Library" Great Britain 1977 dj. VG 10,00
- Bouwmeester,
Hans Winning Chess Combinations VI+138p. Batsford
"The Club Player's Library" Great Britain 1977 s.c. VG 8,00
- Brinckmann,
Alfred Lehrbuch des Schachspiels VII+139+(1)p. Zweite
verbesserte Auflage Walter de Gruyter "Bücherei
des Grossdeutschen Schachbundes 1" Leipzig 1940 b.
Oboards. VG 10,00 €
- Brinckmann,
Alfred Lehrbuch des Schachspiels VIII+148+(4)p. 6.
erweiterte Auflage Walter
de Gruyter Berlin 1979 s.c. VG+ 8,00 €
- Bronshtejn,
David & Fjurstenberg, Tom Utshenik tsharodeja.
Utshebnik shakhmatnoj strategii i taktiki 415+(1)p. Ripol
Klassik Moskva 2004 b. Oboards. VG+ 18,00
- Bronstein,
Dawid Gra w szachy. Samouczek 205+(3)p. Sport i
Turystyka Warszawa 1989 s.c. VG 5,00 €
- Brunia
& Wijgerden van Handleiding jeugdclubtrainer.
Stap 1. 120p. 4e druk (Rotterdam 1993) s.c. VG 10,00
- Brunia
& Wijgerden van Handleiding jeugdclubtrainer.
Tweede stap 104p. 3e druk (Rotterdam 1991) s.c. VG 10,00
- Brunia
& Wijgerden van Handleiding jeugdclubtrainer.
Derde stap 125p. 2e verbeterde druk (Rotterdam 1990) s.c. VG 10,00
- Brunia
& Wijgerden van Handleiding jeugdclubtrainer.
Vierde stap 120p. 2e druk (Rotterdam 1990) s.c. VG 10,00
- Brunia
& Wijgerden van Handleiding jeugdclubtrainer.
Vijfde stap 123p. (Rotterdam 1991) s.c. VG 10,00
- Brunthaler,
Heinz Chess
for Kids and Parents (7)+205+(2)p. Quality Chess Estonia 2006
s.c. VG+ 15,00 €
- Burgess,
Graham The Mammoth Book of Chess. Foreword by John
Nunn VI+537+(1)p. Robinson EC 1997 s.c. VG+ 10,00
- Burmeister,
A Malemängu operaamat 112p. L/N - Eesti
Kirjastuse-Ühisus Tallinna 1922 s.c. VG 50,00 €
- Burmeister,
A Malemängu operaamat 112p. L/N - Eesti
Kirjastuse-Ühisus Tallinna 1922 b. Rebound with the original
front cover of the soft cover edition! VG+ 50,00 €
- Burmeister,
A Malemängu operaamat 112p. L/N - Eesti
Kirjastuse-Ühisus Tallinna 1922 b. Rebound. VG-/G+ 30,00 €
- Burnett,
Andrew Streetfighting
Chess. An attacking guide for club-players 185p. Trinity
Knights Publishing UK 2008 s.c. VG+ (As new) 20,00 €
- Bär,
Christian Meilensteine der Schachtaktik. Eine
Auswahl der besten Schachkombinationen aus der modernen
Meisterpraxis 76p. Midas Verlag Germany 1988 s.c. VG+ 10,00
- Capablanca,
Jose A Primer of Chess. Algebraic
edition (6)+149+(1)p. Cadogan Chess Great Britain 1995 s.c. VG
15,00 €
- Capablanca,
Jose Capablancas schackskola. Denna bok är en
översättning av "Chess fundamentals" 139+(5)p. Bokförlaget
Prisma Falköping 1969 s.c. VG 10,00 €
- Capablanca,
J. R Chess Fundamentals. 14 Illustrative Games Played
by Capablanca. 1st American edition! VII+246+(X ad) L/N 1359
Harcourt Brace and Co USA 1921 b. Ocloth. G+ 30,00
- Capablanca,
J. R Chess Fundamentals. 14 Illustrative Games Played
by Capablanca (8)+246p.+a photo of Capablanca L/N 1361 Harcourt
Brace and Company USA (1934) dj. VG+ 60,00
- Capablanca,
J. R Chess Fundamentals. 14 Illustrative Games Played
by Capablanca (8)+246p.+a photo of Capablanca L/N 1361 Harcourt
Brace and Company USA (1934) b. Ocloth. VG- 20,00
- Capablanca,
J. R Chess Fundamentals. 14 Illustrative Games Played
by Capablanca VII+246p. Reprinted L/N 1361 Harcourt
Brace and Company USA 1946 b. Ocloth. From a smoker's house,
otherwise VG- 10,00 €
- Capablanca,
Jose Chess Fundamentals. Algebraic edition (6)+121p.
Reprinted Everyman Chess Great Britain 2004 s.c. VG+ (As new)
18,00 €
- Capablanca,
Jose Grundzüge der Schachstrategie VI+143+(7)p. L/N
1365 Walter de Gruyter Leipzig 1927 b. The original front
cover is bound in. VG- 15,00 €
- Capablanca,
Jose Grundzüge der Schachstrategie X+143+(5)p. Dritte,
durchgesehene Auflage de Gruyter Berlin 1968 s.c. VG 9,00
- Capablanca,
Jose Letzte Schachlektionen 61+(2)p. Zweite Auflage
Walter Rau Verlag "Südwestschach-Reihe 11" Germany 1977 s.c.
VG 10,00 €
- Capablanca,
Jose Lärobok i schack. Översättning av Eric Carlen
272p. L/N 1614 Albert Bonniers Förlag Stockholm 1937 s.c. VG-
10,00 €
- Capablanca,
Jose Lärobok i schack. Översättning av Eric Carlen
272p. L/N 1614 Albert Bonniers Förlag Stockholm 1937 b. Nicely
bound. Original covers of the soft cover edition are bound in.
VG+ 40,00 €
- Capablanca,
Jose Lärobok i schack. Översättning av Eric Carlen
272p. L/N 1614 Albert Bonniers Förlag Stockholm 1937 b. Nicely
bound. Quite rare. Waterstained from upper side, otherwise VG-
10,00 €
- Capablanca,
Jose Lärobok i schack 252p. Sjunde upplagan bearbetad
av Jostein Westberg Bonniers Stockholm 1957 s.c. VG- 10,00
- Capablanca,
Jose Osnovy shakhmatnoj igry (Chess fundamentals)
photo+136p. Izdanie sedmoe Sah 231 Gosudarstvennoe izdatelstvo
Leningrad 1930 b. Oboards. G+ 20,00 €
- Capablanca,
Jose Utshebnik shakhmatnoj igry 161p. Sah 281 L/N 1613
Fizkultura i turism Leningrad 1936 b. Original covers slightly
worn, otherwise VG- 15,00 €
- Capablanca,
Jose Utshebnik shakhmatnoj igry & Moja shakhmatnaja
karera 271+(1)p. Fizkultura i sport Moskva 1983 s.c. VG 5,00
- Capablanca,
Jose Abramov, L(Edited) Utshebnik shakhmatnoj igry. 66
annotated games played by Capablanca 339+(4)p. Terra-Sport
Moskva 2001 b. Oboards. VG+ 15,00 €
- Carlen,
Eric(Edited) Boken om Schack. Includes e.g. "Den
svenska schacklitteraturen" (the Swedish chess literature) av
Hjalmar Mandall 240p. L/N 1738 Förlagsaktiebolaget Ringström
& Ringström Stockholm 1948 b. VG-
25,00 €
- Caxton
Game and Playe of the Chess 1474 by Caxton. A
Verbatim Reprint of the first Edition (1474), with a 70 pp.
Introduction by the late William E. A. Axon, M.R.S.L., as
published originally in the 1883 Elliot Stock Edition
LXXII+201p. BCM Great Britain (1980?) s.c. VG 20,00
- Chernev
& Harkness An Invitation to Chess. A Picture
Guide to the Royal Game. Over 100,000 copies sold! 223p.
Fireside "Chess Library" USA 1985 s.c. VG 10,00 €
- Chernev
& Harkness En invit till schack. Från
engelskan av Lennart Bohmgren 219p. L/N- Ljus Stockholm 1949
s.c. VG 10,00 €
- Chernev
& Harkness En invit till schack. Från
engelskan av Lennart Bohmgren 219p. L/N- Ljus Stockholm 1949
b. Ocloth. Original front and back covers are bound in. VG 10,00
- Chernev,
Irving Combinations. The Heart of Chess
IX+245+(15)p. Dover New York USA 1967 s.c. VG 10,00 €
- Chernev,
Irving The Bright Side of Chess. Illustrated by
Harry Harrison. Includes 36 studies and 44+20 problems
XII+175p. Betts 24-68 Hollis and Carter Great Britain 1952 dj.
VG 20,00 €
- Chernev,
Irving The Bright Side of Chess. Illustrated by
Harry Harrison. Includes 36 studies and 44+20 problems
XII+175p. Betts 24-68 Hollis and Carter Great Britain 1952 dj.
VG- 15,00 €
- Chernev,
Irving The Bright Side of Chess. Illustrated by
Harry Harrison XII+175p. Betts 24-101 Dover New York 1965 s.c.
VG 10,00 €
- Chernev
& Reinfeld The Fireside Book of Chess
VII+400+(1)p. Seventh paperback printing Simon and Schuster
USA (s.a.) s.c. VG 10,00 €
- Christiansen,
Larry Storming the Barricades. Lessons in Attacking
Chess 176p. Gambit Publications Great Britain 2000 s.c. VG+
18,00 €
- Colditz,
Karl Lehr-, ûbungs- und Testbuch der
Schachkombinationen. 120 exercises 184+16p. Falken
"Schach-Bibliothek" Germany 1983 s.c. VG 10,00
- Colditz,
Karl Schachkombinationen. Lehr-,
ûbungs- und Testbuch der Schachkombinationen. 120
exercises Edition Olms Germany 2012 s.c. VG 10,00
- Collijn,
Ludvig & Gustaf Lärobok i schack I-II. 2 vols in
one. Afdelning I: Grund- och spelregler. Spelöppningarna utom
Kungsgambit. Afdelning II: Kungsgambit. Slutspelen
VII+180+VIII+160p. L/N 1137 Andra upplagan Norstedt &
söner Stockholm 1903 & 1906 b. VG
50,00 €
- Collijn,
Ludvig Lärobok i Schack för nybörjare (4)+186+(2)p.
L/N 1223 Englunds förlag Stockholm 1905 s.c. VG 30,00
- Collijn,
Ludvig Lärobok i schack för nybörjare 190p. L/N 1224
Andra upplagan (11-20 tusendet) Englunds Förlag Stockholm 1910
b. Oboards. VG- 15,00 €
- Collijn,
Ludvig Lärobok i schack för nybörjare 192p. L/N 1225
Tredje upplagan (21:a-30:de tusendet) Englunds Förlag
(Innehavare: Stockholms Schackförbund) Stockholm 1920 b.
Oboards. VG 15,00 €
- Collijn,
Gustaf & Ludvig Lärobok i schack. Opening
theory. 133 annotated games. 316 endgame studies. Medarbetare:
A. Rubinstein, R. Reti, R. Spielmann (14)+541+(3)p. Fjärde
upplagan L/N 1139 Englunds Förlag Stockholm 1921 b.
Rebound. VG 20,00 €
- Collijn,
Gustaf & Ludvig Lärobok i schack. Opening
theory. 133 annotated games. 316 endgame studies. Medarbetare:
A. Rubinstein, R. Reti, R. Spielmann (14)+541+(3)p. Fjärde
upplagan L/N 1139 Englunds Förlag Stockholm 1921 b.
VG/G+ 20,00 €
- Collijn,
Gustaf och Ludvig Lärobok i schack. Under medverkan
av A. Rubinstein, R. Reti, R. Spielmann. Med förord av Axel
Ornstein (21)+541+(1)p. Faksimilutgåva av Fjärde upplagan
Hammarström & Åberg (Borgå) 1984 b. Oboards. VG- 20,00
- Cordingley,
E Chess by easy stages. Instructions for the
novice and the student player. With Illustrations and over
sixty-five Positions and nine Master-Games II+86p. Betts
10-181 Universal Publications Great Britain (1946) s.c. VG 7,00
- Cozens,
W Lessons in chess strategy. Edited by Peter Clarke
X+104p. Second printing Drake Publishers "Drake Chess
Handbooks III" USA 1972 b. Oboards. VG 10,00
- Cozens,
W Lessons in chess strategy. Edited by Peter Clarke
X+104p. Routledge "Chess Handbooks 3" Great Britain 1968 s.c.
VG- 5,00 €
- Crouch,
Colin Attacking Technique 105p. Batsford Great Britain
1996 s.c. VG 15,00 €
- Csaba,
Balogh Greatest
365 Puzzles. From practical games of 2012. Part I. 190+(2)p.
Chess Evolution Poland 2012 s.c. VG+ 20,00 €
- Cunnington,
E Chess for beginners: contains chess openings, and a
complete guide to the game, with American chess code and
regulations 112p. L/N - Betts 10-108 Revised edition Regan
Publishing Chicago 1924 s.c. VG 10,00 €
- Cunnington,
E Chess Traps and Stratagems. Contains 63 examples of
opening traps, and 71 miscellaneous middle- and endgame traps
102+(10)p. Betts 13-55 George
Routledge & Sons "British
chess handbooks" London 1903 b. Oboards. VG 30,00
- Cunnington,
E Chess Traps and Stratagems 102p. 10th impression
George Routledge & Sons "British
chess handbooks" Great
Britain (s.a.) b. Oboards. VG 10,00
- Cunnington,
E Chess Traps and Stratagems 102p. 17th edition George
Routledge & Sons "British
chess handbooks" Great Britain (s.a.) b. Oboards. VG 10,00
- Czarnecki,
Tadeusz Przy szachownicy. Taktyka i strategia
312p. Wydanie drugie poprawione i uzupelnione Sport i
turystyka Warszawa 1974 s.c. VG 10,00 €
- Damski,
Y El contraataque en ajedrez 98+(2)p. Ediciones
Martinez Roca "Coleccion Escaques 72" Spain 1983 s.c. VG 5,00
- Damsky,
Yakov The Batsford Book of Chess Records 303p.
Batsford Great Britain 2005 s.c. VG+ 10,00
- Danielsson
& Andersson Schack för barn. Med Mats Anderssons
konkreta och roliga bilder 79+(1)p. Gidlunds Sverige 1976 s.c.
VG 10,00 €
- Danielsson,
Robert Knep och fällor i schack. Läsaren får
vidareutveckla sina elementära färdigheter genom att studera
lärorika partier av stora mästare och lösa en lång rad
skiftande problem 96p. Bonniers "Den nya schackskolan 2"
Stockholm 1975 s.c. VG 10,00
- Danielsson,
Robert Schack! Lär från början. Band 1. (4)+181+(2)p.
Caissa Schackböcker Sweden 2004 b. Oboards. VG+ (Nearly as
new) 30,00 €
- Danielsson,
Robert Schack! Lär från början. Band 2. (4)+175p.
Gambit Schackböcker (s.l.) 2005 b. Oboards. VG+ (Nearly
as new) 30,00 €
- Danielsson,
Robert Schackskolan 128p. Bonniers Stockholm 1986 b.
Oboards. VG 10,00 €
- Danielsson,
Robert Schack steg för steg 95p. Bonniers "Den nya
schackskolan 1" Stockholm 1975 s.c. VG 5,00 €
- Davis
& Norwood Steve Davis Plays Chess 111p.
Batsford Great Britain 1995 s.c. VG 8,00 €
- Dede,
Ernö Wonder on the Board 143p. Caissa Chess Books
Hungary (s.a.) s.c. VG 8,00 €
- Domazet,
Slavko Shah od A1 do h8. 212p. Sportska knjiga
Beograd 1987 s.c. VG 5,00 €
- Dorfman,
Josif Metod v shakhmatakh. Krititsheskie pozitsii
196+(12)p. Fakt Kharkov 2007 b. Oboards. VG 10,00 €
- Dorfman,
Iossif The Critical Moment 143p. Game Mind France 2002
s.c. VG+ (As new) 50,00 €
- Dufresne,
Adolphe Schachmeister. Der Meister im Schachspiel
IV+158+(24)p. L/N 993 Verlag Gustav Elkan Leipzig (s.a.) b.
Oboards. VG 20,00 €
- Dufresne
& Mieses Lehrbuch des Schachspiels.
Herausgegeben von Jacques
Mieses 536p.
Achte verbesserte Auflage L/N 1005 Philipp Reclam jun. Leipzig
(1910) b. Oboards. VG 10,00 €
- Dufresne
& Mieses Lehrbuch des Schachspiels.
Herausgegeben von Rudolf
Teschner 744p. 27. Auflage Reclam Germany 1979 dj. VG
5,00 €
- Du
Mont, Julius The
Basis of Combination in Chess XIII+218p. L/N - Betts 19-12
Routledge & Sons Great Britain 1938 b. Ocloth. G+ 10,00
- Du
Mont, Julius The
Basis of Combination in Chess XIII+218p. L/N - Reprinted
Routledge & Sons Great Britain 1946 dj. Dust jacket
slightly damaged, otherwise VG 15,00 €
- Du
Mont, Julius The Basis
of Combination in Chess XIII+218p. L/N - Reprinted Routledge
& Sons Great Britain 1946 b. Ocloth. VG- 10,00 €
- Dvoretskij
& Jusupov Pozitsionnaja igra 260+(4)p. 2-e
izdanie, ispravlennoe i dopolnennoe Fakt Kharkov 2001 b.
Oboards. VG 10,00 €
- Dvoretskij
& Jusupov Shkola budushtshikh tshempionov.
Vypusk 1. 256p. Sfinks Sankt-Peterburg (s.a.) s.c. VG 5,00
- Dvoretskij,
Mark Iskusstvo analiza 192p. Sah(2) 1249
Fizkultura i sport Moskva 1989 s.c. VG 5,00 €
- Dvoretsky,
Mark School of Chess Excellence 2. Tactical Play 264p.
Edition Olms "Progress in Chess Vol 8" Germany 2002 s.c. VG+
(As new) 25,00 €
- Dvoretsky,
Mark Secrets of Chess Tactics VIII+275p. Batsford
Great Britain 1992 s.c. VG
20,00 €
- Dvoretsky,
Mark Secrets of Chess Training. Foreword by Gary
Kasparov VIII+218p. Reprinted Batsford Great Britain 1992 s.c.
VG 15,00 €
- Dvoretsky,
Mark & Yusupov, Artur Secrets of Creative
Thinking 206p. Edition Olms "School of Future Champions 5"
Germany 2009 s.c. VG+ 20,00 €
- Dvoretsky,
Mark & Yusupov, Artur Training for the
Tournament Player 189p. Reprinted Batsford Great Britain 1996
s.c. VG+ 15,00 €
- Dworetski,
Mark Moderne Schachtaktik. Lektionen von Russlands
Spitzentrainer 240p. 3. Auflage Edition Olms "PraxisSchach 16"
Germany 1999 s.c. VG+ 13,00 €
- Drozdov
& Kalënov Laskerovskie kompensatsii. Serija:
"Borba pri neobytshnom sootnoshenii materiala". Vypusk 1(2)
116p. Garde Moskva 2000 s.c. VG 8,00 €
- Dunnington,
Angus Starting out: Defensive Play 151p. Everyman Chess
Great Britain 2005 s.c. VG+ 15,00 €
- Dunnington,
Angus 101 Winning Chess Strategies. A wealth of
plans and ideas for you to use in your games 128p. Gambit
Publications Great Britain 1999 s.c. VG 20,00
- Ebert,
Hilmar Kombiniere ... Matt! 96p. Rochade Europe
Germany 1995 s.c. VG 10,00 €
- Edouard,
Romain The Chess Manual of Avoidable Mistakes 225p.
Thinkers Publishing Belgium 2014 s.c. VG+ (As new) 35,00 €
- Edwards,
Raymond Aktiv Schachspielen. Praktische Tips von
der Eröffnung bis zum Endspiel 94+(2)p. Franckh Schach Germany
1987 s.c. VG 5,00 €
- Edwards,
Raymond Chess tactics and attacking techniques
X+95p. Routledge & Kegan
"Routledge Chess Handbooks 5" Great Britain 1978 s.c. VG+ 8,00
- Edwards,
Raymond Practical Chess Playing XIII+133p.
Routledge & Kegan "Routledge Chess Handbooks 7" Great
Britain 1984 s.c. VG+ 8,00 €
- Edwards,
Raymond Tecnicas de ataque en ajedrez 93+(2)p.
