Problems and endgames, Tehtävät ja loppupelit, Problem och slutspel
Updated 12.01.2025 books for sale

Antikvaarinen kirjakauppa Kimmo Välkesalmi


  1. Aarne Dunderin 50-vuotiskilpailun tuomio. 50-Jahre - Jubiläumsturnier von Aarne Dunder. 18 problems with solutions 4p. Suomen Tehtäväniekat Helsinki 1965 s.c. VG 3,00 €
  2. Addison, Stephen The Book of Extraordinary Chess Problems. 120 Unusual Puzzles 113+(3)p. The Crowood Press Great Britain 1989 dj. VG 18,00 €
  3. Afek, Yochanan Practical Chess Beauty. Solving studies is well established as an effective method of chess improvement 464p. Quality Chess Estonia 2018 b. Oboards. VG+ 35,00 €
  4. Aftonbladets problemturneringar åren 1898-1904. (3)+III+168p. L/N 2574 Englunds förlag Stockholm 1906 b. The original front and back covers from the soft cover edition are bound in! VG 40,00 €
  5. Ahues, Herbert Weisse Linienkombinationen mit thematischen Verführungen (46p.) Die Schwalbe "Sonderdruck 2" Germany 1978 s.c. VG 10,00 €
  6. Akobia, Iuri World Anthology of Chess Studies. Volume III. 4324 Studies with Positional Draw 735p. Maryville Enterprises Tbilisi, Georgia 1995 dj. Only 500 copies published. VG+ 50,00 €
  7. Akopjan, Gagik Mnogogrannoe tvortshestvo. O Zhozefe Oganesovitshe Bjuzandjane 80p. Ajastan Erevan 1984 s.c. VG 8,00 €
  8. Akopjan, Gagik Volshebnik shakhmat (Kasparjan). Studies and games 213+(3)-p. Ajastan Jerevan 1981 b. Oboards. VG 15,00 €
  9. Alföldy, Laszlo 33 sakklecke. Many endgames 253p. Sport Budapest 1983 b. Oboards. VG 5,00 €
  10. Aloni & Avner(Edited) The art of Israeli chess composition 152p. Israel Chess Problems-friends Circle Tel-Aviv 1983 s.c. VG- 15,00 €
  11. Anton, Reinhold Schach-Endspiele. Die richtige Behandlung des Endspiels im Schach 63p. L/N 2311 Lehrmeister Bücherei 1153/54 Leipzig (1951) s.c. Covered with plastic, otherwise VG 8,00 €
  12. Anton, Reinhold Schach-Endspiele. Die richtige Behandlung des Endspiels im Schach 56+(8)p. Albrecht Philler Verlag "Lehrmeister Bücherei 1153" Bad Oeynhausen (s.a.) s.c. Dr. Michael Negele's stamp. VG 15,00 €
  13. Anttila, Werner(Ulkomaisista lähteistä kerännyt) Shakkia. Sata mattitehtävää ratkaisuineen (100 checkmate problems) 64p. L/N 2876 Karisto Hämeenlinna 1944 s.c. VG 15,00 €
  14. Anttila, Werner(Ulkomaisista lähteistä kerännyt) Shakkia. Sata mattitehtävää ratkaisuineen (100 checkmate problems) 64p. L/N 2876 Karisto Hämeenlinna 1944 s.c. VG- 10,00 €
  15. Artshakov, Vladimir Grossmejsterskie kompozitsii. Shakhmathye zadatshi i etjudy 192p. Sah(2) 1410 Molod Kiev 1985 s.c. VG 6,00 €
  16. Artshakov, Vladimir Izobrazitelnye shakhmatnye zadatshi i etjudy 88p. Sah(2) 1411 Kiev 1985 s.c. 9,00 €
  17. Artshakov, Vladimir Na malenkom shakhmatnom pole 143p. Sah(2) 1443 Sredne-Uralskoe knizhnoe izdatelstvo Sverdlovsk 1983 b. Oboards. VG 8,00 €
  18. Artshakov, Vladimir Shakhmatnaja kompozitsija na Ukraine 168p. Sah(2) 1415 Zdorovja Kiev 1986 s.c. VG 8,00 €
  19. Artshakov, Vladimir Shakhmatnaja mozaika. 390 problems and studies 131+(5)p. Sah(2) 1408 Zdorovja Kiev 1984 s.c. VG 8,00 €
  20. Artshakov & Gik Shakhmatnye kvartety 184p. Sah(2) 1444 Molod Kiev 1983 s.c. VG 5,00 €
  21. Averbach, J Grundbok i slutspel. Översättning av Gunnar Johansson 127p. Prisma "Prismas Schackskola 5" Arlöv 1981 s.c. VG 10,00 €
  22. Averbakh & Chekhover Comprehensive Chess Endings. Volume 1. Bishop Endings. Knight Endings XII+213p. Reprinted Pergamon Press "Russian Chess Series" Great Britain 1991 s.c. VG+ 15,00 €