Ediciones Martinez Roca "Coleccion Escaques 71" Spain 1983
s.c. VG 10,00 €
- Eeg,
Bror Nå spiller også jeg sjakk. Brikker og brett
og litt till 39p. De unges forlag Bergen 1973 s.c. VG 10,00
- Ellison,
George Spike's chess primer. Illustrated. Offers a
sound introduction to the absorbing game of chess for children
in the 9-13 age group 144p. Lusis 303.1 New edition Crowood
Press Worcester 1988 s.c. VG 10,00 €
- Emms,
John The Most Amazing Chess Moves of All Time. A top
English grandmaster explains the 200 most astonishing and
instructive moves in the history of chess 192p. Gambit
Publications Great Britain 2000 s.c. VG+ 15,00 €
- Emms, John
The Survival Guide to Competitive Chess 160p. Everyman Chess
UK 2007 s.c. VG+ (As new) 18,00 €
- Emms,
John The Ultimate Chess Puzzle Book. 1001 original
chess puzzles to challenge all standars of player, from
beginner to grandmaster 239+(1)p. Gambit Publishing Great
Britain 2000 s.c. VG+ 20,00 €
- Enevoldsen,
Jens Laerebog i skak. Förste del. Aabningspillet.
95+(1)p. Andet oplag L/N 1683 Jespersen og Pios forlag
Köbenhavn 1941 s.c. VG 15,00 €
- Enevoldsen,
Harald Skoleskak. Grundbog for börn og voksne.
Kombinationslaeren X+133p. Gjellerup Köbenhavn 1973 b. VG 5,00
- Enevoldsen,
Jens Centrum 78p. L/N 2056 Dansk Skakforlag "Instruktive
skak-haandböger 1" Aalborg (1944) s.c. VG 8,00
- Equipo
de expertos 2100 Los errores mas frecuentes en el
ajedrez 191+(1)p. Editorial De Vecchi Barcelona 2001 s.c. VG 10,00
- Estrin,
Jakov(Edited) Teorija i praktika
shakhmatnoj igry 160p. Sah(2) 1662 Vysshaja shkola Moskva 1981
s.c. VG 5,00 €
- Estrin,
Jakov(Edited) Teorija i praktika
shakhmatnoj igry 272p. Sah(2) 1663 2-e izdanie Vysshaja shkola
Moskva 1984 b. Oboards. VG 5,00 €
- Euwe,
Blaine & Rumble The Logical Approach to Chess
VI+217+(15)p. Dover New York 1982 s.c. VG 8,00 €
- Euwe,
Max Bedömmelse og planlaegning. Oversat til dansk
af H. Tuxen 178p. Dansk Skakforlag Aalborg (s.a.) b.
Contemporary binding. The
original front cover is bound in! VG 10,00
- Euwe,
Max Bedömmelse og planlaegning 178p. Dansk
Skakforlag Aalborg (s.a.) s.c. VG-
8,00 €
- Euwe,
Max Das Schachspiel. Anleitung zur Erlernung des
Schachspiels 53p. Schachverlag Otto Katzer Germany 1970 s.c.
VG 5,00 €
- Euwe, Max Judgment
and Planning in Chess. Translated and edited by J. du Mont
IX+190p. Betts 18-9 Bell Great Britain 1953 dj. VG 15,00
- Euwe, Max Judgment
and Planning in Chess. Translated and edited by J. du Mont
IX+190p. Reprinted Bell Great Britain 1957 dj. VG+ 20,00
- Euwe, Max Judgment
and Planning in Chess. Translated and edited by J. du Mont
IX+190p. Reprinted Bell Great Britain 1957 dj. VG 15,00
- Euwe, Max Judgment
and Planning in Chess IX+190p. Reprinted Bell Great Britain
1973 dj. VG 10,00 €
- Euwe, Max Judgment
and Planning in Chess. Improve your chess with this classic
manual. New algebraic edition! Edited by John Nunn 174+(2)p.
Batsford "Algebraic Classics Series" Great Britain 1998 s.c.
VG+ 25,00 €
- Euwe,
Max Kurs shakhmatnykh lektsii. Translated by A.
Smirnov 164p. Sah 263 L/N 1198 Fizkultura i Turizm Leningrad
1930 b. Original covers. VG- 25,00 €
- Euwe,
Max Kurs shakhmatnykh lektsii 164p. Trete izdanie
Sah 265 L/N 1200 Fizkultura i Turizm Leningrad 1936 b.
Oboards. Covers slightly worn and stained, otherwise a clean
VG copy 15,00 €
- Euwe,
Max Les echecs. Position et combinaison 214p.
Payot Paris 1959 s.c. VG 10,00
- Euwe,
Max Positiespel en Combinatiespel 110p. L/N 2143
De Tijdstroom Holland 1949 b. Ocloth. VG 8,00
- Euwe,
Max Positions- og kombinationsspil. 10 annotated
games 122+(1)p. Dansk Skakforlag Aalborg (1949?) s.c. Signed
by GM Eero Böök. VG 8,00 €
- Euwe,
Max Positions- und Kombinationsspiel im Schach.
Deutsche Ûbersetzung des holländischen Originals "Positiespel
en Compinatiespel" von Kurt Richter IV+109+(3)p. Zweite
Auflage Walter de Gruyter "Veits kleine Schachbücherei"
Germany 1955 s.c. VG 6,00 €
- Euwe,
Max Positions- und Kombinationsspiel im Schach
IV+109+(3)p. 3. verbesserte Auflage Walter de Gruyter Germany
1963 s.c. VG 6,00 €
- Euwe,
Max Positions- und Kombinationsspiel im Schach
VI+136p. 6. Auflage Beyer Germany 1996 s.c. VG+ 6,00
- Euwe,
Max Praktische schaaklessen 2. Algemene wenken
voor opening, middenspel en eindspel 240p. Twaalfde, herziene
en uitgebreide druk Meulenhoff Amsterdam 1980 s.c. VG 5,00
- Euwe,
Max Strategija i taktika 130p. Sah 618 L/N 1618
Moskva 1937 b. Oboards. VG- 15,00 €
- Euwe,
Max Strategi og taktik i skak 154+(1)p. Dansk
Skakforlag Aalborg (1952?) s.c. VG 8,00 €
- Euwe,
Max Strategi och Taktik i Schack. Med
många diagram 163+(1)p. Andra omarbetade upplagan
Strategi och taktiks förlag Lidköping 1955 b. Oboards. VG- 8,00
- Euwe,
Max Strategi og taktik i skak 155p. Dansk
Skakforlag Aalborg (s.a.) s.c. VG- 5,00 €
- Euwe,
Max Urteil und Plan im Schach VII+168+(4)p. Walter
de Gruyter Germany 1956 s.c. VG 10,00 €
- Euwe,
Max Urteil und Plan im Schach VII+174+(2)p. Dritte
verbesserte und erweiterte Auflage Walter de Gruyter Germany
1968 s.c. VG 10,00 €
- Euwe
& Mühring Ich teste mich selbst. Neuartiges
systematisches Lehrbuch mit 50 Schachtests 78+(2)p. Dritte
Auflage Reprinted Siegfried Engelhardt Verlag Germany 1972
s.c. VG 5,00 €
- Euwe
& Mühring Neue Schach-Teste. Mit 60
Schachtests 91p. Zweite verbesserte Auflage Siegfried
Engelhardt Verlag Germany 1973 s.c. VG 5,00 €
- Evans,
Larry Chess Catechism. Including the ten best games
of the modern era 250p. Fireside USA 1970 s.c. VG
10,00 €
- Evans,
Larry Chess Questions Answered. Including the ten
best games of the modern era 249p. Reprinted Faber England
1974 dj. VG+ 15,00 €
- Evans,
Larry New Ideas in Chess XII+196p. Pitman Great
Britain 1958/1960 dj. VG 10,00 €
- Evans,
Larry New Ideas in Chess X+185+(12)p. Dover USA
1994 s.c. VG+ 10,00 €
- Fabrego,
Lluis Comas True Lies in Chess. Think for yourself
160+(8)p. Quality Chess Tallinn 2007 s.c. VG+ 15,00
- Ferenc,
Jenei - Jenö, Titkos Sakkoktatas
(Chess player). A lot of studies and complete games 225p.
Tankönyvkiado Budapest 1974 s.c. VG 10,00 €
- Feustel,
Bernd Kleines Blitzschach-Brevier 164p. Beyer Verlag
"Kleine Schachbücherei 16" Germany s.c. VG 8,00
- Finkelstein,
Milton Self-taught Chess for Beginners and
Intermediates. 52 annotated games played by well-known masters
IX+270p. White Lion Publishers Great Britain 1976 dj. VG 15,00
- Finkenzeller,
Roswin Vom Schachspiel. Sehenswerte Partien und
denkwürdige Aufgaben. Originalausgabe 126p. Insel Verlag
"Taschenbuch 1088" Germany 1988 s.c. VG 7,00
- Fischer,
Margulies, Mosenfelder Bobby
Fischer lehrt Schach. Ein programmierter Schachlehrgang von
Weltmeister Bobby Fischer X+334p. Rowohlt Germany 1974 s.c. VG
10,00 €
- Fischer,
Margulies, Mosenfelder Bobby Fischer lär dig schack
X+334p. Bonniers Stockholm 1972. b. Oboards. VG 20,00
- Flear,
Glenn Tactimania. Find the winning combination
263+(1)p. Quality Chess Estonia 2011 s.c. VG+ 20,00
- Flesch,
Janos Közepjatek 200p. Sport Budapest 1987 b.
Oboards. VG 5,00 €
- Flores
Rios, Mauricio Chess Structures. A Grandmaster Guide.
Standard patterns and plans explained 464p. Quality Chess
Estonia 2015 s.c. VG+ 25,00 €
- Florian,
Tibor Csak az gyözhet, aki tamad!? 152p. Sport
"Sakkozok kiskönyvtara" Budapest 1968 s.c. Signed by GM Eero
Böök. VG 5,00 €
- Florian,
Tibor Entscheidung in der Schlussrunde. Ratschläge
zur Vorbereitung- Beispiele zur Spieltaktik 80p. Franckh
Schach Germany 1987 s.c. VG 8,00
- Forbes,
Cathy Nigel Short: Quest for the crown VI+118+(4)p.
Cadogan Chess Great Britain 1993 s.c. VG 10,00
- Frey
& Witkowski Tajemnice 64 pol 317+(2)p. + 48
pages of photos! Ludowa Spoldzielnia Wydawnicza Poland 1978
dj. VG 10,00 €
- Gallagher,
Joe 101 Attacking Ideas in Chess. Aggressive
consepts from a grandmaster's arsenal 128p. Gambit
Publications London 2000 s.c. VG
20,00 €
- Gans,
Louis Het schaakspel. Beschouwingen over het spel en
zijn voornaamste beoefenaars X+332+(1)p. L/N 1397 Uitgegeven
door de maatschappij voor goede en goedkoope lectuur Amsterdam
(1923) b. Oboards. VG 15,00
- Ganzo,
Julio Teoria del medio juego 189p. Segunda edicion
Ricardo Aquilera Madrid 1973 s.c. VG 10,00 €
- Gaprindashvili,
Paata Critical Moments in Chess 271p. Batsford
Finland 2010 s.c. VG+ (As new) 30,00 €
- Gaprindashvili,
Paata Imagination in Chess. How to Think Creatively
and Avoid Foolish Mistakes. 756 exercises 287p. Batsford Great
Britain 2004 s.c. VG 15,00 €
- Garrow,
Simon Dan the Pawn. Your First Steps in Chess. With
the help of his two young children the author has produced the
first chess book specially designed for 4-7 year-olds 48p.
Batsford Great Hong Kong 1982 b. Oboards. VG 10,00
- Gelb
& Keene Samurai Chess. Mastering the Martial
Art of the Mind XIV+210p. Aurum Press Great Britain 1997 dj.
VG 10,00 €
- Gelb
& Keene Schack på liv och död. Mental
stridskonst i strategiskt tänkande 264p. Svenska Förlaget
Falun 2003 dj. VG 10,00 €
- Gelenczei,
Emil So spielt ihr Schach... Ein Studium über die
Schachblindheit 121p. Caissa Chess Books Kecskemet 1997 s.c.
VG 8,00 €
- Gershunskij,
B(Edited) Shakhmaty - shkole 336p. Pedagogika
Moskva 1990 b. Oboards. VG 5,00 €
- Gillam,
Tony Attacking the King in the Center. 141 annotated
games 120p. Chess Enterprises Canada 2001 s.c. VG+ (As new) 10,00
- Gillam,
A Simple Checkmates. More than 400 exercises for
novices of all ages! V+234p. Ballantine Books USA 1996 s.c. VG
10,00 €
- Gillam,
A Simple Checkmates. Over 400 examples of forced
checkmates 128p. Batsford Great Britain 1978 s.c. VG- 10,00
- Golenishtshev,
Viktor Podgotovka junykh shakhmatistov i razrjada.
Programma 109p. Sah(2) 1653 Vtoroe izdanie Sovetskaja Rossija
Moskva 1980 s.c. VG 5,00 €
- Golombek,
Harry Improve Your Chess 160p. 2nd revised and
enlarged edition Pitman Great Britain 1976 dj. VG 10,00
- Golovko,
Nikolaj Put k masterstvu (Sovety shakhmatnogo
mastera). E.g. 60 annotated games of which 23 played by
Golovko 279+(2)p. Sah(2) 285 Fizkultura i sport Moskva 1970 b.
Oboards. VG 10,00 €
- Golz,
Werner & Keres, Paul
Chess Combinations As a Fine Art
VIII+255p. Crowood Press Great Britain 1989 s.c. VG 20,00
- Gonsior,
Evzen Technika stredni hry i. Obet kvality.
Pozicni obet damy 93p. Cesky ustredni vybor CSTV Praha 1984
s.c. VG 5,00 €
- Gorenshtejn,
R Kniga junogo shakhmatista. Utzhebnoe posobie
dlja shakhmatistov vtorogo-tretego razrjadov 213+(2)p. Sah(2)
482 Fizkultura i sport Moskva 1966 b. Oboards. VG 10,00
- Gorenshtejn,
R Kniga junogo shakhmatista 239p. Moskva 1993 s.c.
VG 5,00 €
- Gormally,
Danny Play Chess Like the PROs 208p. Everyman
Chess Great Britain 2010 s.c. VG 15,00 €
- Green,
Robert Frederick (Editor of the "British Chess
Magazine") Chess.
With Illustrations VI+116+(2)p. L/N 1046 Georg Bell & Sons
"The Club Series" London 1890 b. Original
decorated red boards. VG- 20,00
- Green,
Robert Frederick (Formerly Editor of the "British
Chess Magazine") Chess.
Revised edition (9)+122p. Reprinted (13th edition) L/N 1054 G
Bell & Sons "The Club Series" London 1916 b. Original
decorated red boards. VG-
10,00 €
- Green,
R. F Chess. Revised and brought up-to-date by J. du
Mont VI+114+(2)p. L/N - Bell & Sons Great Britain 1941 b.
Ocloth. VG 5,00 €
- Griffiths,
Peter Improving Your Chess 104p. EP Publishing
Limited Great Britain 1980 s.c. VG 10,00
- Grishin
& Ilin Shakhmatnaja azbuka ili Pervye shagi po
shakhmatnoj doske 60p. Sah(2) 1763 Fizkultura i sport Moskva
1972 s.c. VG 5,00 €
- Grishin
& Ilyin The ABC of Chess 87+(1)p. Raduga
Publishers Moscow 1986 s.c. VG 10,00 €
- Grivas,
Efstratios(Edited) FIDE Trainers' Commission
Syllabus. A lot of annotated games 208p. Reprinted FIDE Greece
2014 s.c. VG 20,00 €
- Grishin,
V Malyshi igrajut v shakhmaty. Kniga dlja
vospitatelja detskogo cada 159p. Sah(2) 547 Prosveshtshenie
Moskva 1991 b. Oboards. 300 000 copies printed! VG 5,00
- Grivas,
Efstratios Chess College 3: Technique. A step-by-step
guide to chess excellence 110+(2)p. Gambit Publications Great
Britain 2006 s.c. VG+ (As new) 15,00 €
- Grooten,
Herman Chess Strategy for Club Players. The Road to
Positional Advantage 462+(2)p. 3rd, improved and extended
edition! New in Chess The Netherlands 2017 s.c. VG+ (As new) 25,00
- Gude,
Antonio El ataque en ajedrez. Teoria y practica.
Tecnicas y procedimientos de ataque al enroque y al rey el
centro. Ataques mutuos con enroques opuestos 435+(3)p.
Ediciones Tutor Spain 2005 s.c. A heavy book! VG 20,00
- Gude,
Antonio Escuela de tactica en ajedrez. Teoria y
practica de tecnicas de ataque y combinaciones ganadoras, para
el jugador que aspira a ser competitivo 443+(2)p. 2a edicion
Ediciones Tutor Spain 2003 s.c. A heavy book! VG 20,00
- Gude,
Antonio Fundamental Checkmates. A complete study of
mating patterns, mechanisms and combinations 383+(1)p. Gambit
Publications UK 2016 s.c. VG- 15,00
- Gude,
Antonio Sacrificios posicionales. 128 ejercicios
tematicos para un entrenamiento estructurado 48p. Ediciones
Tutor Spain 2008 s.c. VG 10,00
- Gude,
Antonio Tecnica de la combinacion de mate 454+(1)p.
Segunda edicion Tutor Spain 2003 s.c. VG
15,00 €
- Gufeld,
Eduard Exploiting Small Advantages VI+90p.
Batsford "Popular" Great Britain 1985 s.c. VG 8,00 €
- Gufeld,
Eduard Minimalnoe preimushtshestvo 80p. Fizkultura
i sport "Bibliotetshka shakhmatista" Moskva 1984 s.c. VG 4,00
- Gufeld
& Fischer Bobbi Fisher utshit igrat v
shakhmaty 279p. Zdorovja Kiev 1991 s.c. VG 7,00 €
- Gulevitsh,
I(Edited) Shakhmatnye batalii. Chess in Soviet
army. Many annotated games, problems and studies 208p. Sah(2)
651 Voenizdat Moskva 1970 b. Oboards. VG 10,00 €
- Guliev,
Sarhan Winning Chess Manoeuvres. Strategic Ideas
that Masters Never Fail to Find 238+(2)p. NIC The Netherlands
2015 s.c. VG+ 20,00 €
- Gulko
& Sneed Lessons with a grandmaster III. Strategic
and tactical ideas in modern chess. 30 deeply annotated games
272p. Everman Chess Great Britain 2015 s.c. VG+ 20,00
- Gutmayer,
Franz Der Weg zur Meisterschaft. Anleitung zur
Musterhaften führung von Schachpartien. Auf neuer Grundlage.
Mit einem Titelbild, 6 Abbildungen im Text und 302 Diagrammen
XII+250p. L/N 1141 Verlag von Veit & Comp. Leipzig 1913 b.
Oboards. VG 40,00 €
- Gutmayer,
Franz Der Weg zur Meisterschaft VIII+182p. Vierte
vollig umgearbeitete verbesserte Auflage L/N 1143 Vereinigung
Wissenschaftlicher Verleger Leipzig 1923 b. Oboards. Some
pencil marks, otherwise VG 20,00 €
- Gutmayer,
Franz Die Geheimnisse der Kombinationskunst
255+(1)p. 3. völlig umgearbeitete Auflage L/N 1310 Curt
Ronniger Leipzig (1922) b. Oboards. VG
25,00 €
- Hall,
Jesper Kajsa
och den magiska schackboken 290+(1)p. Leopard förlag Falun
2003 b. Oboards. VG+ 25,00 €
- Harding,
Tim Why You Lose at Chess VI+120p. Batsford
"Popular" Great Britain 1982 s.c. VG 10,00 €
- Harding,
Tim Why You Lose at Chess. With contributions by Cenek
Kotnauer, George Botterill, Bob Wade
VI+130+(5)p. Second editon Dover USA 2001 s.c. VG+ 10,00
- Harley,
Brian Chess for the Fun of It VII+170p. Betts
10-138 Bell Great Britain 1933 b. Ocloth. G+ 10,00 €
- Hecht,
Hans Schach- und Turniertaktik 119+(1)p. Beyer
Verlag "Kleine Schachbücherei 9" Germany 1980 s.c. VG 8,00
- Heiestad,
Sigurd Taktikk og strategi 177p. Damm & Son
"Damms sjakkbibliotek 5" Stavanger 1960 b. Oboards. VG 10,00
- Henkin,
Victor 1000 Checkmate Combinations 336p. Batsford
Great Britain 2011 s.c. Lots of underlining at the beginning
of the book, otherwise VG+ 25,00
- Henschel,
Gerhard Freude am Schach. Illustriert von Heinz
Fechner 187+(5)p. Bertelsmann Ratgeberverlag Germany 1969 b.
Oboards. VG 5,00 €
- Hertan,
Charles Forcing Chess Moves. The Key to Better
Calculation. With a Foreword by Former US Champion Joel
Benjamin 382+(2)p. 3rd improved edition NIC The Netherlands
2010 s.c. VG+ (As new) 25,00 €
- Hindre,
Nei, Renter, Rosenfeld Maleöpik 351+(1)p. Sah 331
Sah(2) 453 Eesti Riiklik Kirjastus Tallinn 1955 b. Oboards.
5000 copies printed. VG 10,00 €
- Hirschel,
Moses Das Schach des Herrn Gioachino Greco Calabrois
und die Schachspiel-Geheimnisse des Arabers Philipp Stamma
XXII+221+(1)p. Nachdruck der Ausgabe Breslau 1784 Edition Olms
Germany 1979 b. VG 15,00 €
- Hochberg,
Burt Mensa Guide to Chess. 30 days to great chess
128p. Sterling Publishing USA 2003 s.c. VG+ 10,00 €
- Hoffer,
Leopold Chess. 21st edition revised by J. Du
Mont. With Numerous Diagrams XIII+224p. Routledge Great
Britain (s.a.) (194?) b. Oboards. VG+ 10,00 €
- Hoffer,
Leopold Chess. Revised and brought up to date by J. Du
Mont. With Numerous Diagrams XIII+224p. 25th impression
Routledge & Kegan Great Britain 1954 b. Oboards. VG 5,00
- Hooper
& Cafferty Play for mate VII+244p. Bell Great
Britain 1977 dj. VG+ 15,00 €
- Horowitz,
Al All About Chess IX+197p. 1st Collier Books Edition
USA 1971 s.c. VG 10,00 €
- Horowitz,
Al(Edited) Solitaire Chess. Match your wits against
the greatest chess masters 128p. Galahad Books USA 1962 dj.
Covered with plastic, otherwise VG
10,00 €
- Horowitz,
Al Winning Chess Tactics Illustrated. Over 300 actual
game situations to test your chess proficiency, challenge your
brain and add skills to your game (96)p. Reprinted Cornerstone
Library USA 1969 s.c. VG- 10,00 €
- Horowitz
& Mott-Smith Point Count Chess. An Accurate
Guide to Winning Chess. With a foreword by Samuel Reshevsky
X+358+(1)p. Allen & Unwin Great Britain 1973 dj. VG
15,00 €
- Horowitz
& Reinfeld Chess Traps, Pitfalls and Swindles.
How to set them and how to avoid them IV+245p. Betts 11-71
Arco Publishers Great Britain 1956 dj. VG-
10,00 €
- Horowitz
& Reinfeld Chess Traps Pitfalls & Swindles
VI+243+(2)p. Fireside "Chess Library" USA (s.a.) s.c. VG 5,00
- Horowitz
& Reinfeld First Book of Chess 128p. Perennial
Library (s.l.e.a.) s.c. VG 8,00
- Horowitz
& Reinfeld Första boken om schack. Sveriges mest
sålda nybörjarbok i schack 156+(4)p. Bokförlaget Spektra
Halmstad 1985 b. Oboards. VG 10,00 €
- Horowitz
& Reinfeld How to Think Ahead in Chess. The
Methods and Techniques of Planning Your Entire Game
XII+268+(1)p. Simon and Schuster "Fireside Chess Library" USA
(1979?) s.c. VG- 5,00 €
- Horowitz
& Rothenberg The Personality of Chess XII+372p.
Betts 9-6 Macmillan USA 1963 dj. VG-/VG+ 20,00
- Hort &
Jansa Zahrajte si shachy s velmistry 237p. Olympia
Praha 1975 s.c. VG 5,00 €
- Hortillosa,
Andres Improve your chess at any age. 37 annotated
games 172p. Everyman Chess Great Britain 2009 s.c. VG+ 15,00
- Hovind,
C Sjakk for alle. In Norwegian 335p. L/N -
Cappelens Forlag Oslo 1943 b. VG- 20,00 €
- Hunt,
Adam Chess Strategy move by move. 113 annotated
games 415p. Everyman Chess UK 2013 s.c. VG+ 20,00
- Hörberg,
Bengt Schack för nybörjare 79+(1)p. Prisma
Falköping 1965 s.c. VG 7,00
- Hörberg,
Bengt Schack för nybörjare 80p. Prisma "Prismas
Schackskola 6" Arlöv 1980 s.c. VG 5,00 €
- Hörberg,
Bengt Schack för nybörjare 79+(1)p. Bokförlaget
Prisma "Pocket" Arlöv 1986 s.c. VG+ 8,00
- Ivashchenko,
Sergey Chess
School 2. The Manual of Chess Combinations. 1188
tasks with solutions 263+(1)p. Russian Chess House Moscow 2011
b. Oboards. VG 15,00 €
- Ivashtshenko,
Sergej Sbornik shakhmatnykh kombinatsij. 1110
combinations 224p. 2-e izdanie, pererabotannoe i dopolnennoe
Kiev 1988 s.c. VG 10,00 €
- Jakovlev
& Kostrov Chess Solvebook. 500 problems and
combinations for chess fans 91p. Dizajn-bjuro Sankt-Peterburg
1995 s.c. VG 10,00 €
- Jakovlev
& Kostrov Find the best move! Finde den besten
Zug! 96p. Dom knigi Sankt-Peterburg 1998 s.c. VG+ 10,00
- Judovitsh,
Mikhail Rasskazy o shakhmatakh 198+(2)p. Sah 386
Fizkultura i sport Moskva 1959 s.c. VG 10,00 €
- Judovitsh,
Mikhail Zanimatelnye shakhmaty 175p. Sah 343
Fizkultura i sport Moskva 1962 s.c. VG 7,00 €
- Jussupow
& Dworezki Der selbständige Weg zum
Schachprofi. Geheimnisse und Tips aus einer neuen Schachschule
170+(2)p. Thomas Beyer Verlag Germany 1991 s.c. VG 8,00
- Kalinitshenko,
Nikolaj Ataka na korolja. Iskusstvo napadenija
333+(3)p. Izdatelstvo Fair Moskva 2009 b. Oboards. VG 10,00
- Kalinitshenko,
Nikolaj 100 urokov shakhmatnykh maestro 512p.
Astrel Moskva 2007 b. Oboards. VG 10,00 €
- Kan, I
De kunst van het verdedigen 92p. tweede druk Vermande
Zonen bv, IJmuiden "Praktische schaakboekerij 5" the
Netherlands 1976 s.c. VG 5,00 €
- Kan,
Ilia El arte de la defensa 86+(2)p. Ediciones
Martinez Roca "Coleccion escaques 18" Spain 1972 s.c. VG 5,00
- Kan, Ilja Zashtshita
v shakhmatnoj partii 71p. Sah 625 Fizkultura i sport Moskva
1957 s.c. VG 5,00 €
- Kan, Ilja Zashtshita
73+(7)p. Sah 633 Fizkultura i sport "Bibliotetshka
natshinajushtshego shakhmatista" Moskva 1960 s.c. VG 5,00
- Kan, Ilja Zashtshita
84p. Vtoroe, pererabotannoe izdanie Sah 634 Fizkultura i sport
"Bibliotetshka natshinajushtshego shakhmatista" Moskva 1965
s.c. VG 5,00 €
- Kane,
Georg Francis Chess and Children X+165+(1)p. Charles
Scribner's Sons USA 1974 b. Ocloth. VG 10,00
- Karakas,
Eva Tamadas a kiraly ellen. Mostly endgames 176p.
Sport Budapest 1974 b. Oboards. VG 5,00 €
- Karolyi,
Tibor & Aplin, Nick Genius in the Background
382+(2)p. Quality Chess Estonia 2009 s.c. VG+ (As new) 20,00
- Karpov,
Anatolij Disney's schackhandbok. Originalets titel:
Il manuale degli scacchi. Översättning: Thomas Jansson 120p.
Egmont Böcker Italy 1997 b. Oboards. VG+ 20,00
- Karpov,
Anatoly Disney's
Chess Guide 120p. Batsford Milan 1997 b. Oboards. VG 15,00
- Karpov,
Anatoly (Editor
in Chief) Chess Combinations. World Champions. Volume I. From
Steinitz to Petrosian 400p. Russian Chess House Moscow 2011 b.
Oboards. VG+ 25,00 €
- Karpov
& Gik Neistsherpaemye shakhmaty 320+(1)p.
Izdatelstvo Moskovskogo universiteta Moskva 1983 b. Oboards.
VG 5,00 €
- Karpov
& Gik Vsë o shakhmatakh. A lot of studies 489+(7)p.
Fair-press Moskva 2000 b. Oboards. VG 10,00 €
- Karpov
& Gik Vsë o shakhmatakh. A lot of studies 495+(1)p.
2-e izdanie, ispravlennoe i dopolnennoe Fair-press Moskva 2002
b. Oboards. VG 10,00 €
- Karpov
& Matsukevitsh Otsenka pozitsii i plan 235+(5)p.
Dzhejms "Shakhmatnyj Universitet 2" Moskva 1999 b. Oboards. VG
10,00 €
- Karpow,
Anatoli Karpow's Schachschule. Theorie und Praxis
eines Schach-Weltmeisters 123+(1)p. Beyer Verlag Germany 2002
b. Oboards. VG+ 10,00 €
- Karpow
& Mazukewitsch Stellungsbeurteilung und Plan
251+(5)p. Sportverlag Berlin 1987 dj. VG
10,00 €
- Kasparov,
Garry Garry Kasparov's Chess Puzzle Book.
Translated and Edited by Ken Neat 89p. Reprinted Cadogan
"Chess books" Great Britain 1995 s.c. VG 10,00
- Kasparov,
Garry Lessons in Chess. Garry
Kasparov and the Kasparov chess academy
144p. Cadogan Chess Great Britain 1997 s.c. VG 10,00
- Keene,
Raymond The Chess Combination from Philidor to
Karpov XIII+162p. Pergamon Chess Series Great Britain 1977 b.
Oboards. VG 20,00 €
- Keene,
Raymond The Times Winning Moves 111p. Batsford
Great Britain 1991 s.c. VG 10,00 €
- Keene,
Raymond Winning Moves. 240 exercises with
solutions 111p. Batsford Great Britain 1991 s.c. VG+ (As new)
10,00 €
- Keene,
Raymond Winning Moves 2. 200 exercises with
solutions 96p. Henry Holt "Batsford Chess Library" UK 1996
s.c. VG+ (As new) 10,00 €
- Keene,
Raymond The Times Winning Chess 144p. Batsford
Great Britain 1995 s.c. VG 12,00 €
- Keene
& Schiller World
Champion Combinations. The Greatest Combinations of the
Champions 264p. Cardoza Publishing USA 1998 s.c. VG+ 10,00
- Keres, Paul
Malekool I osa.Malemängu ajaloost, algopetus, lihtsamaid
löppmänge ja avanguteooria 185p. (L/N 1673) Eesti
Maleliidu Kirjastus Tallinn 1939 b. VG- 20,00 €
- Keres, Paul
Malekool I osa. Algöpetus ja avanguteooria I 431p. Sah 655
Pedagoogiline Kirjandus Tartu 1947 s.c. VG- 10,00 €
- Keres
& Kotov Konsten att vinna i schack 145+(3)p.
Andra upplagan Bokförlaget Prisma Skara 1963 s.c. VG
8,00 €
- Keres
& Kotov Konsten att vinna i schack 157+(3)p.
Tredje upplagan Bokförlaget Prisma Falköping 1971 s.c. VG
8,00 €
- Keres
& Kotov Konsten att vinna i schack 158p.
Fjärde upplagan Bokförlaget Prisma Malmö 1972 s.c. VG 5,00
- Keres
& Kotov Konsten att vinna i schack 157+(1)p.
Bokförlaget Prisma "Prismas Schackskola 7" Arlöv 1980 s.c. VG
8,00 €
- Keres &
Nei Maleaabits 214+(2)p. Eesti Raamat Tallinn 1978 b.
Oboards. VG 10,00 €
- Khanukov,
Mikhail Napadenie i zatshshita. Kniga 2. 1600
exercises with solutions 336p. Fakt Kharkov 2006 b. Oboards.
VG+ 15,00 €
- Khenkin,
Viktor Kuda idet korol... 159p. Sah(2) 523
Molodaja gvardija Moskva 1979 s.c. VG 5,00 €
- Khenkin,
Viktor 1000 matovykh kombinatsij 479p. Astrel Moskva
2002 b. Oboards. VG 10,00 €
- Khenkin,
Viktor Poslednij shakh. Antologija matovykh
kombinatsij. 456 combinations 334+(2)p. Sah(2) 1211 Fizkultura
i sport Moskva 1979 b. Oboards. VG
10,00 €
- King,
Daniel Test your chess with Daniel King 240p.
Batsford Great Britain 2004 s.c. VG+ 15,00
- King,
Daniel Wie man im Schach gewinnt. 10 goldene
Gaustregeln 128p. Beyer Verlag Germany 1998 b. Oboards. VG+ 8,00
- Kmoch,
Hans Die Kunst der Bauernführung. Ein Beitrag zur
Schachstrategie 288p. Siegfried Engelhardt Verlag
Berlin-Frohnau 1956 b. Oboards. VG
20,00 €
- Kmoch,
Hans Die Kunst der Bauernführung. Ein Beitrag zur
Schachstrategie 288p. Siegfried Engelhardt Verlag
Berlin-Frohnau 1956 b. Oboards. VG/VG-
15,00 €
- Kmoch,
Hans Die Kunst der Bauernführung. Ein Beitrag zur
Schachstrategie 292p. Zweite verbesserte und erweiterte
Auflage Siegfried Engelhardt Verlag Germany 1967 b. Oboards.
VG 20,00 €
- Kmoch,
Hans Die Kunst der Verteidigung IV+116+(4)p. L/N
1477 Walter
de Gruyter "Veits kleine Schachbücherei 9"
Leipzig 1927 b. Rebound a long time ago. VG
15,00 €
- Kmoch,
Hans Die Kunst der Verteidigung. Mit
51 Diagrammen VII+142+(2)p. 2. erweiterte Auflage
Walter de Gruyter Germany 1966 s.c. VG
6,00 €
- Kmoch,
Hans Die Kunst der Verteidigung. Mit
53 Diagrammen VII+145+(2)p. 3. erweiterte Auflage
Walter de Gruyter Germany 1978 s.c. VG
6,00 €
- Kmoch,
Hans L'art de jouer les pions 287+(10)p. Payot
(Paris) 1983 s.c. VG 10,00 €
- Kmoch,
Hans Pawn Power in Chess X+304p. 2nd printing
McKay USA 1964 b. Ocloth. VG 10,00 €
- Kmoch,
Hans Pawn Power in Chess X+304p. McKay "Tartan
Books 12" USA (s.a.) s.c. VG+ 10,00 €
- Koblenz,
Alexandar Sahovsko umijece. Teorija i praksa 320p.
Sahovska naklada "Biblioteka 29" Zagreb 1969 s.c. VG+ 10,00
- Koblenz,
Alexander Lehrbuch der Schachstrategie. Band 1.
290+(2)p. 3. stark bearbeitete Auflage Sportverlag Berlin 1980
dj. VG 8,00 €
- Koblenz,
Alexander Lehrbuch der Schachtaktik. Band 2. 304p.
4. stark bearbeitete Auflage Sportverlag Berlin 1981 dj. VG
8,00 €
- Koblenz,
Alexander Schach-Kombinationen. Systematische,
schachtaktische Übungen 82+(2)p. Schach bei Franckh Germany
1980 s.c. VG 7,00 €
- Koblenz,
Alexander Schach-Kombinationen. Systematische,
schachtaktische Übungen 82+(2)p. 2. Auflage Schach bei Franckh
Germany 1981 s.c. VG 7,00 €
- Koblenz,
Alexander Schachstrategie. Ein Intensivkurs mit
Übungen und ausführlichen Lösungen. Deutsche Bearbeitung von
Karl Colditz 211+(17)p. Falken Verlag Germany 1982 s.c. VG 7,00
- Koblenz,
Alexander Schachtraining. Der Weg zum Erfolg
VII+137+(7)p. Walter de Gruyter Berlin 1967 b. Rebound. VG 10,00
- Koblenz,
Alexander Schachtraining. Der Weg zum Erfolg
VII+137+(7)p. Walter de Gruyter Berlin 1967 s.c. VG 5,00
- Koblenz,
Alexander Schachtraining. Der Weg zum Erfolg
VII+137+(2)p. Dritte Auflage Walter de Gruyter Berlin 1982
s.c. VG 8,00 €
- Koltanowski
& Finkelstein Checkmate! The Patterns of the
Winning Mating Attacks and How to Achieve Them XIII+370p.
Doubleday USA 1978 dj. VG- 20,00
- Kondratjev,
Pavel Il sacrificio posizionale 157p. Prisma
Editori "Temi di scacchi 6" Roma 1998 s.c. VG 5,00 €
- Kongsted,
Christian Beat the Grandmasters. Can you rise to the
challenge? 176p. Gambit Publications Great Britain 2005 s.c.
VG+ (As new) 20,00 €
- Kongsted,
Christian How to Use Computers to Improve Your
Chess. Explains how to tame the silicon monsters and use them
to your advantage 192p. Gambit Publications Great Britain 2003
s.c. VG+ 15,00 €
- Konotop,
V & S Testy po taktike dlja
vysokokvalifitsirovannykh shakhmatistov 128p. Self published
Moskva 2003 s.c. Tirazh 1500. VG 10,00 €
- Kopec,
Danny & Blumenfeld, Rudy Practical Middlegame
Techniques 128p. Cadogan "Chess Series" Great Britain 1997
s.c. VG+ (As new) 15,00 €
- Korn,
Walter The Brilliant Touch. 240 Chess
Brilliancies. Collated and commented on XVII+101p. Betts 20-19
Pitman London 1950 b. Ocloth. VG- 10,00 €
- Korn,
Walter The Brilliant Touch in Chess. 240
fascinating positions XIX+101+(5)p. Dover New York 1966 s.c.
VG 8,00 €
- Kosikov,
Alexei Elements of Chess Strategy. A concise guide
to goal-oriented chess thinking 159+(1)p. Gambit Publications
Great Britain 2010 s.c. VG 20,00
- Kosten,
Tony 101
Tips to Improve Your Chess 112p. Henry Holt "Batsford Chess
Library" UK 1996 s.c. VG+ 15,00 €
- Kostev,
Aleksandr Uroki shakhmat. Metoditsheskij material
dlja raboty s detmi 208p. Sah(2) 1670 Fizkultura i sport
Moskva 1984 s.c. VG 5,00 €
- Kostrov
& Rozhkov Shakhmatnyj reshebnik. Kniga A. Mat
v 1 khod. Schachüberlegungen. Buch A. Matt in einem Zug.
Felderkontrolle mit einigen Figuren 94p. Izdatelskij Dom
Litera Sankt-Peterburg 2005 s.c. VG+ 10,00 €
- Kostrov
& Rozhkov Shakhmatnyj reshebnik. Kniga B. Mat
v 1 khod. Schachüberlegungen. Buch B. Matt in einem Zug.
Königsfesselung. Figur im Hinterhalt 96p. Izdatelskij Dom
Litera Sankt-Peterburg 2004 s.c. VG 10,00 €
- Kostyev,
Aleksander From beginner to expert in 40 lessons. A
tried and tested way to improve your chess. Translated by Jon
Speelman 147p. Reprinted Batsford "Popular" Great Britain 1998
s.c. VG+ 15,00 €
- Kostyev,
Aleksander 40 Lessons for the Club Player
VIII+214+(2)p. Batsford "Popular" Great Britain 1986 s.c. VG 15,00
- Kotov,
Aleksandr Kak stat grossmejsterom 240p. Fizkultura
i sport Moskva 1985 s.c. VG 5,00 €
- Kotov,
Alekszandr A sakkozo gondolkodasanak titkai 239p.
Sport Budapest 1974 s.c. VG 5,00 €
- Kotov,
Alexander Chess Tactics. This book is an adapted
and updated version of Lehrbuch der Schachtaktik (Sportverlag
Berlin 1972) VII+143+(4)p. Batsford "Popular" Great Britain
1983 s.c. VG 15,00 €
- Kotov,
Alexander Malelise mötlemise saladused 197+(3)p.