  23. Averbakh, Yuri Comprehensive Chess Endings. Volume 2. Bishop Against Knight Endings, Rook Against Minor Piece Endings VIII+249p. Pergamon Press "Russian Chess Series" Hungary 1985 b. Oboards. VG 20,00 €
  24. Averbakh, Yuri Comprehensive Chess Endings. Volume 2. Bishop Against Knight Endings, Rook Against Minor Piece Endings VIII+249p. Reprinted Pergamon Press "Russian Chess Series" Great Britain 1991 s.c. VG 15,00 €
  25. Averbakh & Maizelis Comprehensive Chess Endings. Volume 4. Pawn Endings VIII+296p. Pergamon Press "Russian Chess Series" Great Britain 1987 b. Oboards. VG 20,00 €
  26. Averbakh & Kopayev Comprehensive Chess Endings. Volume 5. Rook Endings VIII+326p. Pergamon Press "Russian Chess Series" Great Britain 1987 b. Oboards. VG 30,00 €
  27. Averbakh, J(Edited) Shakhmatnye okontshanija. Ferzevye. Ladja protiv legkoj figury 335+(1)p. Sah 704 Fizkultura i sport Moskva 1962 b. Oboards. VG 10,00 €
  28. Averbakh, J(Edited) Shakhmatnye okontshanija. Ferzevye 336p. 2-e izdanie, dopolnennoe Fizkultura i sport Moskva 1982 s.c. VG 7,00 €
  29. Averbakh, J(Edited) Shakhmatnye okontshanija. Kon protiv slona. Ladejnye 367+(1)p. Sah 701 Fizkultura i sport Moskva 1958 b. Oboards. VG 10,00 €
  30. Averbakh, J(Edited) Shakhmatnye okontshanija. Ladejnye 351+(1)p. 2-e izdanie, dopolnennoe Fizkultura i sport Moskva 1984 s.c. VG 7,00 €
  31. Averbakh, J(Edited) Shakhmatnye okontshanija. Peshetshnye 303+(1)p. 2-e izdanie, dopolnennoe Fizkultura i sport Moskva 1983 s.c. VG 7,00 €
  32. Averbakh, J(Edited) Shakhmatnye okontshanija. Peshetshnye, slonovye, konevye 479+(1)p. Sah 698 Fizkultura i sport Moskva 1956 b. Oboards. VG 10,00 €
  33. Averbakh, J(Edited) Shakhmatnye okontshanija. Slonovye i konevye 239p. 2-e izdanie, dopolnennoe Fizkultura i sport Moskva 1980 s.c. VG 7,00 €
  34. Averbakh, J(Edited) Shakhmatnye okontshanija. Slon protiv konja, ladja protiv legkoj figury 287+(1)p. 2-e izdanie, dopolnennoe Fizkultura i sport Moskva 1981 s.c. VG 7,00 €
  35. Averbakh, J Tshto nuzhno(nado) znat ob endshpile 100+(3)p. Sah 702 Fizkultura i sport "Bibliotetshka natshinajushtshego shakhmatista" Moskva 1960 b./s.c. VG 8,00 €
  36. Averbakh, J Tshto nado znat ob endshpile 95+(4)p. Sah 703 2-e, ispravlennoe izdanie Fizkultura i sport "Bibliotetshka natshinajushtshego shakhmatista" Moskva 1965 s.c. VG 5,00 €
  37. Averbakh, Yuri Bishop v. Knight Endings VII+165p. Reprinted Batsford Great Britain 1978 dj. VG 10,00 €
  38. Awerbach, Juri Bauernendspiele 414+(2)p. Sportverlag Berlin 1988 dj. VG 15,00 €
  39. Awerbach, Juri Endspiele. Springer gegen Läufer. Turm gegen Leichtfigur 383+(1)p. Sportverlag Berlin 1989 dj. VG 10,00 €
  40. Awerbach, Juri Erfolg im Endspiel IV+204+(4)p. Sportverlag Berlin 1987 dj. VG 9,00 €
  41. Awerbach, Juri Erfolg im Endspiel IV+204p. Ullstein "Sachbuch 34802" Germany 1991 s.c. VG 5,00 €
  42. Awerbach, Juri Lehrbuch der Endspiele. Teil II. Läuferendspiele von J. Awerbach. Springerendspiele J. Awerbach und W. Tschechower 273+(7)p. Sportverlag Berlin 1960 dj. VG- 10,00 €
  43. Awerbach, Juri Lehrbuch der Endspiele. Teil IV. Damenendspiele von J. Awerbach. Dame gegen Turm von W. Chenkin. Dame gegen Leichtfigur von J. Awerbach und W. Tschechower. Turm gegen Leichtfigur von J. Awerbach 447+(1)p. Sportverlag Berlin 1964 b. Oboards. VG- 10,00 €
  44. Awerbach, Juri Lehrbuch der Schachendspiele. Band 1. 331+(5)p.  5. Auflage Sportverlag Berlin 1981 dj. VG 6,00 €
  45. Awerbach, Juri Läufer- und Springerendspiele 317+(3)p. Sportverlag Berlin 1988 dj. VG 10,00 €
  46. Awerbach, Juri Turmendspiele. Band 2. Turm und zwei Bauern gegen Turm. Turm mit Bauern gegen Turm mit Bauern 219+(5)p. Sportverlag Berlin 1986 dj. VG 9,00 €