Eesti Raamat Tallinn 1979 s.c. VG 10,00 €
- Kotov,
Alexander Play Like a Grandmaster 221p. Reprinted
Batsford "The Club Player's Library" Great Britain 1980 s.c.
VG 20,00 €
- Kotov,
Alexander Play Like a Grandmaster 221p. Reprinted
Batsford "Popular" Great Britain 1982 s.c. VG 20,00
- Kotov,
Alexander Train Like a Grandmaster 124p. Batsford
"The Club Player's Library" Great Britain 1981 s.c. VG-
15,00 €
- Kotov,
Alexander Vägen till mästerskap i schack. En
världsnyhet i Prismaserien - översatt från det ryska
originalmanuskriptet 256p. Prisma Falköping 1970 s.c. VG 8,00
- Kotov,
Alexander Vägen till mästerskap i schack. Svensk
redigering av Bengt Hörberg 254+(1)p. Prisma "Prismas
schackskola 8" Arlöv 1980 s.c. VG 10,00 €
- Kotov
& Youdovitch Le jeu d'echecs en Union
Sovietique 198+(2)p. Editions du Progres Moscou 1979 b.
Oboards. VG+ 10,00 €
- Kotov
& Yudovich The Soviet Chess School 191+(1)p.
Raduga Publishers Moscow 1983 b. Oboards. VG 10,00 €
- Kotov
& Yudovich The Soviet School of Chess
390+(17)p. Dover New York 1961 s.c. VG 10,00 €
- Kotow,
Alexander Lehrbuch der Schachstrategie. Band 2.
279+(4)p. 3. bearbeitete Auflage Sportverlag Berlin 1980 dj.
VG 10,00 €
- Kotow,
Alexander Lehrbuch der Schachtaktik. Band 1.
278+(2)p. Dritte bearbeitete Auflage Sportverlag Berlin 1977
dj. VG 8,00 €
- Kotrc,
Johann Die Schachpartie. Lehrbuch des
Schachspiels. Mit 369 Stellungsabbildungen. Mostly
endgames140p. L/N 1356 Verlag des Arbeiter-Schachklubs in Wien
1920 b. VG 20,00 €
- Krabbe,
Tim Chess Curiosities V+230p. George Alen &
Unwin Great Britain 1985 dj. VG
60,00 €
- Kristensen,
R Spillenes spil. Vejledning i skak 97+(3)p. L/N
1346 Hagerups förlag Köpenhavn (1942?) b. VG 20,00 €
- Kulikov,
Aleksandr(Edited) Programma podgotovki
shakhmatistov-razrjadnikov. I. razrjad - KMC 280p. Russian
Chess House "Shakhmatnyj Universitet 6" Moskva 2004 b.
Oboards. VG 10,00 €
- Kuzmin,
Alexey Together with Mamedyarov. Calculation
training tools and practical decision making 352p. Thinkers
Publishing Belgium 2020 s.c. VG+ 30,00
- Kuzmin,
Alexey Together with Morozevich. Calculation training
tools and practical decision making 265+(4)p. Thinkers
Publishing Belgium 2017 s.c. VG+ 25,00 €
- Lane,
Gary A Guide to Attacking Chess 128p. Batsford Great
Britain 1996 s.c. VG 15,00 €
- Lane,
Gary Improve Your Chess in 7 Days 205+(3)p.
Batsford Great Britain 2007 s.c. VG+ 15,00 €
- Lange,
Max Das Schachspiel und seine strategischen
Prinzipien. Mit den Bildnissen Laskers und Morphy
IV+108+4+16+(2)p. L/N 1263 Zweite Auflage Verlag von Teubner
Leipzig 1914 b. Oboards. VG 20,00 €
- Langfield,
Paul Allemans bok om schack. En praktisk
vägledning för den vetgirige. Översättning och bearbetning av
Jostein Westberg 96p. Liber Förlag Great Britain 1980 s.c. VG
5,00 €
- Langfield,
Paul Das Schachspiel. Spielregel, Taktik und
Geschichte 142+(2)p. Ravensburger "Freizeit-Taschenbücher Band
38" Germany 1980 s.c. VG 5,00 €
- Larsen,
Bent Du kan kombinera! 100 problems 48p. Prisma
"Prismas Schackskola 1" Lund 1977 s.c. VG 10,00 €
- Larsen,
Bent Du kan kombinera! 100 problems 48p. Prisma
"Prismas Schackskola 1" Lund 1977 s.c. VG- 5,00 €
- Larsen,
Bent Du måste ha en plan. 48
exercises 66p. Prisma "Prismas Schackskola 2" Lund 1977 s.c.
VG 10,00 €
- Larsen,
Bent Testa din spelstyrka. 40 games 47p. Prisma
"Prismas Schackskola 3" Lund 1977 s.c. VG 10,00 €
- Lasker,
Eduard Moderne Schachstrategie 171p. 6., völlig
umgearbeitete Auflage Walter de Gruyter Germany 1955 s.c. VG+
12,00 €
- Lasker,
Eduard Moderne Schachstrategie 171p. 6., völlig
umgearbeitete Auflage Walter de Gruyter Germany 1955 s.c. VG 8,00
- Lasker,
Eduard Schachstrategie. Einführung in den Geist
der praktischen Partie VIII+224p. L/N 1281 Zweite, völlig
umgearbeitete und vermehrte Auflage Verlag von Veit &
Comp. Leipzig 1914 b. Original covers. VG 20,00 €
- Lasker,
Eduard Schachstrategie.
Einführung in den Geist der praktischen Partie
VIII+224p. L/N 1281 Zweite, völlig umgearbeitete und vermehrte
Auflage Verlag von Veit & Comp. Leipzig 1914 b. Original
covers. Pages 207-208 repaired with tape, otherwise VG 10,00
- Lasker,
Eduard Schachstrategie.
Einführung in den Geist der praktischen Partie
XII+246+(2)p. L/N 1283 Vierte, neubearbeitete Auflage Walter
de Gruyter Leipzig 1923 b. Oboards. VG- 10,00
- Lasker,
Eduard Schachstrategie.
Einführung in den Geist der praktischen Partie
IX+219+(1)p. L/N 1284 Fünfte, neubearbeitete Auflage Walter de
Gruyter Leipzig 1928 b. Oboards. VG- 10,00
- Lasker,
Edward Chess IX+468p. Batsford Great Britain 1973
dj. Some pencil underlinings, otherwise VG 10,00 €
- Lasker,
Edward Chess and checkers. The way to mastership.
Complete instructions for the beginner. Valuable suggestions
for the advanced player XVI+284p. New revised edition Halcyon
House 1948 b. Oboards. VG 15,00
- Lasker,
Edward Chess and checkers. The way to mastership.
Complete instructions for the beginner. Valuable suggestions
for the advanced player XV+168+(9)p. 3rd revised edition Dover
New York 1960 s.c. VG 10,00
- Lasker,
Edward Chess for Fun & Chess for Blood.
Illustrated by Maximilian Mopp IX+202p. Sixth printing (Betts
11-36) David McKay USA 1950 dj. Dust jacket damaged but
repaired, otherwise VG 15,00 €
- Lasker,
Edward Chess for Fun & Chess for Blood.
Illustrated by Maximilian Mopp IX+202p. (Betts 11-36) Hollis
& Carter Great Britain 1952 b. VG 10,00 €
- Lasker,
Edward Chess for Fun & Chess for Blood.
Illustrated by Maximilian Mopp 224p. Dover New York 1962 s.c.
VG+ 10,00 €
- Lasker,
Edward Chess Strategy XV+282+(21)p. Dover USA 1959
s.c. VG 5,00 €
- Lasker,
Edward Chess. The Complete Self-Tutor. Interactice
chess tuition - a painless way to chess mastery. New material
from John Nunn! 365+(3)p. New Algebraic Edition
Batsford Great Britain 1997 s.c. VG+ (As new) 25,00 €
- Lasker,
Edward Modern Chess Strategy. Revised, and
illustrated by games from recent master tournaments
XII+216+(3)p. Reprinted Bell Great Britain 1971 dj. VG- 5,00
- Lasker,
Emanuel Common Sense in Chess /3/, 8-139+(8)p. Betts
(11-14) J. S. Ogilvie USA (s.a.) Various reprints of the
Ogilvie edition exist, mostly undated (1910-1933) b. Ocloth.
VG 30,00 €
- Lasker,
Emanuel Common Sense in Chess VIII+152p. Reprinted
McKay "Tartan Books" USA 1964 s.c. VG 8,00 €
- Lasker,
Emanuel Common Sense in Chess VIII+139+(17)p. Betts
11-121 Dover New York 1965 s.c. VG 10,00 €
- Lasker,
Emanuel Common Sense in Chess VIII+139+(17)p. Betts
11-121 Dover New York 1965 s.c. VG- 8,00 €
- Lasker,
Emanuel Common Sense in Chess. Including Seven
Additional Annotated Games by Lasker from Hastings 1895. New
21st Century Edition! 127p. REI USA 2007 s.c. VG+ (As new) 20,00
- Lasker,
Emanuel Gesunder Menschenverstand im Schach 64p. Walter
Rau Verlag ""Südwestschach-Reihe
4" Germany 1961 s.c. VG 5,00 €
- Lasker,
Emanuel Gesunder Menschenverstand im Schach 64p. 5.
unveränderte Auflage Walter Rau Verlag ""Südwestschach-Reihe
4" Germany 1980 s.c. VG 5,00 €
- Lasker,
Emanuel Lasker's Chess Primer. An Elementary Text
Book for Beginners, which teaches Chess by a new, easy and
comprehensive method 110p. + a photo of Lasker L/N 1598
Printing-Craft London 1934 b. Oboards. VG- 15,00
- Lasker,
Emanuel Lasker's Manual of Chess XLI+349+(23)p.
Dover New York 1960 s.c. VG
10,00 €
- Lasker,
Emanuel Lasker's Manual of Chess. New 21st Century
Edition! Foreword by Mark Dvoretsky 277+(1)p. REI USA 2008
s.c. VG+ (As new) 30,00 €
- Lasker,
Emanuel Lehrbuch des Schachspiels. Mit einem Bildnis
der Autors VII+287p. 4.
Auflage L/N 1455 Siedentop & Co Berlin 1927 b.
Signed by GM Eero Böök. Newly rebound. VG 25,00 €
- Lasker,
Emanuel Lehrbuch des Schachspiels. Mit einem Bildnis
der Autors V+300+4)p. 8.
Auflage L/N 1458 Siedentop
& Co Berlin 1928 b. Ocloth. VG+ 40,00
- Lasker,
Emanuel Lehrbuch des Schachspiels VII+287+(1)p. 4.
Auflage (Unveränderter Nachdruck) Das Schach-Archiv Hamburg
1977 b. Ocloth. VG 10,00 €
- Lasker,
Emanuel Lehrbuch des Schachspiels VII+287+(1)p. 4.
Auflage (Unveränderter Nachdruck) Das Schach-Archiv Hamburg
1977 s.c. VG+ 8,00 €
- Lasker,
Emanuel Sunt förnuft i schack. Den moderna
schackstrategins grundprinciper 70+(2)p. Prisma Falköping 1964
s.c. VG 8,00 €
- Lasker,
Emanuel Utshebnik shakhmatnoj igry. S predisloviem
Botvinnika 351+(1)p. Sah(2) 362 6-e izdanie Fizkultura i sport
Moskva 1980 b. Ocloth. VG 7,00 €
- Lasker,
Emanuel Utshebnik shakhmatnoj igry 411+(4)p.
Terra-Sport Moskva 2001 b. Oboards. VG+ 15,00 €
- Lauterbach,
Werner Das unsterbliche Spiel. Band I. Einführung in
das Schach und seine Welt. A lot of problems 173+(3)p. + 8
pages of photos RAU Germany 1957 s.c. VG 8,00 €
- Lauterbach,
Werner Das unsterbliche Spiel. Band I. Einführung in
das Schach und seine Welt. A lot of problems 173+(3)p. +
8 pages of photos RAU Germany 1957 b. Ocloth. VG 15,00
- Lauterbach,
Werner Das unsterbliche Spiel. Band II. Das Schach und
seine Welt 175p. RAU Germany 1959 s.c. VG 10,00 €
- Lauterbach,
Werner Das unsterbliche Spiel. Band II. Das Schach und
seine Welt 175p. RAU Germany 1959 s.c. VG- 8,00 €
- LeMoir,
David Essential Chess Sacrifices. A guide to the
sacrifices that are most fundamental to understanding chess
223+(1)p. Gambit Publications Great Britain 2003 s.c. VG 20,00
- Levitt,
Jonathan Genius in Chess. Discover and develop
your chess talent 128p. Batsford Great Britain 1997 s.c. VG 10,00
- Levy,
David Learn Chess from the World Champions
VI+206p. Pergamon "Chess Series" Hungary 1979 s.c. Missing
page VII (Introduction), otherwise VG 5,00 €
- Levy
& Reuben The Chess Scene 276p. Faber Great
Britain 1974 dj. VG+ 15,00 €
- Levy
& Reuben The Chess Scene 276p. Faber Great
Britain 1974 dj. VG 10,00 €
- Linder,
Isaak Estetika shakhmat 238+(2)p. Sah(2) 313
Sovetskaja Rossija "Shakmatnoe iskusstvo" Moskva 1981 b.
Oboards. VG 7,00 €
- Linder,
Isaak Faszinierendes Schach 284+(4)p. Sportverlag
Berlin 1986 dj. VG 8,00 €
- Lindörfer,
Klaus Neue Schachschule. 30 Lernschritte vom
Hobbyspieler zur Meisterschaft 199+(1)p. Mosaik Verlag Germany
1988 b. Oboards. VG- 5,00 €
- Lin &
Schepel Mastering Chess ... and become a master in 12
months. Adapted from a crash course in chess II+74p. Saitek
Hong Kong 1993 b. Oboards. VG 10,00 €
- Lipnitskij,
Isak Voprosy sovremennoj shakhmatnoj teorii
431+(1)p. Sah 624 Gosmedizdat USSR Kiev 1956 b. Oboards. VG
15,00 €
- Lisicin,
Georgij Strategija i taktika. III. dio. 249
exercises with solutions 174p. Vjesnik "Biblioteka Sahovske
naklade broj 115" Zagreb 1987 b. Oboards. VG 10,00
- Lisitsyn
& Cafferty First Book of Chess Strategy 96p. The
Chess Player England 1976 s.c. VG
10,00 €
- Lisitsyn
& Cafferty Second Book of Chess Strategy 71p.
The Chess Player England 1976 s.c. VG 10,00 €
- Lisitsyn,
Georgij Pervye shagi v shakhmatnom iskusstve 211p. Sah
340 Sah(2) 463 Lenizdat Leningrad 1960 b. Oboards. VG 10,00
- Lisitsyn,
Georgij Strategija i taktika shakhmat 541+(2)p. Sah 627
Sah(2) 1158 Fizkultura i sport Moskva 1958 b. Oboards. VG 15,00
- Litmanowicz,
Miroslawa Szachy. Podrecznik dla mlodziezy. Errata
and a separate chess board (of paper) are included! 348+(4)p.
Mlodziezowa Agencja Wydawnicza Warszawa 1981 s.c. VG 10,00
- Litmanowicz,
Miroslawa Szachy. Podrecznik dla mlodziezy. Separate
chess board (of paper) is included! 230+(2)p.
Mlodziezowa Agencja Wydawnicza Warszawa 1987 s.c. G+ 10,00
- Littlewood,
Paul Chess Tactics VI+137+(1)p. Crowood Press "Chess
Library" Great Britain 1984 s.c. VG 10,00
- Livshitz,
August Test Your Chess IQ. Book 1. 458 exercises
with solutions X+124p. 2nd edition Pergamon "Russian
Chess Series" Great Britain 1988 s.c. VG 15,00
- Livshitz,
August Test Your Chess IQ. First Challenge X+124p.
Second Edition Reprinted Everyman "Chess Series" Great Britain
2001 s.c. VG 15,00 €
- Livshitz,
August Test Your Chess IQ. Master Challenge
VIII+122p. Reprinted Cadogan
"Chess Series" Great Britain 1991/1998 s.c. VG- 10,00
- Loheac-Ammoun,
Frank Testez-vous aux echecs 320p. Marabout
Belgique 1990 s.c. VG 5,00 €
- Loheac-Ammoun,
Frank 150 tests d'echecs. 3 niveaux de difficulte:
facile, moyen, difficile. 150 exercises from practical games
with solutions 381+(1)p. Marabout Belgique 1992 s.c. VG- 10,00
- Lombardy
& Daniels Chess Panorama. An invitation into
the hallowed halls of the chess masters V+196p. Chilton Book
Company USA 1975 dj. VG- 10,00
- Lombardy
& Daniels Chess Panorama. An invitation into
the hallowed halls of the chess masters V+196+(1)p.
Scarborough USA 1977 s.c. VG- 5,00
- Loon
& Euwe Oom Jan leert zijn neefje schaken. Met
illustraties van Teun van der Veen 184p. (L/N 1621) Zesde druk
Van Goor Zonen Den Haag (s.a.) s.c. VG 10,00 €
- Love,
John Chess. A new introduction VIII+85+(2)p. Bell
and Sons Great Britain 1967 b. Ocloth. VG 10,00
- Love,
John Positional Ideas in Chess 242p. Black London
1985 s.c. VG 20,00 €
- Love,
John Tactical Ideas in Chess V+150p. Bell &
Hyman "Bell Chess Books" Great Britain 1981 dj. VG+ 30,00
- Love,
John Tactical Ideas in Chess V+150p. Bell &
Hyman "Bell Chess Books" Great Britain 1981 s.c. VG+ 30,00
- Majzelis,
Ilja Shakhmaty. Osnovy teorii 296p. Sah 302 Sah(2) 422
Gosudarstvennoe izdatelstvo detskoj literatury Moskva 1949 b.
Rebound. VG+ 20,00 €
- Manella
& Zohar Play Unconventional Chess and Win 387p.
Everyman Chess Great Britain 2014 s.c. VG+ 20,00
- Mansurov,
Evgenij Zatmenie na Olimpe 176p. Sah(2) 754
Sovetskij sport Moskva 1991 s.c. VG 5,00 €
- Marin,
Mihail Secrets of Attacking Chess. Understanding
when, where and how to attack. Deeply annotated games 192p.
Gambit Publications Great Britain 2005 s.c. VG 25,00
- Marin,
Mihail Secrets of Chess Defence. Learn how to
defend and counter-attack 176p. Gambit Publications Great
Britain 2003 s.c. VG 20,00 €
- Markos,
Jan & Navara, David The Secret Ingredient to
Winning at Chess 221+(1)p. Quality Chess Estonia 2021 b.
Oboards. VG+ 30,00 €
- Marovic,
Drazen Secrets of Chess Transformations. Explains
how to transform one advantage into another 208p. Gambit
Publications Great Britain 2004 s.c. VG 15,00
- Marsalek,
Josef Sachovou partii rozhoduji kralove 139p.
Olympia Praha 1990 s.c. VG 5,00 €
- Marshall,
Frank Chess in an Hour 63p. Sentinel Books
Publishers USA 1955 s.c. VG 8,00 €
- Marusenko
& Lazareva Shakhovij gurtok u shkoli 96p. Kiev
1983 s.c. VG 5,00 €
- Mason,
James The Art of Chess. Revised and edited by
Reinfeld and Sidney Bernstein with a supplement "How Do You
Play Chess" XII+378+(22)p. Dover New York 1958 s.c. VG 10,00
- Mason,
James The Principles of Chess in Theory and
Practice. With the addition of a number of brilliant Games
from recent tournaments, matches, selected and annotated by
Amos Burn, Chess Editor of the "Field" VIII+330+(2)p. + a
photo of James Mason Fifth Edition Revised L/N 1105 The Field
& Queen London (1915) b. Oboards. A good reading copy
only! G 10,00 €
- Matanovic,
Aleksandar(Edited) Encyclopaedia of chess
middlegames/combinations 351+(1)p. Chess Informant Beograd
1980 dj. VG 15,00 €
- Matanovic,
Aleksandar(Edited) Anthology of chess combinations
423+(1)p. Chess Informant Spain 1995 dj. VG+ 30,00 €
- Matanovic,
Aleksandar(President) Encyclopaedia
of chess Combinations. Fifth Edition. Editor-in-chief Branko
Tadic 655+(1)p. Chess Informant Serbia 2014 b. Oboards. VG+ 40,00
- Mayer,
Steve Bishop v Knight: the verdict. Which is the
stronger minor piece? 223+(1)p. Batsford Great Britain 1997
s.c. VG 25,00 €
- Mazja,
Alexander Chess
School 3. The Manual of Chess Combinations. 750
tasks with solutions 183+(1)p. Russian Chess House Moscow 2003
b. Oboards. VG+ 15,00 €
- McDonald,
Neil The Art of Logical Thinking from the first move to
the last. 30 annotated games 256p. Batsford Great Britain 2004
s.c. VG+ 20,00 €
- McDonald,
Neil Mastering Checkmates 160p. Batsford Great
Britain 2003 s.c. VG 15,00 €
- McDonald,
Neil Planning 112p. Batsford Great Britain 1995 s.c.