  47. Awerbach, Juri Turmendspiele. Band 2. Turm und zwei Bauern gegen Turm. Turm mit Bauern gegen Turm mit Bauern 219+(5)p. Zweite Auflage Sportverlag Berlin 1988 dj. VG 9,00 €
  48. Azhusin, Vladimirov, Selivanov Zadatshi na obratnyj mat. Russian Selfmates. 33+2+417 selfmate problems 159+(1)p. Shakhmatnaja kompozitsija "1 Bibliotetshka zhurnala" Moskva 2006 s.c. 500 copies printed. VG+ 20,00 €
  49. Bachmann, Ludwig Schachmentor. Praktischer Leitfaden für Schachspieler zur richtigen Behandlung schwieriger Stellungen des End- und Mittel-Spiels. Vorgeführt an lehrreichen Beispieles aus der Spielpraxis der ersten Schachmeister VII+192+(4)p. L/N 2206 Verlag von C. Brügel & Sohn Ansbach 1904 b. Oboards. VG 50,00 €
  50. Bakcsi, György(Edited) Kevesbabos magyar feladvavyok. 840 problems and endgame studies by Hungarian authors 320p. Sport Budapest 1982 b. Oboards. Dedicated to Ilkka Blom by Bakcsi György and Benedek Attila! VG 15,00 €
  51. Bakcsi, György(Edited) Kevesbabos magyar feladvavyok. 840 problems and endgame studies by Hungarian authors 320p. Sport Budapest 1982 b. Oboards. VG 9,00 €
  52. Bakcsi, György(Edited) Ungarische Schachproblemanthologie 350+(1)p. Corvina Hungary 1983 s.c. "To my friend Ilkka, with many thanks for his continuous help Budapest, January 24th, 1983" VG 15,00 €
  53. Bakcsi, György(Edited) Ungarische Schachprobleme mit wenigen Steinen 301p. Corvina Hungary 1985 s.c. VG- 10,00 €
  54. Bakcsi, György Matti Myllyniemi(1930-1987). Memorial Tourney 5p. Suomen Tehtäväniekat (Helsinki) 1988 s.c. VG 5,00 €
  55. Bakker & Schogt(Edited) Henk and Piet le Grand. 130 problems with solutions 103p. de Nederlandse Bond van Schaakprobleemvrienden "Probleemcomponisten XIII" the Netherlands 2000 s.c. VG 10,00 €
  56. Balashov & Prandstetter Basic Endgames. 888 Theoretical Positions. Translated by GM Igor Stohl 305+(4)p. Chess Agency Prague 1992 dj. VG+ 30,00 €
  57. Ban, Jenö A vegjatekok taktikaja. Masodik javitott es bövitett kiadas. (The Tactics of End-Games) 281+(2)p. Sport Budapest 1962 s.c. VG 10,00 €
  58. Ban, Jenö Die Taktik der Endspiele 182p. Corvina Budapest 1987 s.c. VG 10,00 €
  59. Ban, Jenö The Tactics of End-Games 213+(2)p. Second edition Corvina Press Budapest 1972 b. Oboards. VG 10,00 €
  60. Barden, Leonard How to Play the Endgame in Chess 128p. Collins Great Britain 1975 dj. VG 10,00 €
  61. Barnes, Barry Comins Mansfield MBE: Chess problems of a Grandmaster VI+38p. 1976 s.c. VG 10,00 €
  62. Barnes, Barry Complete Mansfield. Volume I – 1911-1930. The collected chess problems of Grandmaster Comins Mansfield MBE 52p. Waterthorpe Information Services Limited England 1996 s.c. VG 10,00 €
  63. Bartel & Gruber Umwandlungen in Märchenfiguren 82p. Selbstverlag Augsburg 1983 s.c. VG 15,00 €
  64. Bartel, Elmar & Erich Gruber, Hans Umwandlungen in Märchenfiguren 419+(2)p. Editions feenshach - phenix "Zweite Band" Aachen 1993 b. Oboards.  A dated dedication by Gruber! VG+ 35,00 €
  65. Baturin, A(Edited) Izbrannye zadatshi L. I. Kubbelja. 577+XVII problems with solutions 222+(2)p. Sah 742 Fizkultura i sport Moskva 1958 b. Oboards. VG 10,00 €
  66. Baumgartner, Gabriel(Odette Vollenweider) Faszinierendes Schachproblem. Kompositionen von Israel. A. Schiffmann(1903-30) 73p. Selbstverlag des Verfassers Zürich (1963) s.c. VG 20,00 €
  67. Beasley, John A Selection of Chess Problems by Philipp Klett. With a solving commentary 48p. British Chess Magazine Great Britain 1978 s.c. Limited edition. VG 10,00 €
  68. Beasley, John More Flights of Chess Fancy. Edited by Michal Dragoun 28p. Brno 2000 s.c. VG 5,00 €