VG+ 15,00 €
- McDonald,
Neil Rudolf Spielmann. Master of Invention 144p.
Everyman Chess UK 2006 s.c. VG+ (As new) 18,00 €
- Mednis,
Edmar How To Be a Complete Tournament Player
VIII+111p. Maxwell Macmillan Chess Great Britain 1991 s.c. VG
15,00 €
- Mednis,
Edmar King Power in Chess. How to use the King as
an active piece in the opening and middlegame as well as the
endgame X+357p. McKay "Tartan books 70" USA 1982 s.c. VG+ 15,00
- Meszaros,
Andras Tactical Training. A coursebook to develop your
chess skills. 702 training problems with solutions 298p. Eger
Hungary 2013 s.c. VG+ 25,00 €
- Meszaros,
Andras Tactical training for beginners. 292 exercises
with solutions 122p. Eger
Hungary 2013 s.c. VG+ (As new) 15,00 €
- Meyer,
Dietter & Müller, Karsten The Magic of Chess
Tactics. Chess Discourses: Practice and Analysis. A Training
Book for Advanced Players. Foreword by Alexei Shirov
(2)+259+(3)p. REI USA 2002 s.c. VG 25,00 €
- Michael,
Wolf So spielt man besser Schach. Vom klugen
Eröffnungszug zum Matt 502p. Buch und Zeit Germany 1983 b.
Oboards. VG+ 15,00 €
- Michael,
Wolf So spielt man besser Schach. Vom klugen
Eröffnungszug zum Matt 502p. Buch und Zeit Germany 1983 b.
Oboards. VG- 10,00 €
- Mieses,
Jacques(Edited) Kleines Lehrbuch des Schachspiels von
Jean Dufresne 543p. L/N 1007 Zehnte verbesserte Auflage Verlag
von Philipp Reclam jun. Leipzig (1923) b. Oboards. VG- 7,00
- Mieses,
Jacques Instructive positions from master chess IV+76p.
(L/N 2114) (Betts 11-32) Fourth Impression Bell Great Britain
(s.a.) (1946?) dj. VG 10,00 €
- Mieses,
Jacques Lehrbuch des Schachspiels für Anfänger und
fortgeschrittene Spieler 223p. (L/N 1314) "Bibliothek für
Sport und Spiel 25" Grethlein & Co. Leipzig (s.a.) b.
Oboards. VG 10,00 €
- Mieses,
Jacques Lehrreiche Blumenlese aus
Schachmeisterpartien. Eine auswahl von 120 interessanten
Stellungen mit erläuternden Anmerkungen versehen 60+(4)p. L/N
3227 Curt Ronniger Leipzig 1922 b. Bound with the original
front and back covers from the sof cover edition. VG 15,00
- Mieses,
Jacques Schack. Lättfattlig vägledning för nybörjare
87p. Not in L/N Björck & Börjesson Stockholm 1923 b.
Oboards. VG 8,00 €
- Mieses,
Jacques Schack. Lättfattlig vägledning för nybörjare
87+(1)p. Andra
bearbetade upplagan Björck & Börjessons Förlag Stockholm
1938 dj. VG 15,00 €
- Mieses,
Jacques Schack. Lättfattlig vägledning för nybörjare
87+(1)p. Tredje bearbetade upplagan Björck & Börjesson
Stockholm 1947 b. Oboards. VG 8,00 €
- Mieses,
Jacques Schack. Lättfattlig vägledning för nybörjare
87+(1)p. Fjärde bearbetade upplagan Björck & Börjesson
Stockholm 1952 s.c. VG 8,00 €
- Mihajlov
& Johnsen Sjakk og matt. A lot of exercises with
solutions 87+(1)p. Self published Oslo 2009 s.c. VG+ 15,00
- Minckwitz,
J ABC des Schachspiels. Anleitung zur raschen
Erlernung der Schachspielkunst und Einführung in die
Problemkomposition VIII+166+(2)p. L/N 988 Vierte, von Max
Blümich völlig umgearbeitete Auflage Walter de Gruyter Leipzig
1925 b. Nicely rebound. VG 10,00 €
- Minev,
Nikolay Mastering Tactical Ideas. 290 annotated games
(6)+231+(3)p. ICE USA 2000 s.c. VG+ 20,00 €
- Mirkovic,
Slobodan & Asik, Josip Chess
Queens. Combinations 203+(1)p. Chess Informant Beograd 2013 b.
Oboards. VG+ 30,00 €
- Mirkovic,
Slobodan Chess School 177p. Montenegro chess
federation Herceg Novi 2005 s.c. 1200 copies printed. VG 20,00
- Mirkovic,
Slobodan Chess School 2. 178p. Montenegro chess
federation Herceg Novi 2006 s.c. 1000 copies printed. VG 20,00
- Mirkovic,
Slobodan Od Stajnica do Topalova. From Steinitz to
Topalov. 256 combinations by the 19 World Champions 120p.
Beograd 2006 s.c. VG+ 10,00 €
- Mitis,
Caesar Schach. Leichtfassliche Anleitung zur
Erlernung des Schachspiels 94+(2)p. (L/N 1220) 10. Auflage
Otto Maier Verlag Germany (s.a.) s.c. Signed by IM Osmo Kaila.
VG 5,00 €
- Mont,
Julius du Les bases de la combinaison aux echecs
286+(1)p. Payot Paris 1972/77 s.c. VG 10,00 €
- Morry
& Mitchell Chess. A way to learn 199+(1)p.
Hutchinson Great Britain 1967 dj. VG- 9,00 €
- Mortazavi,
Ali The Fine Art of Swindling 112p. Cadogan Chess
Books Great Britain 1996 s.c. VG+ 10,00 €
- Moskalenko,
Viktor Revolutionize Your Chess. A Brand-new System
to Become a Better Player 350+(1)p. New in Chess The
Netherlands 2009 s.c. VG+ 25,00
- Moskalenko,
Viktor Revolutionize Your Chess. A Brand-new System
to Become a Better Player 350+(1)p. New in Chess The
Netherlands 2009 s.c. VG 20,00
- Motwani,
Paul Chess Under The Microscope. Magnify your
chess strength! 256p. Batsford "Popular" Great Britain 1998
s.c. VG 15,00 €
- Motwani,
Paul C.O.O.L. Chess. Unlock your highly original
thinking. 23 annotated games 191+(1)p. Batsford Great Britain
1997 s.c. VG+ 15,00 €
- Motwani,
Paul Star Chess. Strategy, tactics, attack,
reaction. 20 annotated games 240p. Gambit Publications Great
Britain 1998 s.c. VG 15,00 €
- Motwani,
Paul Sterne des Schachhimmels 238+(2)p.
Schachverlag Kania Budapest 1998 b. Oboards. VG+ 10,00
- Motwani,
Paul The Most Instructive Games of the Young
Grandmasters (including Kramnik, Anand, Adams and Judith
Polgar). Games, Tests and Puzzles 176p. Everyman Chess Great
Britain 1999 s.c. VG 15,00 €
- Movsesjan,
Sergej & Klima, Lukas Czech Open, Pardubice
Phenomenon 176p. ZAR Czech Republic 2009 s.c. VG+ (As new) 15,00
- Mutshnik,
Khanan Pervye shakhmatnye uroki 148p. Voennoe
izdatelstvo ministerstva oborony SSSR Moskva 1964 s.c. VG 5,00
- Müller,
Hans(1896-1971) Angriff
und Verteidigung. Strategie und Taktik im Schachspiel
VIII+162+(6)p. Zweite durchgesehene Auflage Walter de Gruyter
Germany 1967 s.c. VG 5,00 €
- Müller,
Hans Angriff und Verteidigung. Strategie und Taktik
im Schachspiel VIII+162+(6)p. Zweite durchgesehene Auflage
Walter de Gruyter Germany 1967 In the same binding: Snosko-Borowsky,
E Eröffnungsfallen am Schachbrett. Neubearbeitet
von Rudolf
Teschner 128+(4)p. 8. verbesserte
und ergänzte Auflage Walter
de Gruyter Germany 1969 b. Both books bound together. VG 10,00
- Müller,
Hans Das Zentrum in der Schachpartie. 160
annotated games 137p. Zweite unveränderte Auflage Variant The
Netherlands 1980 s.c. VG- 10,00 €
- Müller,
Hans Lerne kombinieren. Handbuch der Schachtaktik mit
500 Diagrammen 225+(6)p. L/N 2151 Verlag Arthur Niggli und
Willy Verkauf Wien (1953) b. Ocloth. VG
10,00 €
- Müller,
Hans Lerne kombinieren. Handbuch der Schachtaktik
mit 500 diagrammen 225+(1)p. Rattmann Hamburg 1969 dj. VG 10,00
- Müller,
Hans Lerne kombinieren. Handbuch der Schachtaktik
mit 500 diagrammen 225+(1)p. Rattmann Hamburg 1969 b. Oboards.
VG 7,00 €
- Negyesy
& Hegyi Combination in Chess XII+304p. Corvina
Press Hungary 1965 dj. VG- 8,00 €
- Negyesy
& Hegyi Combination in Chess XII+303+(1)p.
Revised edition Corvina Press Hungary 1970 dj. VG- 10,00
- Negyesy
& Hegyi Combination in Chess XII+303+(1)p.
Revised edition Corvina Press Hungary 1970 b. Ocloth. VG 10,00
- Negyesy
& Hegyi Igy kombinaljunk! 174p. Sport
"Sakkozok kiskönyvtara" Budapest 1965 s.c. VG 5,00 €
- Negyesy
& Hegyi Schachkombinationen. Ein Lehrbuch des
Kombinationsspiels 301+(1)p. Das Schach-Archiv Hungary 1969
dj. VG 10,00 €
- Negyesy
& Hegyi Schachkombinationen. Ein Lehrbuch des
Kombinationsspiels 301+(1)p. Das Schach-Archiv Hungary 1969 b.
Ocloth. VG- 5,00 €
- Neiman
& Afek Invisible Chess Moves. Discover Your
Blind Spots and Stop Overlooking Simple Wins 240p. New in
Chess The Netherlands 2011 s.c. VG 30,00 €
- Neiman,
Emmanuel Tune Your Chess Tactics Antenna. Know
when (and where!) to look for winning combinations 237+(3)p.
New in Chess The Netherlands 2012 s.c. VG+ 20,00
- Neishtadt,
Iakov Queen Sacrifice IX+255p. Pergamon Russian
Chess Series Great Britain 1991 s.c. VG 10,00 €
- Neishtadt,
Yakov Test Your Tactical Ability 210p. Batsford
"Popular" Great Britain 1981 s.c. G+ 10,00
- Neishtadt,
Yakov Your Move! V+145p. Batsford Great Britain 1990
s.c. VG+ 20,00 €
- Neistadt,
Jakow Zauberwelt der Kombination 185+(7)p.
Sportverlag Berlin 1987 dj. VG
10,00 €
- Nejshtadt,
Jakov Shakhmatnyj praktikum. 672 exercises with
solutions 237+(3)p. Sah(2) 1214 Fizkultura i sport Moskva 1980
b. Ocloth. VG 10,00 €
- Nejshtadt,
Jakov Shakhmatnyj universitet Paulja Keresa
220+(4)p. Fizkultura i sport Moskva 1982 s.c. VG 5,00
- Nejshtadt,
Jakov Shakhmaty do Stejnitsa 278+(2)p. Sah 392
Fizkultura i sport Moskva 1961 b. Oboards. VG 10,00 €
- Nejshtadt,
Jakov 250 ulovki i kombinatsii 170p. Meditsina i
fizkultura "Biblioteka za shakhmatista" Sofia 1976 s.c. VG 8,00
- Nesis,
Gennadij Entsiklopedija razmena 303p. Ripol
Klassik Moskva 2003 b. Oboards. VG+ 15,00 €
- Nesis,
Gennady Tactical Chess Exchanges V+121p. Batsford
Great Britain 1991 s.c. VG 10,00 €
- Nesis,
Gennady Tactical Chess Exchanges V+121p. The
Macmillan Chess Library USA 1991 s.c. VG 10,00 €
- Neustadt,
Jakov Paul Kerese maleülikool 214+(2)p. Akadeemiline
Maleselts Tartu (s.a.) s.c. VG 10,00 €
- Nezhmetdinov,
Rashid Shakhmaty. E.g. 10 annotated games played
by Nezhmetdinov 207+(1)p. Sah(2) 451 Tatarskoe Knizhnoe
Izdatelstvo Kazan 1985 b. Oboards. VG 10,00 €
- Nielsen,
Björn Hvordan man vinder en gevinststilling 178p.
L/N 2337 Dansk Skakforlag Aalborg (1950?.) s.c. VG 10,00
- Nielsen,
Björn Kan de kombinere? Skaktaktikkens Grundtraek
131+(5)p. L/N 2142 Dansk Skakforlag Aabybro (1948) s.c. VG 10,00
- Nielsen,
Björn Kan de kombinere? Skaktaktikkens Grundtraek
131+(5)p. L/N 2142 Dansk Skakforlag Aabybro (1948) b.
The original front and back covers are bound in! VG 10,00
- Nielsen,
Björn Saadan laerer De let at spille Skak 58+(1)p.
L/N 1706 Dansk Skakforlag Aabybro (s.a.) s.c. VG+ 10,00
- Nimcovic,
Aaron Blokada. Ucebnice prakticke hry 40p.
SACHinfo Praha 2000 s.c. VG+ 5,00 €
- Nimcovic,
Aaro Muj system 279+(1)p. SACHinfo
Praha 1999 b. Oboards. VG+ 10,00 €
- Nimcovicius,
A Mano sistema 274+(3)p. Mintis Vilnius 1982 b.
Oboards. VG 10,00 €
- Nimtsovitsh,
A Moja sistema. S predisloviem Mikhaila Talja
279p. Izdanie vtoroe Fizkultura i sport Moskva 1974 b. VG 5,00
- Nimtsovitsh,
A Moja sistema. Utshebnik shakhmatnoj igry na
sovershenno novoj osnove. Vypusk vtoroj(2) 142p. Sah 601 (L/N
1442) Gosudarstvennoe izdatelstvo Moskva 1927 b. Some
underlinings, otherwise VG 25,00 €
- Nimtsovitsh,
A Moja sistema: Shakhmatnaja blokada. Moja
sistema. Moja sistema na praktike 576p. Fizkultura i sport
Moskva 1984 b. Oboards. VG 10,00 €
- Nimzowitsch,
Aaron Mein System. Ein Lehrbuch des Schachspiels
auf ganz neuartiger Grundlage. Mit einer Biographie von Dr.
Hannak 268p.Siegfried Engelhardt Verlag Germany 1958 b.
Ocloth. VG 15,00 €
- Nimzowitsch,
Aaron Mein System. Ein Lehrbuch des Schachspiels
auf ganz neuartiger Grundlage. Mit einer Biographie von Dr.
Hannak 271p. Zweite verbesserte Auflage Das Schach-Archiv
Germany 1965 b. Oboards. VG 10,00 €
- Nimzowitsch,
Aaron Mon systeme. Tome 1-2. Traduction de Norbert
Engel 188+(4)+138+(5)p. Hatier Paris 1979 s.c. VG 20,00
- Nimzowitsch,
Aron My System. A Chess Treatise. English Version by
Philip Hereford. 1st American edition XVI+errata(2)+302+(1)p.
L/N - Betts 11-27 Harcourt, Brace and Companu USA 1930 b.
Ocloth. Slight wear. VG 60,00
- Nimzowitsch,
Aron Blockade. New Perspectives 65p. CEI USA 1980
s.c. VG 12,00 €
- Nottingham,
Lawrence & Wade Winning Chess. Tactics &
Strategies 127+(1)p. Sterling Publishing USA 2000 s.c. VG+ 10,00
- Novotelnov,
Nikolaj Znakomtes: Shakhmaty 256p. Lenizdat 1976
b. VG 5,00 €
- Novotelnov,
Nikolaj Znakomtes: Shakhmaty 256p. 2-e izdanie,
pererabotannoe, dopolnennoe Fizkultura i sport Moskva 1981 b.
Oboards. VG 5,00 €
- Novrup,
Svend Bogen on skak 1-2. 1st book: Laerebog,
historie, titler. og mestre. 2nd book: VM, OL, Bent Larsen.
Oscar. K-skak 256+288p. Politikens Forlag Copenhagen 1980-81
b. Oboards. VG 30,00 €
- Nunn,
John John Nunn's Chess Course. A complete chess
education based on the games of World Champion Lasker 317+(3)p.
Gambit Publications Great Britain 2014 s.c. VG+ 20,00 €
- Nunn,
John Learn chess. A Gold-Medal Winner Explains How
to Play and Win at Chess 192s. Gambit Publications Great
Britain 2000 s.c. VG+ 10,00
- Nunn,
John Learn chess. A Gold-Medal Winner Explains How
to Play and Win at Chess 192s. Reprinted Gambit Publications
Great Britain 2013 s.c. VG+ 10,00
- Nunn,
John 1001 Deadly Checkmates. Solve the puzzles and
measure your skill! 303+(1)p. Gambit Publications Great
Britain 2011 s.c. A lot of notes, otherwise VG-
10,00 €
- Nunn,
John Secrets of Practical Chess 175+(1)p. Gambit
Publications Great Britain 1998 s.c. VG
10,00 €
- Nunn,
John Understanding Chess Middlegames. Featuring the 100
most important middlegame ideas 239+(1)p. Reprinted Gambit
Publications Great Britain 2011 s.c. VG+ (As new) 20,00 €
- O'Kelly,
Alberic de Galway Assess Your Chess Fast IV+228p.
Malta 1976 dj. VG 15,00 €
- O'Kelly,
Alberic de Galway Assess Your Chess Fast (7)+228p.
Batsford "The Club Player's Library" Great Britain 1978 s.c.
VG 10,00 €
- O'Kelly,
Alberic de Galway Improve Your Chess Fast. From
club player to expert IV+207p. Interprint Malta (s.a.) b.
Ocloth. VG 20,00 €
- O'Kelly,
Alberic de Galway Improve Your Chess Fast
(2)+206p. Batsford "The Club Player's Library" Great Britain
1978 s.c. VG 15,00 €
- O'Kelly,
Alberic de Galway Vers la maitrise. Les secrets
d'un champion 245+(1)p. Bernard Grasset France 1984 s.c. VG 10,00
- Orban,
Laszlo Schach. Ein neuartiges Lehrbuch 244p.
Gebrüder Weiss Verlag Austria 1965 dj. VG-/VG 5,00 €
- Ozsvath,
Andras Harcaszat 64 mezön 394p. Kiado Budapest
1972 b. VG 5,00 €
- Pachman,
Ludek Attack and Defence in Modern Chess Tactics
VII+248p. Routledge & Kegan Great
Britain 1973 dj. VG 15,00 €
- Pachman,
Ludek Attack and Defence in Modern Chess Tactics
VII+248p. Reprinted Routledge & Kegan England 1978 s.c. VG
10,00 €
- Pachman,
Ludek Modern Chess Strategy VI+314p. Dover New
York 1971 s.c. VG 10,00 €
- Pachman,
Ludek Modern Chess Tactics. Pieces and Pawns in
Action VII+220p. Reprinted Routledge & Kegan Paul Great
Britain 1970 dj. VG 15,00 €
- Pachman,
Ludek Modern Chess Tactics. Pieces and Pawns in
Action VII+220p. Reprinted Routledge & Kegan Paul Great
Britain 1973 s.c. VG 10,00 €
- Pachman,
Ludek Moderne Schachstrategie In drei Bänden. Zweiter
Band 261+(2)p. Artia Prag Czechoslovakia 1958 b. Ocloth. VG 10,00
- Pachman,
Ludek Moderne Schachtaktik. Band 1. 335p. Kurt
Rattmann Germany 1976 s.c. VG 8,00 €
- Pachman,
Ludek Moderne Schachtaktik. Band 2. 323+(1)p. Das
Schacharchiv Germany 1978 s.c. VG 8,00 €
- Pachman,
Ludek Pachman's Modern Chess Strategy X+318p.