  69. Bebersdorf, Claus(Zusammengetragen) Schach und Humor. Vergnügliches rund um das Schachbrett 72p. cbs-Selbstverlag Schweinfurt 1988 s.c. VG 10,00 €
  70. Beliavsky & Mikhalchishin Modern Endgame Practice 208p. Batsford Great Britain 2003 s.c. VG 20,00 €
  71. Beliavsky & Mikhalchishin Winning Endgame Strategy 208p. Batsford Great Britain 2000 s.c. VG+ (As new) 20,00 €
  72. Beliavsky & Mikhalchishin Winning Endgame Technique 192p. Batsford Great Britain 1995 s.c. VG- 15,00 €
  73. Beliavsky & Mikhalchishin Winning Endgame Technique 192p. Reprinted Batsford Great Britain 2001 s.c. VG+ (As new) 20,00 €

  74. Beltsikov, Gebelt & Dvizov Shakhmatnaja kompozitsija v Belorussii. 462 problems and studies with solutions 142+(2)p. Sah(2) 1403 Polymja Minsk 1981 s.c. VG 8,00 €
  75. Benjamin, Joel Liquidation on the Chess Board. Mastering the Transition into the Pawn Endgame 253+(2)p. New in Chess The Netherlands 2015 s.c. VG+ 20,00 €
  76. Benjamin, Joel Liquidation on the Chess Board. Mastering the Transition into the Pawn Endgame 253+(2)p. New in Chess The Netherlands 2015 s.c. VG- 10,00 €
  77. Berger, J Teorija i praktika endshpilja 214+(1)p. MAK Press Jerusalem 1996 s.c. VG 15,00 €
  78. Berger, Johann Theorie und Praxis der Endspiele VIII+588p. Zweite Auflage mit neuem und erweitertem Text  L/N 2182 Walter de Gruyter Leipzig 1922 b. Original covers. VG 50,00 €
  79. Berglund, Jan Bondeslutspel I. Ett instruktionshäfte för undervisning i små grupper 36p. Sveriges Schackförbund Nacka 1976 s.c. VG 10,00 €
  80. Blake, J Chess Endings for Beginners. 124 studies with solutions III+75p. Sixteenth edition London (s.a.) b. Oboards. VG- 10,00 €
  81. Bondarenko, F Etjud v peshetshnom okontshanii 160p. Sah(2) 1464 Fizkultura i sport Moskva 1973 s.c. VG 9,00 €
  82. Bondarenko, F Galereja shakhmatnykh etjudistov. 508 studies with solutions 303+(1)p. Sah(2) 1460 Fizkultura i sport Moskva 1968 b. Oboards. VG 10,00 €
  83. Bondarenko, F Razvitie shakhmatnogo etjuda. 394 studies 232p. Sah(2) 1472 Zdorovja Kiev 1982 s.c. VG 5,00 €
  84. Bondarenko, F Sovremennyj shakhmatnyj etjud. 378 studies with solutions 173+(3)p. Sah(2) 1476 Zdorovja Kiev 1987 s.c. VG 5,00 €
  85. Bondarenko, F Stanovlenie shakhmatnogo etjuda 171+(5)p. Sah(2) 1469 Zdorovja Kiev 1980 b. Oboards. VG 10,00 €
  86. Bondarenko, F Stanovlenie shakhmatnogo etjuda 171+(5)p. Sah(2) 1469 Zdorovja Kiev 1980 s.c. VG 5,00 €
  87. Bondarenko, F Triumf sovetskogo shakhmatnogo etjuda 171+(5)p. Sah(2) 1475 Zdorovja Kiev 1984 s.c. VG 5,00 €
  88. Bonsdorff, Fabel & Riihimaa Schach und Zahl. Unterhaltsame Schachmathematik 97+(3)p. RAU Germany 1966 s.c. VG 10,00 €
  89. Bonsdorff, Fabel & Riihimaa Schach und Zahl. Unterhaltsame Schachmathematik 97+(2)p. Zweite revidierte und ergänzte Auflage RAU Germany 1971 s.c. VG 15,00 €
  90. Bonsdorff, Fabel & Riihimaa Schach und Zahl. Unterhaltsame Schachmathematik 96p. Dritte unveränderte Auflage RAU Germany 1978 s.c. VG 15,00 €
  91. Bonsdorff 50 – Heinonen 50 – Wirtanen 60 Urteile in drei jubiläumsturnieren 43p. Helsinki 1973 s.c. VG 5,00 €
  92. Botwinnik, Michail Meine 25 interessantesten Endspiele. Übersetzt und bearbeitet von Heinz Lehmann 94+(2)p. Walter de Gruyter "Bibliothek Caïssa" Germany 1985 b. Oboards. VG+ (As new) 20,00 €  
  93. Bouwmeester, Hans Modern Endgame Studies for the Chess-player. Translated and edited by H. Golombek 128p. Bell Great Britain 1959 dj. VG 30,00 €
  94. Brandejs, Frantisek Sachove panoptikum 249+(1)p. + 4 pages of photos Delfin Praha 1975 dj. VG 10,00 €