Pitman Great Britain 1963 dj. VG 20,00
- Pachman,
Ludek Pachman's Modern Chess Strategy X+318p.
Pitman Great Britain 1963 b. Ocloth. VG 15,00
- Pachman,
Ludek Wie überliste ich meinen Gegner? Psychologie
und Tricks im Schach. Originalausgabe 218+(6)p. Heyne Verlag
Germany 1985 s.c. VG 10,00 €
- Padulli,
Giuseppe Gli scacchi. Revisione e aggiunte di
Stefano Rosselli Del Turco 231+(1)p. Quattordicesima Edizione
Mursia Milano 1972 s.c. VG- 5,00
- Pafnutieff,
Vladimir How
to Create Combinations. Includes 70 annotated games played by
Pafnutieff! (6)+200+(2)p. 2nd edition Hypermodern Press USA
1996 s.c. VG 20,00 €
- Pandolfini,
Bruce Bobby Fischer's Outrageous Chess Moves. A Study
of 101 Outrageous Moves by the Greatest Chess Champion of All
Time (144p.) Reprinted Fireside USA 1993 s.c. VG 10,00 €
- Pandolfini,
Bruce Chess Target Practice. Battle tactics for every
square on the board 239+(1)p. Fireside USA 1994 s.c. VG+ 10,00
- Panov,
Vasilij Ataka v shakhmatnoj partii 139p. Sah 621
Fizkultura i sport Moskva 1953 s.c. G+ 5,00 €
- Panov,
Vasilij Korol protiv korolja 157+(3)p. Molodaja
Gvardija Moskva 1967 s.c. VG 5,00
- Panov,
Vasilij Pervaja kniga shakhmatista 304p. Sah 347 Sah(2)
473 Fizkultura i sport Moskva 1964 b. Oboards. VG 5,00
- Panov,
Vasilij Shakhmaty dlja natshinajushtshikh. Rukovodstvo
po teorii i istorii shakhmatnoj igry 128p. Sah 319 L/N 1770
Fizkultura i sport Moskva 1951 s.c. VG 5,00 €
- Panov,
Vasilij Shakhmaty dlja natshinajushtshikh 200p. 2-e
izdanie, ispravlennoe i dopolnennoe Sah 320 Fizkultura i sport
Moskva 1952 s.c. VG- 5,00 €
- Panov,
Vasilij Shakhmaty dlja natshinajushtshikh 216p. Sah 327
Tshetvertoe, dopolnennoe i pererabotannoe izdanie Sovetskaja
Rossija Moskva 1960 s.c. VG+ 5,00 €
- Panov,
Vasilij Shakhmaty - interesnaja igra 141p. Sah 345 V
pomosh pioneru-instruktoru Molodaja Gvardija Moskva 1963 s.c.
VG 5,00 €
- Pedersen,
Steffen Test Your Chess. Assess and Improve Your Chess
Skills 160p. Gambit Publications Great Britain 2000 s.c. VG+ 10,00
- Pein,
Malcolm Guide
to Chess 128p. The Daily Telegraph Great Britain 1995 s.c. VG
10,00 €
- Pein,
Malcolm(Edited) Nigel Short's Chess Skills. A step
by step guide to winning play 128p. Hamlyn Hong Kong 1989 s.c.
VG 8,00 €
- Pelts
& Alburt Comprehensive Chess Course. Volumes I
& II. From beginner to advanced player in 24 lessons. The
complete, easy-to-use program for teaching and self-study
XI+304p. 3rd Revised and Enlarged Edition Chess Information
and Research Center USA 1992 s.c. VG 10,00 €
- Persits,
Boris Tsentr v shakhmatnoj partii 134+(2)p. Sah
636 Fizkultura i sport Moskva 1961 s.c. VG 8,00 €
- Petrosjan,
Tigran Die Schachuniversität V+115p. PraxisSchach
Band 4 Edition Olms Germany 1988 s.c. VG
15,00 €
- Petrosjan,
Tigran Shakhmatnye lektsii 175p. Sah(2) 903 Fizkultura
i sport "Bibliotetshka shakhmatista" Moskva 1989 s.c. VG 8,00
- Petrov,
Aleksandr Shakhmatnaja igra I-V (Sanktpeterburg
1824) XII+168p., 285p.+(48) (Sah 2) Sah(2) 521 Reprinted
Fizkultura i sport Moskva 1977 dj. VG 30,00 €
- Pfleger,
Helmut Helmut Pflegers Schachpuzzle-Buch. Amüsante
Aufgaben - überraschende Lösungen aus DIE ZEIT 128p. Edition
Olms "PraxisSchach 50" Germany 2002 s.c. VG 12,00
- Pfleger,
Helmut Schwupps, da war der Bauer weg!
Schachaufgaben und Lösungen aus dem Zeitmagazin 170+(2)p.
Edition Olms Germany 1998 s.c. VG+
12,00 €
- Pfleger,
Kurz, Treppner Schach. Zug um Zug. Offizielles
Lehrbuch des Deutschen Schachbundes zur Erringung der Diplome
272p. Bassermann Germany 2010 b. Oboards. VG+ 10,00
- Pfleger
& Treppner Chess. The Mechanics of the Mind
IV+156p. Crowood Great Britain 1988/89 s.c. VG 8,00 €
- Plaskett,
James Can you be a tactical chess genius? 144p.
Everyman Chess Great Britain 2002 s.c. VG 15,00 €
- Polgar,
Laszlo Reform-Chess. Training in 2650 positions
495p. Köneman Hungary 1997 dj. VG
20,00 €
- Polihroniade,
Chess for Beginners. 75 lessons
105p. Verpal
Chess in Schools Committee
Milan (s.a.) s.c. VG 15,00
- Polugajewski,
Lew & Damski, Jakow Verteidigung im Schach
287+(1)p. Sportverlag Berlin 1987 dj. VG
8,00 €
- Pongo,
Istvan A sakktaktika titkai 503p. Sport Budapest
1986 b. Oboards. VG+ 10,00 €
- Popova
& Manaenkov 30 urokov shakhmatnoj taktiki.
II-aja tshast posobija dlja junykh shakhmatistov 176p. Tula
2002 s.c. VG 10,00 €
- Portman,
Carl Chess Behind Bars. You are never alone with
chess! 310+(2)p. Quality Chess Estonia 2017 b. Oboards. VG 25,00
- Potucek,
Ludovit Zaklady praktickeho sachu 273+(5)p. Sport
Bratislava 1976 dj. VG 5,00 €
- Povah,
Nigel Chess Training 176p. Faber "Paperbacks"
Great Britain 1981 s.c. VG 8,00 €
- Pritchett,
Craig Chess for Rookies. Learn to Play, Win and Enjoy!
352p. Everyman Chess UK 2009 s.c. VG+ (As new) 20,00 €
- Przewoznik
& Soszynski How to Think in Chess (2)+V+276p.
Russell Enterprises USA 2001 s.c. VG+ 20,00 €
- Puskunigis,
Henrikas Sachmatai. Sportas, mokslas, menas (Sport,
science, art) 220+(4)p. Alka Lietuva 1993 s.c. VG- 10,00 €
- Ramini,
Natale El gran libro del ajedrez. Como aprender a
jugar al maximo nivel. The big book of chess. How to learn to
play at the highest level 375p. Editorial De Vecchi
Barcelona 1984 s.c. VG 10,00
- Ramini,
Natale Gli scacchi resi facili 322p. De Vecchi
Editore Milano 1971 s.c. VG 10,00 €
- Randviir,
Jüri Kuningas kummuli! Maleaabits köigile 88p.
Koolibri Tallinn 1995 s.c. VG 10,00 €
- Ranneforth,
H Schach. Ein neuartiges, gründliches Lehrbuch für
Anfänger. Ein anregendes Hilfsmittel für Fortgeschrittene. Zum
Selbstunterricht und für Lehrer 95+(1)s. L/N 1637 Schachverlag
Hans Hedewigs Nachf. Leipzig (1936) s.c. Some useful pencil
markings, otherwise VG 15,00
- Ravikumar,
Vaidyanathan Chess Tactics Quiz Book 179p. Chess
Check Chennai 2004 s.c. VG 15,00
- Reek,
Jan van Strategy in Chess 112p. Schachfirma Fruth
Germany 1997 s.c. 9,00 €
- Reinfeld,
Fred Ajedrez. Segundo libro de ajedrez 224p.
Bruguera Spain 1978 s.c. VG 5,00 €
- Reinfeld,
Fred Ajedrez. Cuarto libro de ajedrez 218p.
Bruguera "Libro practico" Spain 1980 s.c. VG 5,00 €
- Reinfeld,
Fred Chess by yourself X+144p. McKay "Chess
Manuals Series" USA 1946 b. Ocloth. VG 10,00
- Reinfeld,
Fred Chess for Amateurs. How to improve your game
XI+98p. Revised and reprinted Pitman USA 1954 dj. VG 10,00
- Reinfeld,
Fred Chess:
How to Play the Black Pieces 96p. Foulsham Great Britain
(195?) dj. VG 20,00 €
- Reinfeld,
Fred Chess: How to Play the Black Pieces 96p.
Foulsham Great Britain 1973 s.c. VG 10,00
- Reinfeld,
Fred Chess in a Nutshell 128p. Oldbourne Express
Practical Library Great Britain 1960 dj. VG- 5,00 €
- Reinfeld,
Fred Chess Mastery by Question and Answer
XII+176p. Betts 11-35 Reprinted Pitman Great Britain 1946 dj.
VG 10,00 €
- Reinfeld,
Fred Complete Book of Chess Stratagems 188+(15)p.
Dover New York 1972 s.c. VG 5,00 €
- Reinfeld,
Fred Creative Chess 140p. Oak Tree Press Great
Britain 1966 dj. VG 10,00 €
- Reinfeld,
Fred How to Force Checkmate. 300 practical
immediate checkmates that your opponents cannot escape,
selected from master play 112p. Betts 20-24 Dover New York
1958 s.c. VG 5,00 €
- Reinfeld,
Fred How to Get More out of Chess 185p. Betts
11-92 Arco Publications Great Britain 1958 dj. Dust jacket
slightly damaged, otherwise VG 10,00
- Reinfeld,
Fred How to Play Better Chess XI+120p. Betts 11-47
Pitman Great Britain 1948 b. Oboards. VG 8,00 €
- Reinfeld,
Fred How to Play Chess Like a Champion. With
drawings by Peter Estin 191p. Hanover House USA 1956 dj. VG- 10,00
- Reinfeld,
Fred Improving Your Chess. The Nine Bad Moves and
how to avoid them 128p. Reprinted Faber Great Britain 1981
s.c. VG 10,00 €
- Reinfeld,
Fred La perfeccion en ajedrez 111p. Ediciones
Martinez Roca "Coleccion Escaques 21" Spain 1969 s.c. VG 5,00
- Reinfeld,
Fred Reinfeld Explains Chess 124p. Betts 11-91
Foulsham Great Britain (1958) dj. VG 10,00 €
- Reinfeld,
Fred Skak for unge. En nem begynderbog 48p. Höst
& Söns Forlag Denmark 1970 s.c. VG- 5,00
- Reinfeld,
Fred The Complete Chess Course. From beginning to
winning chess. A comprehensive yet simplified home-study chess
course. Eight books in one XI+692p. Doubleday USA 1959 dj. VG
20,00 €
- Reinfeld,
Fred The Joys of Chess. A stimulating array of
games, problems, studies and articles to delight the chess
enthusiast. Introduction by Al Horowitz VII+288p. Collier
Books USA 1974 s.c. VG 10,00 €
- Reinfeld,
Fred 1001 Ways to Checkmate 224p. Betts 20-22
Sterling Publishing "Chess students' library 2" USA 1955 b.
Oboards. VG 10,00 €
- Reinfeld,
Fred 1001 Brilliant Chess Sacrifices and
Combinations 252p. 3rd printing Betts 20-21 Sterling "Chess
students' library" USA 1955 b. Oboards. VG 10,00
- Reinfeld,
Fred Win at Chess. Improve your play with 300
forceful hard-hitting combinations from master games!
VI+120+(15)p. Dover New York 1958 s.c. VG 10,00
- Reinfeld,
Fred Win at Chess. New Algebraic Edition IV+105p.
Dover USA 2001 s.c. VG+ (As new) 10,00 €
- Reitstein,
Leonard Test
Your Chess - 2. 240 more positions from South African games to
test your skill (83)p. Self published Cape Town 2005 s.c. VG+
20,00 €
- Renaud
& Kahn Der
erfolgreiche Mattangriff. Ein Lehrbuch über die Kunst der
Mattführung in der Schachpartie. 82 Partien, 48 Endspiele,
80 Ûbungsaufgaben 181+(3)p. Das Schach-Archiv Hamburg 1969
s.c. VG
10,00 €
- Renaud
& Kahn Der
erfolgreiche Mattangriff. Ein Lehrbuch über die Kunst der
Mattführung in der Schachpartie. 82 Partien, 48 Endspiele,
80 Ûbungsaufgaben 181+(3)p. Das Schach-Archiv Hamburg 1969
s.c. VG-
8,00 €
- Renaud
& Kahn The Art of Checkmate VI+208p. Bell "Chess
books" Great Britain 1955 dj. VG+ 20,00
- Reti,
Richard Die neuen Ideen im Schachspiel 121p. L/N 1939
Rikola Verlag Wien 1922 b. Old contemporary binding. Ex libris
Kimmo Välkesalmi VG 20,00 €
- Reti,
Richard Die neuen Ideen im Schachspiel 56+(2)p. Zweite
unveränderte Auflage
Walter Rau Verlag "Südwestschach-Reihe 9" Germany 1978
s.c. VG 5,00 €
- Reti,
Richard Modern Ideas in Chess. Translated by John Hart.
With a New Introduction by H. Golombek VIII+181+(1)p.
Reprinted Bell "Bell's Chess Books" France(!) 1947 dj. Dust
jacket slightly damaged, otherwise VG 15,00 €
- Reti,
Richard Modern Ideas in Chess VIII+181+(16)p. Dover
New York 1960 s.c. VG 10,00 €
- Reti,
Richard Nya ideer i schackspel. Translated by E.
Carlen 114p. L/N - Stockholms Schackförbund Stockholm 1923 b.
VG- 20,00 €
- Reti,
Richard Sovremennyj utshebnik shakhmatnoj igry.
Tshast I-II. 112+112p. + photo of Reti Sah 358 L/N 2996
Shakhmatnyj Listok Leningrad (1928-29) b. Two bindings. Nicely
bound. VG+ 90,00 €
- Reti,
Richard Sovremennyj utshebnik shakhmatnoj igry
208p. 3-e izdanie Fizkultura i sport Moskva 1981 s.c. VG 5,00
- Reti,
Richard Utshebnik shakhmatnoj igry 265+(7)p.
Terra-Sport Moskva 2001 b. Oboards. VG+ 15,00 €
- Richter,
Kurt Das Matt. Eine Plauderei über den Mattangriff
im Schach 89+(9)p. L/N- Walter de Gruyter "Sonderdruck für das
Oberkommando der Wehrmacht" Berlin 1942 s.c. VG-
8,00 €
- Richter,
Kurt Der Schachpraktiker. Ein Wegweiser für Lernende
105+(5)p. Fünfte, neubearbeitete und erweiterte Auflage
Gruyter Berlin 1967 s.c. VG
6,00 €
- Richter,
Kurt Der Weg zum Matt. Ein Bild in die Schachtechnik
IV+78+(6)p.(100 Jahre Schachbücher aus dem Verlag Walter de
Gruyter, Berlin W 35) L/N 1676 Walter de Gruyter
"Kleinbücherei des Grossdeutschen Schachbundes 2. Bändchen"
Berlin 1941 s.c. VG 8,00 €
- Richter,
Kurt Der Weg zum Matt. Ein Bild in die Schachtechnik
IV+78+(14)p. L/N 1676 Walter de Gruyter "Sonderdruck für das
Oberkommando der Wehrmacht" Berlin 1941 s.c. VG 10,00
- Richter,
Kurt Einfälle - Reinfälle. Schach zum Lesen und Lernen.
187 Diagramme mit Fragen und Antworten 87+(5)p. Walter de
Gruyter Germany 1959 s.c. Signed by GM Eero Böök. VG 10,00
- Richter,
Kurt Einfälle - Reinfälle. Schach zum Lesen und Lernen.
200 Diagramme mit Fragen und Antworten 95+(1)p. Dritte
verbesserte Auflage Berlin 1983 s.c. VG 10,00
- Richter,
Kurt Kombinationen.
Eine planmässig geordnete und eingehend erläuterte Sammlung
von 257 Mittelspielstellungen im Schach 115+(1)p. L/N
2134 Walter de Gruyter "Bücherei des Grossdeutschen
Schachbundes 2" Leipzig 1936 b. Ocloth. VG 25,00
- Richter,
Kurt Kombinationen.
Eine planmässig geordnete und eingehend erläuterte Sammlung
von 257 Mittelspielstellungen im Schach 115+(1)p. L/N
2134 Walter de Gruyter "Bücherei des Grossdeutschen
Schachbundes 2" Leipzig 1936 b. Ocloth. Ex libris Paavo J
Markkola (chess motifs) VG- 20,00
- Richter,
Kurt Kombinationen.
Eine planmässig geordnete und eingehend erläuterte Sammlung
von 274 Mittelspielstellungen im Schach 126+(2)p.
2., um einem Abschnitt vermehrte Auflage Walter de Gruyter
"Bücherei des Grossdeutschen Schachbundes 2" Berlin 1940 b.
Ocloth. VG 15,00 €
- Richter,
Kurt Kombinationen. Eine planmässig geordnete und
eingehend erläuterte Sammlung von 356 Mittelspielstellungen im
Schach 148+(4)p. 3.
verbesserte Auflage Walter de Gruyter Berlin 1955
dj. VG 15,00 €
- Richter,
Kurt Kombinationen. Eine planmässig geordnete und
eingehend erläuterte Sammlung von 356 Mittelspielstellungen im
Schach 148+(4)p. 3.
verbesserte Auflage Walter de Gruyter Berlin 1955
Ocloth. VG 10,00 €
- Richter,
Kurt Kombinationen 175+(1)p. 1965 Der Schachpraktiker
105+(5)p. 1967 Schachmatt
113+(3)p. 1966 Einfälle
- Reinfälle 95+(1)p. 1967 Schach-Delikatessen
62+(2)p. 1961 Walter de Gruyter Germany b. Five books by Kurt
Richter bound together. VG 30,00
- Richter,
Kurt Kurzgeschichten um Schachfiguren 283p. L/N
2338 Walter de Gruyter Berlin 1947 s.c. VG 10,00 €
- Richter,
Kurt Kurzgeschichten um Schachfiguren. Ein
Bilderbuch des Schachspiels zugleich ein Unterhaltungsbuch für
alle Schachfreunde 308+(4)p. 2. verbesserte Auflage Walter de
Gruyter Germany 1955 s.c. VG- 15,00
- Richter,
Kurt Mein erstes Schachbuch. Ein Ratgeber für Anfänger
91+(5)p. 4. Auflage Walter de Gruyter "Schachbücherei Veit
Band 1" Berlin 1956 s.c. VG+ 10,00 €
- Richter,
Kurt Mein erstes Schachbuch. Ein Ratgeber für Anfänger
103+(8)p. + A photo of Kurt Richter 8. Auflage Walter de
Gruyter Berlin 1970 s.c. VG+ 10,00
- Richter,
Kurt Min första schackbok. En handledning för
nybörjare. Svensk tolkning av Eric Uhlin 91+(5)p. Tidskrift
för Schacks Förlag Örebro 1952 s.c. VG 15,00 €
- Richter,
Kurt Schach-Delikatessen. Eine Züge-Cocktail aus dem
Reich der 64 Felder VII+62+(2)p. de Gruyter Berlin 1961 s.c.
VG 10,00 €
- Richter,
Kurt Schachmatt. Eine lehrreiche Plauderei für
Fortgeschrittene über den Mattangriff im Schach 95+(1)p. L/N
2350 Walter de Gruyter "Veits kleine Schachbücherei" Berlin
1950 s.c. VG 8,00 €
- Richter,
Kurt Schachmatt. Eine lehrreiche Plauderei für
Fortgeschrittene über den Mattangriff im Schach 95+(1)p. L/N
2350 Walter de Gruyter "Veits
kleine Schachbücherei" Berlin 1950 s.c. VG-
5,00 €
- Richter,
Kurt Schachmatt. Eine lehrreiche Plauderei für
Fortgeschrittene über den Mattangriff im Schach 96p. Zweite
Auflage Walter de Gruyter "Schachbücherei Veit 3" Berlin 1958
s.c. VG 6,00 €
- Richter,
Kurt Schachmatt. Eine lehrreiche Plauderei für
Fortgeschrittene über den Mattangriff im Schach 113+(3)p. 3.,
verbesserte und erweiterte Auflage Walter de Gruyter Berlin
1966 s.c. VG 8,00 €
- Richter,
Kurt Schack-kavalkad. Korta äventyrsberättelser ur
schackpjäsernas underbara liv. Del I. 158p. Tidskrift för
Schacks Förlag Örebro 1949 b. Oboards. VG 15,00 €
- Richter,
Kurt Schack-kavalkad. Korta äventyrsberättelser ur
schackpjäsernas underbara liv. Del I. 158p. Hammarström &
Åberg Bokförlag Ungern 1985 s.c. VG 15,00
- Richter,
Kurt Schack-kavalkad. Korta äventyrsberättelser ur
schackpjäsernas underbara liv. Del II. 158+(2)p. Tidskrift för
Schacks Förlag Örebro 1950 b. Oboards. VG 15,00 €
- Richter,
Kurt Schack-kavalkad. Korta äventyrsberättelser ur
schackpjäsernas underbara liv. Del II. 158+(1)p. Hammarström
& Åberg Bokförlag Ungern 1986 s.c. VG 15,00
- Richter
& Teschner Schachmatt. Eine lehrreiche
Plauderei für Fortgeschrittene über den Mattangriff im Schach
168p. 5. Auflage Joachim Beyer Verlag Germany 2002 b. Oboards.
VG+ 10,00 €
- Robinson,
Robert & Edwards, Raymond The Art
and Science of Chess. A Step-by-Step Approach XII+140p. Harper
& Row Great Britain 1973 dj. VG 15,00 €
- Robinson,
Robert & Edwards, Raymond The Art and Science of
Chess. A Step-by-Step Approach 137+(3)p. Batsford Great
Britain 1973 b. Ocloth. VG 10,00
- Rokhlin,
Jakov Myslit i pobezhdat 304p. Sah(2) 1650 2-e
izdanie, dopolnennoe Fizkultura i sport Moskva 1979 s.c. VG 5,00
- Rokhlin,
Jakov Osnovy shakhmatnogo tvortshestva 172p.
Jaroslavl 1967 b. Oboards. VG 5,00 €
- Rokhlin,
Jakov Shakhmatnye zanjatija 207p. Sah(2) 1655
Jaroslavl 1977 s.c. VG 5,00 €
- Rokhlin,
Jakov Shakhmaty 319+(1)p. Sah 337 Sah(2) 459
Fizkultura i sport Moskva 1959 b. Oboards. VG 8,00 €
- Rokhlin,
Jakov Shakhmaty na sele 88p. Sah 824
Goskultprosvetizdat Moskva 1955 s.c. VG- 8,00 €
- Romanovskij,
Petr Romantizm v shakhmatnom iskusstve 84p. Sah
384 Fizkultura i sport Moskva 1959 s.c. VG 5,00 €
- Romanovskij,
Petr Voprosy shakhmatnoj metodiki. Programmy
shakhmatnykh shkol raznogo tipa 72p. Sah 797 L/N 1666
Fizkultura i Turizm Moskva 1938 s.c. Underlinings, otherwise
VG- 20,00 €
- Rubin
& Emms Chess For The Rank And File 182p.
Tournament Chess Singapore (1992) s.c. VG 15,00 €
- Sadler,
Matthew Study Chess with Matthew Sadler 140p.
Everyman Chess Great Britain 2012 s.c. VG+ (As new) 20,00
- Sadler,
Matthew Tips for young players 160p. Everyman
Chess Great Britain 1999 s.c. VG 10,00 €
- Saidy,
Anthony Kampf der Schachideen X+213+(1)p. Walter
de Gruyter Germany 1986 s.c. VG+ 10,00 €
- Saidy,
Anthony La batalla de las ideas en ajedrez
203+(2)p. Ediciones Martinez Roca "Coleccion Escaques 42"
Barcelona 1973 s.c. VG- 10,00
- Saidy,
Anthony The Battle of Chess Ideas 159+(1)p. Batsford
Great Britain 1972 Ocloth. VG 15,00 €
- Samarian,
Sergiu Das systematische Schachtraining.
Trainingsmethoden, Strategien und Kombinationen 152+(8)p.
Edition Olms Germany 1992 s.c. VG 8,00 €
- Savin,
Pavel V mire shakhmatnykh kombinatsii. 604
combinations with solutions 247p. Kartja Moldovenjaske
Kishinev 1981 s.c. VG 5,00 €
- Scheidwimmer,
Max Der neue Weg zum Schach. Eine Einführung in
das königliche Spiel 42p. Rattmann Hamburg 1961 s.c. VG- 5,00
- Schiller,
Eric 100 Awesome Chess Moves. This collection of
brilliant ideas are not just regular combinations or tactical
swindles, but moves of stunning originality 288p. Cardoza
Publishing USA 2000 s.c. VG+ 15,00 €
- Schiller,
Eric Learn to Attack with Rudolph Spielmann (1883-1942).
100 complete games played by Spielmann are included, all of
which begin 1.e4 e5. 117p. CEI USA 1996 s.c. VG+ (As new) 18,00
- Schiller,
Eric & the Whiz Kids Whiz
Kids Teach Chess. Winning Chess for Young Players 142+(2)p.
Cardoza Publishing USA 1999 s.c. VG+ 10,00 €
- Shmirin, I
Tactics. Schachtaktik. Shakhmatnaja taktika. Volume 1.
295+(1)p. 2nd edition Publishing House Ilion Mykolayiv 2008 b.
Oboards. VG 15,00 €
- Shmirin, I
Tactics. Schachtaktik. Shakhmatnaja taktika. Volume 2.
295+(1)p. Publishing House Ilion Mykolayiv 2009 b. Oboards. VG
20,00 €
- Schlepütz,
Volker & Emms, John The
Chess Tactics Detection Workbook 330p. Everyman Chess Cornwall
2014 s.c. VG+ (As new) 20,00 €
- Schuster,
Theo & Laakmann, Anni Schach für junge Leute.
Einführung in das Spiel mit Lektionen und Übungen aus Kursen
und Wettkämpfen 118+(2)p. Franckh'sche Verlagshandlung Germany
1981 b. Oboards. VG+ 15,00 €
- Schuster,
Theo Schach. Das Handbuch für Anfänger und Könner
360p. Neue Schweizer Bibliothek Germany 1986 b. Oboards. VG+ 10,00
- Schuster,
Theo Schach, das königliche Spiel. Von den
Grundzügen zum strategischen Spiel 184p. Schach-Bibliothek
Falken Germany 1990 s.c. VG 8,00 €
- Schuster,
Theo Wenn Sie am Zuge wären...? Ausfälle und
Einfälle am Schachbrett. Eine Galerie schöner Schachideen
120p. Schach bei Franckh Germany 1985 s.c. VG 10,00 €
- Seirawan,
Yasser Play Winning Chess XI+222p. Reprinted
Everyman Chess Great Britain 2003 s.c. VG+ 15,00 €
- Selenus,
Gustavus Das Schach- oder König-Spiel
4+XIV+XXIX+495+(1)p. Nachdruck der Ausgabe Leipzig 1616
Edition Olms "Tschaturanga 1" Germany 1978 dj. VG- 50,00
- Seneca,
Camil Les echecs. Du b a ba du jeu d'echecs a une
comprehension profonde de sa strategie 464+(13)p. Le Livre de
Poche France 1974 s.c. VG 5,00 €
- Shamkovich,
Leonid Chess Sacrifices 184p. Batsford Great Britan
1976 s.c. VG- 8,00 €
- Shamkovich,
Leonid The Modern Chess Sacrifice. With a treatise
on the theory of sacrifice and a classification of sacrifices
by type XIII+225p. New and Enlarged Edition McKay USA 1978 dj.
VG 15,00 €
- Shamkovich,
Leonid The Modern Chess Sacrifice XIII+225p. The
Club Player's Library Batsford Great Britain 1980 s.c. VG
15,00 €
- Shamkovich,
Leonid & Cartier, Jan Tactical Chess Training. 300
brilliant tactical studies from events 1985-1995. 176p. Hays
Publishing USA 1995 s.c. VG+ 20,00 €
- Shankland,
Sam Small Steps to Giant Improvement. Master Pawn
Play in Chess 331+(4)p. Quality Chess Estonia 2018 b. Oboards.
VG+ 35,00 €
- Shashin,
Boris Attacking the Queenside 112p. Batsford Great
Britain 1990 s.c. VG 8,00 €
- Sheffield,
Riley Tension in the Chess Position 68p. CEI USA
1981 s.c. VG 10,00 €
- Short,
Nigel Nigel Short's Chess Skills. A step by step
guide to winning play 128p. Hamlyn Hong Kong 1989 s.c. VG 10,00
- Shumilin,
Nikolaj Shakhmatnyj zadatshnik. Najdite
kombinatsiju! 680 pozitsij iz igrannykh partij 168p. Sah 642
Fizkultura i sport Moskva 1964 s.c. VG-
8,00 €
- Srokovsky,
Borulia & Braslawski Mastering the Bishop Pair
(2)+220+(2)p. ICE USA 1999 s.c. VG+ (As new) 20,00 €
- Sköld,
Kristian Schackpärlor. Annotated games and 20
problems 82p. Förlag AB Marieberg Borås 1983 b. Oboards. VG 10,00
- Slavin,
Iosif Utshebnik-zadatshnik shakhmat. Vol 8. Book
of chess problems 287+(1)p. Pravda Severa Arkhangelsk 2006 b.
Oboards. 2100 copies printed. VG+ 10,00 €
- Slavin,
Iosif Utshebnik-zadatshnik shakhmat. Vol 9. Book
of chess problems 284+(4)p. Pravda Severa Arkhangelsk 2005 b.
Oboards. 2100 copies printed. VG+ 10,00 €
- Smith,
Street Smart Chess 246+(2)p. Quality Chess Estonia
2021 b. Oboards. VG+ 30,00 €
- Smith,
Robin Modern Chess Analysis. Techniques that have
revolutionized chess analysis 176p. Gambit Publications Great
Britain 2004 s.c. VG+ 15,00
- Snosko-Borowsky,
Eugene So darfst Du nicht Schach spielen! Eine
Anleitung, die Spielstärke durch Hinweis auf markante Fehler
zu heben 61+(3)p. L/N 1564 Schachverlag Curt Ronniger Leipzig
(1932) s.c. VG 15,00 €
- Snosko-Borowsky,
Eugene So darfst Du nicht Schach spielen 64p. RAU
Germany 1986 s.c. VG 5,00 €
- Sokolskij,
Aleksej Peshki v dvizhenii 64p. Sah 640 Sah(2) 1171
Fizkultura i sport Moskva 1962 s.c. VG 5,00 €
- Soltis,
Andrew Catalog of Chess Mistakes. How to recognize
and correct mistake patterns of all kinds - tactical,
strategic, psychological, and more VII+213p. McKay USA 1979
dj. VG 15,00 €
- Soltis,
Andrew Catalog of Chess Mistakes. How to recognize
and correct mistake patterns of all kinds - tactical,
strategic, psychological, and more VII+213p. McKay "Tartan
Books 62" USA 1979 s.c. VG 10,00 €
- Soltis,
Andrew 100 Chess Master Trade Secrets. From
Sacrifices to Endgames 215p. Batsford Great Britain 2013 s.c.
VG+ 15,00 €
- Soltis,
Andy Chess to Enjoy. A king's treasury of chess
stories and unusual games and problems for budding masters,
sideline kibitzers, and rainy-Sunday-afternoon beginners
V+227p. Stein and Day USA 1980 dj. Small stain in the lower
corner, otherwise VG 15,00 €
- Soltis,
Andrew Pawn Structure Chess 346+(1)p. McKay "Chess
library" USA 1995 s.c. VG+ 20,00
- Soltis,
Andrew Pawn Structure Chess. Fully updated version of
a chess classic 286p. Batsford Great Britain 2013 s.c. VG+ 15,00
- Soltis,
Andrew Rethinking the Chess Pieces 223p. Batsford
Great Britain 2004 s.c. VG+ 25,00 €
- Soltis,
Andrew The Art of Defense in Chess XXIII+262p. David
McKay Company USA 1975 dj. VG 15,00
- Soltis,
Andrew The Art of Defense in Chess XXIII+262p.
George Allen & Unwin Great Britain 1980 dj. VG 15,00
- Soltis,
Andrew The Art of Defense in Chess XXIII+262p.
George Allen & Unwin Great Britain 1980 dj. VG- 10,00
- Soltis,
Andrew The Art of Defense in Chess XXIII+262p. 12th
printing McKay "Chess Library" USA (s.a.) s.c. VG 10,00
- Soltis,
Andrew The Art of Defense in Chess XXIII+262p. 5th
Tartan Paperback Edition "Tartan Books 71" USA 1986 s.c. VG- 10,00
- Soltis,
Andrew What It Takes to Become a Chess Master 208p.
Batsford Glasgow 2012 s.c. VG+
15,00 €
- Spielmann,
Rudolf El arte del sacrificio en ajedrez 125+(1)p.
Segunda edicion Ediciones Martinez Roca Spain 1971 s.c. VG+ 10,00
- Spielmann,
Rudolf Teorija zhertvy. Predposylki, tseli i sposoby
provedenija zhertv, illjustrirovannye na 37 primerakh 164p.
Sah 617 FiT Leningrad 1936 s.c. Missing a small piece of text
from the index. Contents otherwise OK. Self made covers. Only
a reading copy. G 10,00 €
- Spielmann,
Rudolf The Art of Sacrifice in Chess VIII+197+(16)p.
Dover USA 1995 s.c. VG+ 10,00
- Ssosin,
W Kombinationen und Fallen. Dargestellt und
erläutert an 116 Beispielen aus der modernen Meisterpraxis
63+(1)p. Schachverlag Hans Hedewigs Nachf. Curt Ronniger
Leipzig (1935?) b. VG- 10,00
- Ssosin,
W Kombinationen und Fallen. Dargestellt und
erläutert an 116 Beispielen aus der modernen Meisterpraxis
63+(1)p. Schachverlag Hans Hedewigs Nachf. Curt Ronniger
Leipzig (s.a.) s.c. VG- 10,00
- Staunton,
Howard Staunton's Chess-Player's
Handbook, to which have been added the chief variation from
his "Chess Praxis" and many recent analyses and examples of
modern master-play. Revised
and edited by E. H. Bermingham XXIII+543+(1)p.
Reprinted Betts 10-90 Bell & Sons London 1921 b. Ocloth.
VG 20,00 €
- Staunton,
Staunton's Chess-Player's
Handbook, to which have been added the chief variation from
his "Chess Praxis" and many recent analyses and examples of
modern master-play. Revised and edited by E. H.
Bermingham XXIII+543p. Bell Great Britain 1942 b. Oboards. VG
15,00 €
- Staunton,
Howard The Chess-Player's Handbook. A popular and
scientific introduction to the game of chess. With an
alphabetical list of the principal openings and bibliography,
by R. F. Green VIII+544p.
(L/N 758) Betts 10-45 Bell & Sons London 1918 b. Oboards.
VG 40,00 €
- Staunton,
Howard The Chess-Player's Handbook. Foreword by
Raymond Keene X+518p. Facsimile Batsford reprint Great Britain
1985 dj. VG 20,00 €
- Staunton,
Howard The Chess-Player's Handbook. Foreword by
Raymond Keene X+518p. Reprinted Senate Guernsey 1995 s.c. VG
10,00 €
- Ståhlberg,
Gideon Hur
man spelar schack 219p. Tidens Förlag Sverige 1978 b. Oboards.
VG 10,00 €
- Ståhlberg,
Gideon Lär dig spela schack. Kortfattad
framställning för nybörjare 23+(1)p. Andra upplagan Sveriges
Schackförbunds Förlag AB Örebro 1955 s.c. Of small size! VG+ 15,00
- Ståhlberg,
Gideon Schack från början 144p. Raben &
Sjögren Stockholm 1959 b. Oboards. "Till Rolf från vännen
Gideon! VG 30,00 €
- Ståhlberg,
Gideon Schack från början 144p. Tredje upplagan
Raben & Sjögren Stockholm 1963 b. Oboards. VG 5,00
- Ståhlberg,
Gideon Schack från början 144p. Fjärde upplagan
Tredje tryckningen Raben & Sjögren Stockholm 1975 s.c. VG
8,00 €
- Ståhlberg,
Gideon Schack för alla. Redigering Jostein
Westberg 115+(1)p. Raben & Sjögren Örebro 1961 b. Oboards.
VG+ 10,00 €
- Suetin,
Aleksei Moderne Denkmethoden des Schachspielers
168p. Zweite Auflage Schach bei Franckh Germany 1985 s.c. VG 5,00
- Suetin,
Aleksei Typische Fehler 253+(3)p. Ullstein
"Sachbuch 34804" Germany 1991 s.c. VG 5,00
- Suetin,
Aleksej Seredina igry v shakhmatnoj partii 147p.
Sah 638 Sah(2) 1169 Gosudarstvennoe Izdatelstvo Minsk 1961 b.
Oboards. 5000 copies printed. VG 10,00 €
- Suetin,
Alexey Soviet Chess Strategy 240p. Quality Chess
"Chess Classics" Tallinna 2010 s.c. VG+ 20,00
- Suetin,
Alexei Three Steps to Chess Mastery IX+192p.
Reprinted Pergamon Russian Chess Series Hungary 1983 s.c. VG
15,00 €
- Sukhin,
Igor 1000 samykh znamenitykh shakhmatnykh
kombinatsij 527+(1)p. Astrel Moskva 2004 b. Oboards. VG 10,00
- Sullivan,
M. W Schach programmiert. Ein neuartiger Lehrgang
des Königlichen Spiels. Bearbeitet und ins Deutsche übertragen
von Prof. Paul Doulietz (4)+159p. Cotta Germany
1964 b. Original tire folder in a faux leather folder. VG 10,00
- Tamburro,
Peter Learn
Chess from the Greats XIII+156+(5)p. Dover Publications USA
2000 s.c. VG+ (As new) 15,00 €
- Tarrasch,
Siegbert Das Schachspiel. Systematisches Lehrbuch für
Anfänger und Geübte IV+482+(2)p. L/N 1559 Deutsche
Buch-Gemeinschaft Germany 1931 b. Oboards. VG+ 25,00
- Tarrasch,
Siegbert Das Schachspiel. Systematisches Lehrbuch für
Anfänger und Geübte IV+482+(2)p. L/N 1559 Deutsche
Buch-Gemeinschaft Germany 1931 b. Oboards. VG 20,00
- Tarrasch,
Siegbert Das Schachspiel. Systematisches Lehrbuch für
Anfänger und Geübte. Neu bearbeitet im allgemeinen Teil von
Karl Junker, Eröffnungen von Rudolf Teschner 407+(3)p. Carl
Habel Verlagsbuchhandlung Germany 1966 b. Ocloth. VG 10,00
- Tarrasch,
Siegbert Das Schachspiel. Systematisches Lehrbuch für
Anfänger und Geübte. Neu bearbeitet im allgemeinen Teil von
Karl Junker, Eröffnungen von Rudolf Teschner 407+(3)p. 10.
Auflage Carl Habel Verlag Germany 1972 b. Oboards. VG+ 15,00
- Tarrasch,
Siegbert Das Schachspiel. Systematisches Lehrbuch für
Anfänger und Geübte. Neu bearbeitet im allgemeinen Teil von
Karl Junker, Eröffnungen von Rudolf Teschner 406+(7)p.
103.-106. Tausend Rowohlt Germany 1986 s.c. VG 8,00
- Tarrasch,
S. Dr Traite pratique du jeu d'echecs. A l'usage des
amateurs et des specialistes. Avec 334 diagrammes. traduit de
l'allemand par R. Jouan 463p. Payot Paris 1961 s.c. VG 10,00
- Tartakower,
Savielly A Breviary of Chess IX+267p. (Betts 10-157)
5th impression Routledge & Kegan Great Britain 1951 b.
Ocloth. VG 15,00 €
- Taulbut,
Shaun Positional Chess. With many complete games
VII+102p. Batsford Great Britain 1983 dj. VG+
20,00 €
- Taulbut,
Shaun Positional Chess. New Edition. With many
complete games VII+111p. Batsford Great Britain 1989 s.c. VG+
15,00 €
- Teschner
& Miles It's Your Move. Contains 348 diagrammed
positions from modern tournament and match chess. The reader
is invited to choose the next move IV+139p. Batsford Great
Britain 1976 s.c. VG 10,00 €
- Teschner,
Rudolf Sie sind am Zug. 300 Schach-Kombinationen.