  95. Braunberger, Gerald Phantasie im Endspiel. Paul Heuäckers(1899-1969) Schachstudien 88p. Edition Marco Schachverlag Arno Nickel Berlin 1989 s.c. VG 15,00 €
  96. Breider, Dunder & Kaila "Toiset 123 suomalaista lopputehtävää 1946-71" 16p. Eripainos Suomen Shakin numeroista 7 ja 8/1971 Helsinki 1971 s.c. VG 5,00 €
  97. Breider, Dunder & Kaila 123 suomalaista lopputehtävää (studies). Kokoelma valiotehtäviä vuosilta 1946-71. 93+(1)p. WSOY Porvoo 1972 s.c. VG 15,00 €
  98. Breuer, Josef(1903-1981) Beispiele zur Ideengeschichte des Schachproblems 409+(1)p. Die Schwalbe Germany 1982 b. Ocloth. VG 30,00 €
  99. British Chess Federation 1971-72. Awards in problem tourneys. Numbers 128, 129, 130. 12p. England 1972 s.c. VG 5,00 €
  100. British Chess Federation 1972-73. Awards in problem tourneys. Numbers 131, 132, 133. 12p. England 1973 s.c. VG 5,00 €
  101. British Chess Federation 1973-74. Awards in problem tourneys. Numbers 134, 135, 136. 12p. England 1974 s.c. VG 5,00 €
  102. British Chess Federation 1974-75. Awards in problem tourneys. Numbers 137, 138. 8p. England 1976 s.c. VG 5,00 €
  103. British Chess Federation 1978-79. Awards in problem tourneys. Numbers 141, 142. 4p. England 1980 s.c. VG 5,00 €
  104. British Endgame Study News 2009(1) Vol 14. VG 2,00 €
  105. Bron, Vladimir (1909-1985) Izbrannye etjudy i zadatshi. 250 studies and problems with solutions 142+(2)p. Sah(2) 1480 Fizkultura i sport Moskva 1969 s.c. VG 9,00 €
  106. Büsing & Gruber John Niemann -Eine Gedenkschrift- A lot of problems by Niemann and other composers with solutions 52p. Die Schwalbe München 1996 s.c. VG 5,00 €
  107. Böhm, Hans & Afek, Yochanan The Royal Chess Couple in Action 384p. Thinkers Publishing Belgium 2019 s.c. VG+ 28,00 €
  108. Capablanca, Jose Viimased maleloengud 63p. Tallinn 1982 s.c. VG 5,00 €
  109. Chandler, Flood, Matthews (Compiled) A tribute to G. F. Anderson (1898-1983). 108 problems with solutions 18p. British Chess Problem Society Great Britain (1974) s.c. VG- 15,00 €
  110. Chernev, Irving Capablanca's Best Chess Endings. 60 Complete Games XI+288+(15)p. Dover New York 1982 s.c.  A lot of underlining and notation, otherwise VG- 10,00 €
  111. Chernev, Irving Practical Chess Endings. A basic guide to endgame strategy for the beginner and the more advanced chess player 319+(13)p. Dover New York 1969 s.c. VG 10,00 €
  112. Chernev, Irving The Bright Side of Chess. Illustrated by Harry Harrison XII+175p. Betts 24-101 Dover New York 1965 s.c. VG 10,00 €
  113. Cheron, Andre Lehr- und Handbuch der Endspiele I-IV. 354+466+343+328p. Berlin 1955-70 b. Ocloth. VG 40,00 €
  114. Cheron, Andre Lehr- und Handbuch der Endspiele. Band I. Turm-Endspiele 354p. Siegfried Engelhardt Verlag Berlin (1955) b. The original soft cover edition nicely rebound in red cloth. VG+ 15,00 €
  115. Cheron, Andre Lehr- und Handbuch der Endspiele. Band I. Turm-Endspiele 354p. Zweite verbesserte Auflage Siegfried Engelhardt Verlag Berlin 1960 b. Ocloth. VG 10,00 €
  116. Cheron, Andre Lehr- und Handbuch der Endspiele. Band II. Die Bauernendspiele. Springer- und Läufer-Endspiele 468p. Siegfried Engelhardt Verlag Berlin 1957 b. Ocloth. VG 10,00 €
  117. Cheron, Andre Lehr- und Handbuch der Endspiele. Band II. Die Bauernendspiele. Springer- und Läufer-Endspiele 468p. Siegfried Engelhardt Verlag Berlin 1957 b. The original soft cover edition nicely rebound in red cloth. VG+ 15,00 €
  118. Cheron, Andre Lehr- und Handbuch der Endspiele Band III. Die Damen-Endspiele. Die Umwandlung. Endspiele mit mehr als 50 Zügen. Nachträge 344p. Siegfried Engelhardt Verlag Berlin 1958 b. Ocloth. VG 10,00 €
  119. Cheron, Andre Lehr- und Handbuch der Endspiele Band III. Die Damen-Endspiele. Die Umwandlung. Endspiele mit mehr als 50 Zügen. Nachträge 344p. Siegfried Engelhardt Verlag Berlin 1958 b. The original soft cover edition nicely rebound in red cloth. VG+ 15,00 €
  120. Cheron, Andre Lehr- und Handbuch der Endspiele. Schlussband IV. Ergänzungen und Berichtigungen zu Band I-III. 328p. Siegfried Engelhardt Verlag Berlin 1970 b. Ocloth. VG 15,00 €
  121. Chessics 1993(15) The Journal of Generalised Chess. VG 3,00 €
  122. Chlubna, Friedrich 64+100. A Selection of my Chess Problems. Eine Auswahl meiner Schachaufgaben 1961-1996. 164 problems with solutions 46p. Self-edition (s.l.e.a.) s.c. Signed by the Author. VG 17,00 €
  123. Chlubna, Friedrich Das Matt des weissen Königs. (Lieben sie selbstmatts?) 159+(1)p. Eigenverlag F. Chlubna Wien 1995 s.c. VG 18,00 €
  124. Chlubna & Wenda Problempalette II. Schachprobleme und Studien österreichischer Autoren aus den Jahren 1946-1990. 238p. Wenda Eigenverlag Wien 1991 s.c. VG+ 15,00 €
  125. Chlubna, Friedrich Schach für Nussknacker. Eine Einführung in die Welt des Schachproblems mit lexikalischem Anhang "Problemschach von A-Z" 143p. Eigenverlag F. Chlubna Wien 1994 s.c. VG 18,00 €
  126. Dashkovskij, Krizhanovskij, Kuzhaev, Pypa Antologija miniatjury XIX vek. Ortodoksalnye zadatshi. 646 problems with solutions 154+(2)p. Filial Niitekhima Tsherkassy 1994 b. Oboards. 1000 copies printed. VG 20,00 €
  127. Davydjuk, Stypan Jitvezha shakhova mynjatjura. 74 problems 26+(2)p. Polisse Minsk 1992 s.c. VG 10,00 €
  128. Dawson & Pauly Asymmetry 154p. Chess Amateur "Christmas series" Stroud 1927 b. Ocloth. The edges of the book slightly discoloured, otherwise VG 80,00 €
  129. Dawson, T Five Classics of Fairy Chess. With a new preface and introduction by A. Dickins XIII+145p. Dover New York 1973 s.c. VG 25,00 €
  130. Degenkolbe, Mirko a.o.(Auswahl, Kommentare, Preisberichte) Sachsendreier. Böttger - Fiebig - Zucker. 3 x 70 ausgehählte Schachaufgaben von Horst Böttger, Reinhardt Fiebig & Manfred Zucker sowie die Entscheide der Jubiläumsturniere "Böttger-Fiebig-70" und "Zucker-70" 178p. Udo Degener Verlag Germany 2008 s.c. VG+ 30,00 €
  131. Diagrammes 1977(25, 27, 29, 30) Each 2,00 €
  132. Diagrammes 1978(32, 36) Each 2,00 €
  133. Diagrammes 1979(37) 2,00 €
  134. Diagrammes 1984(65) 2,00 €
  135. Dickins, Anthony Märchenschach. Mit Illustrationen von John Tenniel 197+(3)p. Hesse & Becker Germany 1986 dj. VG- 10,00 €
  136. Dickins & Ebert 100 Classics of the Chessboard VIII+217+(1)p. Pergamon Press Great Britain 1983 b. Oboards. VG 30,00 €
  137. Dickins & Ebert 100 Classics of the Chessboard VIII+217+(1)p. Pergamon Press Great Britain 1983 s.c. VG 10,00 €
  138. Dickins & Ebert 100 Classics of the Chessboard VIII+217p. Cadogan Finland(!) 1995 s.c. VG+ 10,00 €
  139. Die Schwalbe Neue Folge 1930(31) VG- 5,00 €
  140. Die Schwalbe Neue Folge 1934(82, 83) VG- Each 5,00 €
  141. Die Schwalbe Neue Folge 1935(87, 88, 90, 91, 92, 94, 95) VG. Each 5,00 €
  142. Die Schwalbe Neue Folge 1936(106) VG 5,00 €
  143. Die Schwalbe 1962-63 Band XI (1-2, 13) VG. Each 2,00 €
  144. Die Schwalbe 1977-79 Band XVI (46, 56) VG. Each 2,00 €
  145. Die Schwalbe 1980-82 Band XVII (62, 67-78) VG. Each 2,00 €
  146. Die Schwalbe 1983-85 Band XVIII (91) VG 2,00 €
  147. Die Schwalbe 1986-88 Band XIX (97-114) Index+560p. Bound. VG 40,00 €
  148. Die Schwalbe 1986-88 Band XIX (97-101) VG. Each 2,00 €
  149. Die Schwalbe 1992-94 Band XXI (133-137, 141-143) VG. Each 2,00 €