Originalausgabe 126+(2)p. Goldmann Ratgeber Germany 1972 s.c.
VG 5,00 €
- Teschner,
Rudolf Turnierpartien der Gegenwart.
Kombinationen, Partien und Endspiele aus der Schacharena
75+(1)p. Schach bei Franckh Stuttgart 1978 s.c. VG 8,00
- Tisdall,
Jonathan Improve your chess now 224p. Reprinted
Everyman Chess UK 2004 s.c. VG+ (As new) 15,00 €
- Toran,
Roman Problemas de ajedrez 2. 180 exercises with
221+(2)p. 2a edicion Bruguera "Libro practico" Spain 1980 s.c.
VG 5,00 €
- Trautmann,
Klaus El ultimo error. 128 partidas abandonadas
erroneamente 128p. Hispano Europea "Coleccion Jaque Mate"
Spain 2006 s.c. VG 10,00 €
- Trautmann,
Klaus Der letzte Fehler. 128 irrtümlich
aufgegebene Schachpartien 158+(2)p. Schachverlag Kania Germany
1999 b. Oboards. VG+ 10,00 €
- Treppner,
Gerd & Seppeur, Reinhold Schachhandbuch für
Fortgeschrittene. Vorwort von IGM Dr. Helmut Pfleger 176p.
Dritte veränderte Auflage Beyer Germany 1998 b. Oboards. VG+ 10,00
- Tröger,
Paul Angriff und Gegenspiel. Pläne - Pointen -
Pleiten 120p. Franckh Schach Germany 1987 s.c. VG 8,00
- Tröger,
Paul Danke Partner - für Deinen Fehler! Schach,
Matt, Patt - auch Meister können straucheln 95+(1)p. Franckh
Schach Germany 1989 s.c. VG 8,00 €
- Tshashtshikhin,
Valerij Samoutshitel shakhmathoj igry 192p. ANKO
Moskva 1995 s.c. VG 5,00 €
- Tshegarovskij,
Ivan Shakhi dlja potshatkivtsiv (Chess for
beginners). Na ukrainskom jazyke! 206+(2)p. Zdorovja Kiev 1980
s.c. VG 5,00 €
- Tshernenko,
A Pervye osnovy shakhmatnoj igry 165p. Sah 336
Novosibirskoe Knizhnoe Izdatelstvo Novosibirsk 1958 s.c. VG- 5,00
- Unzicker,
Wolfgang Knaurs Neues Schachbuch. Für Anfänger und
Fortgeschrittene 288p. Droemer Knaur Germany 1975 dj. VG 10,00
- Vajnshtejn,
Boris Kombinatsii i lovushki v debjute 96p. Sah
631 Fizkultura i sport "Bibliotetshka natshinajushtshego
shakhmatista" Moskva 1960 s.c. VG- 5,00 €
- Vajnshtejn,
Boris Kombinatsii i lovushki v debjute 94p. Sah
632 Fizkultura i sport "Bibliotetshka natshinajushtshego
shakhmatista" Moskva 1965 s.c. VG 5,00 €
- Vajnshtejn,
Boris Lovushki ferzberi 192p.
Fizkultura i sport Moskva 1990 s.c. VG 5,00 €
- Veldemann,
Aleksander(Koostanud) Köik mängivad malet. Moodne
maleöpetus 111+(1)p. Not in L/N Jakob Loosalu Kirjastus
Tallinn 1936 s.c. VG- 30,00 €
- Veldemann,
Aleksander Köik mängivad malet. Moodne maleöpetus
122+(2)p. Olion Tallinn 1995 s.c. VG+ 10,00 €
- Verhovskij,
L Nitshja! 88p. Fizkultura i sport Moskva 1972 s.c.
Signed by GM Eero Böök. VG 5,00 €
- Vesela
& Vesely Shakhmatnyj bukvar 112p. Krugozor
Petrozavodsk 1994 b. Oboards. VG+ 10,00 €
- Voellmy,
Erwin Beilage zu Voellmy, Schachtaktik.
Stichwortverzeichnis für alle vier Teile 8p. Verlag Heinrich
Majer Basel (s.a.) s.c. VG 10,00
- Voellmy,
Erwin Schachtaktik. Erster Teil. Zug und Bereich.
Mostly endgame studies 128p. (L/N
1486) 3. durchgesehene und verbesserte Auflage
Verlag Majer Basel 1946 b. Oboards. VG 10,00 €
- Voellmy,
Erwin Schachtaktik. Zweiter Teil. Drohen und Lenken
162p. (L/N
1486) 2. durchgesehene und verbesserte Auflage
Verlag Majer Basel 1946 b. Oboards. VG 15,00 €
- Voellmy,
Erwin Schachtaktik. Dritter Teil: Zeit und Raum
127+(1)p. (L/N 1486) Zweite Auflage Heinrich Majer Zürich 1947
b. Oboards. VG 15,00 €
- Voellmy,
Erwin Schachtaktik. Vierter Teil. Uebergänge 136p. L/N
1486 Verlag Majer Bern 1930 b. Oboards. VG 15,00 €
- Voellmy,
Erwin Schachtaktik. Vierter Teil. Uebergänge 144p.
Zweite Auflage (L/N 1486) Verlag Majer Basel 1949 b. Oboards.
VG 15,00 €
- Voellmy,
Erwin Schachtaktische Bilder. 200 Stellungen aus der
Spielpraxis der Gegenwart 156p. L/N 2132 Verlag von Heinrich
Majer Basel 1935 b. Oboards. VG 20,00 €
- Volokitin
& Grabinsky Perfect Your Chess. World-class
training from a super-grandmaster and his coach 159+(1)p.
Gambit Publications Great Britain 2007 s.c. VG 30,00
- Voltshok,
Aleksandr Metody shakhmatnoj borby 111+(1)p.
Fizkultura i sport " Bibliotetshka shakhmatista" Moskva 1986
s.c. VG 5,00 €
- Voltshok,
Aleksandr Taktika i strategija shakhmat 176p.
Sah(2) 1232 Zdorovja Kiev 1985 s.c. VG 5,00 €
- Voltshok,
Aleksandr Uroki shakhmatnoj taktiki. A lot of
combinations 117+(3)p. Sah(2) 1196 Zdorovja Kiev 1977 s.c. VG
8,00 €
- Vukovic,
Vladimir Das Buch vom Opfer. Technik, Kunst und
Wagnis im Opferschach 168p. Engelhardt Verlag Germany (s.a.)
b. Oboards. VG 10,00 €
- Vukovic,
Vladimir Der Rochade-Angriff 216p. Siegfried
Engelhardt Verlag Germany 1961 b. Rebound. VG 15,00
- Vukovic,
Vladimir Der Rochade-Angriff 216p. Siegfried
Engelhardt Verlag Germany 1961 s.c. VG 15,00 €
- Vukovic,
Vladimir Der Rochade-Angriff 217+(3)p. Zweite
verbesserte und erweiterte Auflage Siegfried Engelhardt Verlag
Germany 1972 s.c. VG- 10,00 €
- Vukovic,
Vladimir Het offer in het schaakspel 168p.
Hollandia Schaakboeken The Netherlands 1975 s.c. VG 5,00
- Vukovic,
Vladimir Razvoj sahovskih ideja 96p. 2. preradeno
i prosireno izdanje Sahovska naklada Zagreb 1972 s.c. VG 10,00
- Vukovic,
Vladimir Skola kombiniranja. Opca teorija
kombinacije 271p. L/N 2147 Sahovska naklada "Biblioteka 16"
Zagreb 1951 b. Nicely bound in half Frech style! VG+ 20,00
- Vukovic,
Vladimir The Art of Attack in Chess XVIII+422p.
Reprinted Pergamon "Russian Chess Series" Great Britain 1982
s.c. VG 10,00 €
- Vukovic,
Vladimir The Chess Sacrifice. Technique, Art and
Risk in Sacrificial Chess XIII+219p. Reprinted Bell Great
Britain 1973 dj. VG 17,00 €
- Wade,
Bob The Batsford Book of Chess 159+(1)p. Revised
edition Batsford "Popular" Great Britain 1984 s.c. Signed by
Bob Wade in London 23.5.85! VG+ 20,00
- Wade,
Bott & Morrison Chess Tactics: Puzzles for
Beginners 95p. Lutterworth Press Bath 1970 s.c. VG 10,00
- Wade,
Bott & Morrison Chess Tactics: Puzzles for
Beginners 95p. 2nd edition Lutterworth Press Bath 1979 s.c. VG
5,00 €
- Wade,
Bott & Morrison Schacktaktik för nybörjare.
114 utvalda problem med lösningar 136p. Bokförlaget Spektra
Halmstad 1980 b. Oboards. G+ 5,00 €
- Wade,
Robert G Playing Chess. Based on the ATV Series
"Checkmate" 96p. Batsford Great Britain 1974 s.c. VG 10,00
- Walker,
John Attacking the King. 55 annotated games
XV+173+(1)p. Oxford University Press Great Britain 1976 s.c.
VG- 7,00 €
- Walker,
John Attacking the King. 55 annotated games
XV+173+(1)p. Patrick Stephens Limited Great Britain 1989 s.c.
VG 10,00 €
- Walker,
John Chess. Attacking the King. Fighting Strategy
and Tactics for Checkmate XV+173+(1)p. Patrick Stephens
Limited Great Britain 1989 s.c. VG 7,00
- Walker,
John Chess for Juniors. Winning from the First
Move XIII+153+(1)p. Patrick Stephens Limited Great Britain
1989 s.c. VG 8,00 €
- Walker,
John Chess for Tomorrow's Champions. Illustrated
by Edward McLachlan 144p. Oxford University Press Great
Britain 1983 s.c. VG 10,00 €
- Walker,
John 64 Things You Need to Know in Chess. This is
a basic primer for those who know how to play chess and are
seeking to improve 144p. Gambit Publications Great Britain
2002 s.c. VG+ 20,00 €
- Walker,
John Test Your Chess XIV+151p. Oxford University
Press Great Britain 1980 s.c. VG 10,00 €
- Walker,
John Test Your Chess XIV+151+(1)p.
Cadogan "Chess books" Great Britain 1995 s.c. VG 10,00
- Walker,
John 64 Things You Need to Know in Chess 144p.
Gambit Publications Great Britain 2002 s.c. VG 10,00
- Ward,
Chris Chess Choice Challenge 3. 159p. Batsford Great
Britain 2004 s.c. VG+ 15,00
Chris Improvers It's Your Move. 50 puzzles for
improving club players 144p. Everyman Chess Great Britain
2001 s.c. VG+ (As new) 18,00 €
- Wassing
& Ståhlberg Schackspelarens läsebok 155p.
Gebers Stockholm 1966 dj. VG- 15,00 €
- Wassing
& Ståhlberg Schackspelarens läsebok 155p.
Gebers Stockholm 1966 b. Ocloth. VG 10,00 €
- Watson,
John Chess Strategy in Action 287+(1)p. Gambit
Publications Great Britain 2003 s.c. VG
25,00 €
- Webb,
Simon Bli oslagbar i schack. En tiger vid brädet
174+(2)p. Spektra "Spektras handboksserie" Arlöv 1993 b.
Oboards. VG 10,00 €
- Webb,
Simon Chess for tigers. With illustrations by Edward
McLachlan V+99p. Oxford University Press Great Britain 1978
s.c. VG 10,00 €
- Webb,
Simon Chess for tigers. With illustrations by Edward
McLachlan VI+120+(1)p. Second edition Pergamon Great Britain
1990 s.c. VG- 10,00 €
- Webb,
Simon Chess for tigers. Want to win more games?
Become a tiger! 152+(8)p. Batsford Great Britain 2005 s.c. VG+
20,00 €
- Welling,
Jules De dame 92p. Uitgeverij M & P "Beter
schaken" Weert 1992 b. Oboards. VG 5,00 €
- Welling,
Jules De koning 110p. Uitgeverij M & P "Beter
schaken" Weert 1992 b. Oboards. VG 5,00 €
- Wells, Peter
Piece Power. Think like a chess master 112p. Henry Holt
"Batsford Chess Library" UK 1994 s.c. VG 10,00 €
- Wenzhe,
Liu Chinese School of Chess. The unique approach,
training methods and secrets 288p. Batsford Great Britain 2002
s.c. VG 15,00 €
- Westberg,
Jostein Andra schackboken. Spelöppningen och dess
funktion. Schackspelets strategi - målsättning, taktik -
utförande 94+(2)p. Sesam Stockholm 1965 s.c. VG 8,00
- Westberg,
Jostein Andra schackboken. Spelöppningen och dess
funktion. Schackspelets strategi - målsättning, taktik -
utförande 94+(2)p. Andra genomsedda upplagan Sesam Stockholm
1972 s.c. VG 8,00 €
- Westberg,
Jostein Andra schackboken. Spelöppningen och dess
funktion. Schackspelets strategi - målsättning, taktik -
utförande 96p. Tredje omarbetade upplagan Sesam Stockholm 1976
s.c. VG+ 8,00 €
- Westberg,
Jostein Den andre sjakkboken. Åpningsspill - strategi -
taktikk. Norsk utgave ved Gerd Paulsen 95+(1)p. Gyldendal
Norsk Forlag Norway 1971 s.c. VG 10,00 €
- Westberg,
Jostein Första schackboken. Regler och allmänna råd.
Spelöppning, mittspel och slutspel. Världsmästare och
belysande partier 95+(1)p. Tredje genomsedda upplagan Sesam
Stockholm 1972 s.c. VG 5,00 €
- Westberg,
Jostein Första schackboken.
Regler och allmänna råd. Spelöppning, mittspel och slutspel.
Världsmästare och belysande partier 96p. Femte
reviderade upplagan Sesam Stockholm 1976 s.c. VG+ 8,00
- Westberg,
Jostein 10 schacklektioner. Modern handledning för
nybörjare 16p. Sveriges Schackförlag "Lilla schackbiblioteket
1" Örebro 1965 s.c. VG 5,00
- Weteschnik,
Martin Taktisches Ûbungsbuch. Lösen + Verstehen +
Ûben 135+(1)p. Zweite Auflage Blauer Punkt Verlag Germany 2001
s.c. VG 15,00 €
- Wetzell,
Rolf Chess Master ... at any age. How to Become a
Chess Master VIII+300+(10)p. Thinkers' Press USA 1994 s.c. VG
15,00 €
- Wicker,
Kevin How to play chess. With a foreword by David
Pritchard. Illustrated by Karel Feuerstein 60p. Spring Books
Italy 1977 dj. VG 10,00 €
- Wigforss,
Fritz & Ståhlberg, Gideon Hur man spelar
schack 272p. (L/N 1403) Andra omarbetade upplagan Tidens
Förlag Stockholm 1938 b. Oboards. VG 10,00 €
- Wigforss,
Fritz & Ståhlberg, Gideon Tidens Schackbok. En
handbok för alla sorters schackspelare 226+(1)p. Tidens förlag
Sverige 1984 b. Oboards. VG 10,00 €
- Wigforss,
Ståhlberg & Lundin Hur man spelar schack 206p.
Tredje omarbetade upplagan Tidens Förlag Stockholm 1948 dj. VG
10,00 €
- Wigforss,
Ståhlberg & Lundin Hur man spelar schack.
Fjärde upplagan kompletterad och genomsedd av Gideon
Ståhlberg och Erik
Lundin 206+(1)p. Fjärde upplagan Tidens Förlag
Stockholm 1952 b. Oboards. VG 10,00 €
- Wilson,
Fred 101 Questions on How to Play Chess II+77p.
Dover New York 1994 s.c. VG 5,00 €
- Wilson,
Handledning i schack. Med illustrationer 54p.
Åttonde upplagan (L/N 1159) Albert Bonniers förlag Stockholm
1923 s.c. G+ 5,00 €
- Winter,
William Chess for Match Players. New and
completely revised edition 328p. Carroll & Nicholson Great
Britain 1951 dj. VG- 10,00 €
- Yermolinsky,
Alex The Road to Chess Improvement. A US Champion
provides solutions to real-life chess problems 224p. Gambit
Publications Great Britain 1999 s.c. VG+ 20,00 €
- Yermolinsky,
Alex The Road to Chess Improvement. A US Champion
provides solutions to real-life chess problems 224p. Reprinted
Gambit Publications Great Britain 1999 s.c. VG+ (As new)
20,00 €
- Youdovitch,
M Perfectionnez-vous aux echecs. La maitrise au
premier degre 315+(1)p. Editions du Rocher Monaco 1984 s.c. VG
10,00 €
- Yusupov,
Artur Boost Your Chess 3. Mastery 304p. Quality Chess
Estonia 2011 s.c. VG+ 20,00 €
- Yusupov,
Artur Chess Evolution 3. Mastery 317+(1)p. Quality
Chess Estonia 2013 s.c. VG 20,00
- Yusupov,
Artur Chess Lessons 196p. Chessgate Germany 2004
s.c. VG+ 20,00 €
- Zak
& Dlugolenskij Ja igraju v shakhmaty 224p.
Sah(2) 529 Detskaja literatura Leningrad 1985 b. Oboards. VG 5,00
- Zak,
Vladimir Improve Your Chess Results 201p. Batsford
"Popular" Great Britain 1985 s.c. VG 10,00 €
- Zak,
Vladimir O malenkikh dlja bolshikh 224p.
Fizkultura i sport Moskva 1973 b. Oboards. VG 5,00 €
- Zak,
Vladimir Puti sovershenstvovanija 208p. Sah(2)
1661a 2-e izdanie, ispravlennoe i dopolnennoe Fizkultura i
sport Moskva 1988 s.c. VG 5,00 €
- Zenon
Franco Ocampos
Grandmaster Secrets: Counterattack! A step-by-step guide to
turning defence into victory 239+(1)p. Gambit Publications
Great Britain 2009 s.c. VG 15,00 €
- Zenon
Franco Winning Chess Explained. How chess games are
won and lost in practice. 50 annotated games 190+(2)p.
Gambit Publications Great Britain 2006 s.c. VG+ 18,00 €
- Zhuravlev,
Nikolaj V strane shakhmatnykh tshudes 126+(2)p.
Mezhdunarodnaja Kniga Moskva 1991 s.c. VG 5,00
- Zlotnik,
Boris Shakhmaty. Nauka, opyt, masterstvo 335p.
Vysshaja shkola Moskva 1990 b. Oboards. VG 5,00 €
- Znosko-Borovsky,
Eugene A How Not to Play Chess.
English version by Philip Hereford. Third edition edited by
W. H. Watts 84p. Reprinted Frank
Hollings England 1947 b. Ocloth. VG- 10,00
- Znosko-Borovsky,
Eugene How not to Play Chess 119+(3)p. Dover New
York 1959 s.c. VG 8,00 €
- Znosko-Borovsky,
Eugene The Art of Chess Combination.
A Guide for All Players of the Game. English Edition with an
Introduction by Philip W. Sergeant. With 200 Diagrams. With
a frontispiece of Znosko-Borowsky! XI+212p. L/N
- Betts 19-8 Chatto
& Windus Great Britain 1936 b. Ocloth. VG 30,00
- Znosko-Borovsky,
Eugene The Art of Chess Combination.
A Guide for All Players of the Game. English Edition with an
Introduction by Philip W. Sergeant. With 200 Diagrams
XI+212p. L/N - Reprinted Chatto & Windus Great Britain
1951 dj. VG 30,00 €
- Znosko-Borovsky,
Eugene The Art of Chess Combination.
A Guide for All Players of the Game. English Edition with an
Introduction by Philip W. Sergeant. With 200 Diagrams
XI+212p. Reprinted Chatto & Windus Great Britain 1951 b.
Ocloth. VG 10,00 €
- Znosko-Borovsky,
Eugene The Art of Chess Combination. A Guide for All
Players of the Game XV+212+(24)p. Betts 19-25 Dover New York
1959 s.c. VG 10,00 €
- Zubarev
& Panov Natshalnyj utshebnik shakhmatnoj igry
112p. Sah 286 L/N 1659 Fizkultura i Turizm Moskva 1937 s.c.
Tirazh 150.000! VG- 20,00 €
- Zuravlevs,
Klovans & Kuzmisovs Shaha rieksti. 400
combinations with solutions 128p. Sahs Baltija Riga 1991 s.c.
VG 10,00 €
- Zuravlevs,
Nikolajs Soli
pa solim. Saha speles macibu gramata iesacejiem 126+(2)p.
Avots Riga 1981 b. Oboards. VG 10,00 €