  150. Die Schwalbe 1995-96 Band XXII (154, 156) VG. Each 2,00 €
  151. Die Schwalbe 1997-98 Band XXIII (171, 171A) VG. Each 2,00 €
  152. Die Schwalbe 1999-00 Band XXIV (175-177, 183) VG. Each 2,00 €
  153. Die Schwalbe 2003-04 Band XXVI (205, 206, 2007) VG. Each 2,00 €
  154. Die Schwalbe 2005-06 Band XXVII (211, 212, 213, 216, 217, 218, 221) VG. Each 2,00 €
  155. Die Schwalbe 2007-08 Band XXVIII (225, 227, 231, 233, 234, 234A) VG. Each 2,00 €
  156. Die Schwalbe 2011-12 Band XXX (247-252, 250A) VG+. Each 2,00 €
  157. Die Schwalbe 2015 Band XXXII (271) VG+ 3,00 €
  158. Dittmann, Geister & Kutzborski Logische Phantasien. Herbert Grasemann und seine Schachaufgaben 173+(2)p. de Gruyter Germany 1986 s.c. VG 15,00 €
  159. Dittmann, Wolfgang Der Flug der Schwalbe. Geschichte einer Problemschach-Vereinigung II+149p. Schwalbe Germany 1988 s.c. VG 10,00 €
  160. Dobrinetskij, Pavel Shkola shakhmat. Endshpil. Endspiel. Ending 111+(1)p. Self published "Shakhmatistu-praktiku 4" (s.l. (Kiev?)) 2005 s.c. 500 copies printed! VG 10,00 €
  161. Dombrovskis, A Saha kompozicija radomju Latvija 157+(2)p. Sah 712 Latvijas Valsts Izdevnieciba Riga 1961 b. Oboards. VG 20,00 €
  162. Dragoun, Michal Mat kralovskou baterii v P2#. Introduction also in English! Translation by John Beasley 52p. Self published Praha 1999 s.c. 150 copies printed! VG 10,00 €
  163. Dragoun, Michal P2# - minimalky (The "Minimum" helpmates in Two) 56p. Self published Praha 1998 s.c. 150 copies printed! VG 10,00 €
  164. Dragoun, Michal Troj- a vicenasobna vazba v P2#. Introduction also in English! Translation by John Beasley 36p. Self published  Praha 2002 s.c. 150 copies printed! VG+ 9,00 €
  165. Dreev, Alexey Improve Your Practical Play in the Endgame 250+(6)p. Thinkers Publishing Belgium 2019 s.c. VG+ 28,00 €
  166. Dufresne, Jean(Herausgegeben) Sammlung leichterer Schachausgaben. Erster Teil 215+32p. L/N 2450 Verlag Reclam jun. (Leipzig 1881) b. Oboards. VG 15,00 €
  167. Dufresne, Jean(Herausgegeben) Sammlung leichterer Schachausgaben. Erster Teil 215+32p. L/N 2450 Verlag Reclam jun. (Leipzig 1881) b. Oboards. Covered with plastic, otherwise VG- 10,00 €
  168. Dufresne, Jean(Herausgegeben) Sammlung leichterer Schachausgaben. Zweiter Teil 263+32p. L/N 2450 Verlag Reclam jun. (Leipzig 1882) b. Oboards. VG 10,00 €
  169. Dufresne, Jean(Herausgegeben) Sammlung leichterer Schachausgaben II-III. 262+(1)+227+(1)p. L/N 2450 Verlag Philipp Reclam jun. Leipzig (1882-87) b. Nicely bound! VG+ 30,00 €
  170. Dufresne, Jean(Herausgegeben) Sammlung leichterer Schachausgaben. Dritter Teil 231+16p. L/N 2450 Verlag Reclam jun. (Leipzig 1887) b. Oboards. G+ 10,00 €
  171. Dufresne, Jean(Herausgegeben) Sammlung leichterer Schachausgaben. Dritter Teil 231p. L/N 2450 Verlag Reclam jun. (Leipzig 1887) s.c. G+ 5,00 €
  172. Gottschall, Hermann von(Herausgegeben) Sammlung leichterer Schachausgaben IV-V. 222+(2)+236+(3)p. L/N 2451 Verlag Philipp Reclam jun. Leipzig (1898-1908) b. Nicely bound! VG+ 30,00 €
  173. Dunder & Hinds 111 suomalaista lopputehtävää (studies). Kokoelma valiolopputehtäviä vuosilta 1890-1946. 103p. L/N 2343 Suomen Shakki Jyväskylä 1948 s.c. VG 15,00 €
  174. Dvoreckij, Mark Die Endspiel Universität. Essentielles Endspielwissen für Amateur und Profi XVIII+491p. Chessgate Germany 2002 b. Oboards. VG+ 30,00 €
  175. Dvoreckij, Mark Die Endspiel Universität. Essentielles Endspielwissen für Amateur und Profi XVIII+491p. 2. korrigierte und überarbeitete Auflage  Chessgate Germany 2003 b. Oboards. VG+ 35,00 €
  176. Dvoretsky, Mark Dvoretsky's Endgame Manual. Fourth Edition Foreword by Artur Yusupov. Preface by Jacop Aagaard II+424p. REI USA 2014 s.c. VG+ 40,00 €
  177. Dvoretsky, Mark School of Chess Excellence 1. Endgame Analysis 260p. Edition Olms "Progress in Chess Volume 7" Germany 2001 s.c. VG+ 25,00 €
  178. Dvoretsky, Mark & Pervakov, Oleg Studies for Practical Players. Improving Calculation and Resourcefulness in the Endgame. Foreword by Jan Timman 216p. REI USA 2009 s.c. VG+ (As new) 30,00 €
  179. Däubler & Schreyer(Herausgegeben) Kniffelige Schachaufgaben. Problemschach-Urdrucke aus der Augsburger Allgemeinen Zeitung 1954-1994. 258p. Selbstverlag der Herausgeber Germany 1995 b. Oboards. VG+ 15,00 €
  180. Däubler & Schreyer(Herausgegeben) Kniffelige Schachaufgaben. Band I. Problemschach-Urdrucke aus der Augsburger Allgemeinen Zeitung 1954-1994. 258p. Zweite Auflage Verlag Kunst und Alltag Göttingen 2009 s.c. VG+ 15,00 €
  181. Ebert, Hilmar & Gruber, Hans Early Helpmates. Teil I: Pionerzeit (1854-1899). Teil II: Aufbruchstimmung (1900-1923) 460p. Ebert "he-chess 4" Germany (2001) b. Ocloth. VG+ 50,00 €
  182. Ebert, Hilmar & Gruber, Hans Top Helpmates. Teil I: Hilfsmatt-Mehrzüger. Teil II: Hilfsmatt-Literatur 262p. Ebert "he-chess 1" Germany (1995) b. Ocloth. VG 25,00 €
  183. Ebert & Wolfenter Kegelschach. Teil I: Der Standardkegel. Teil II: Ausgewählte weitere Kegelformen 400p. Ebert  "he-chess 3" Germany (1997) b. Ocloth. VG+ 30,00 €
  184. Ebert, Gruber, Kuhlmann four men only Nr. 3. Das Vielväterproblem 32p. Self-edition Germany 1983 s.c. VG 8,00 €
  185. Ebert, Reich & Kuhlmann Minimalkunst im Schach 576p. "he-chess 5" Germany 2006 b. Oboards. VG+ 40,00 €
  186. Ebert, Hilmar 200 Ausgehählte Schachaufgaben 200+(6)p. Zweite erweiterte und neukonzipierte Auflage Self-edition "four men only Nr. 2" Germany 1987 s.c. Signed by the Author. VG 10,00 €
  187. Ebert, Hilmar Das Patt im Wenigsteiner. Sämtliche orthodoxe und heterodoxe Pattforderungen 243+(1)p. Feenschach-Sonderdruck Wegberg 1978 s.c. VG 10,00 €
  188. Ebert, Hilmar four men only Nr. 1. 395 orthodoxe Zuglängenrekorde im Wenigsteiner 32p. Dritte verbesserte und erweiterte Auflage Self-edition Germany 1982 s.c. VG 8,00 €
  189. Ebert, Hilmar four men only Nr. 1. 1982 Anhang. Orthodoxe Zuglängenrekorde im Wenigsteiner 8p. Self-edition Germany 1982 s.c. VG 3,00 €
  190. Ebert, Hilmar four men only Nr. 1. Kleinode. Die neusten Zuglängenrekorde im Wenigsteiner 24+(2)p. Self-edition Germany 1988 s.c. VG 8,00 €
  191. Ebert, Hilmar four men only Nr. 2. 100 merkwürdige Wenigsteiner 48p. Self-edition Germany 1983 s.c. VG 8,00 €
  192. Ebert, Hilmar four men only Nr. 4. 100 klassische Wenigsteiner 36p. Self-edition Germany 1983 s.c. VG 8,00 €
  193. Ebert, Hilmar Kombiniere ... Matt! 96p. Rochade Europe Germany 1995 s.c. VG 10,00 €
  194. Ebert, Hilmar Kronjuwelen. Die 33 "normalen" Matt-Rekorde mit 3 und 4 Steinen 26p. Self published "four men only / Nr. 1*" Germany 1988 s.c. Signed by the Author. VG 5,00 €
  195. Ebert, Hilmar 1.125 Zuglängenrekorde im Wenigsteiner 129p. 4. verbesserte und erweiterte Auflage Self published "Four men only Nr. 1" Germany 1986 s.c. Signed by the Author. VG 10,00 €
  196. Edwards, Raymond Aktiv Schachspielen. Praktische Tips von der Eröffnung bis zum Endspiel 94p. Franckh Schach Germany 1987 s.c. VG 5,00 €
  197. EG 1975-1978(39, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50) Vol. III. Devoted to the EndGame study. Published since 1965. VG. Each 3,00 €
  198. EG 1979-1981(51-66) Vol IV. Loose issues. Complete. VG 40,00 €
  199. EG 1982-1986(67-82) Vol V. Loose issues. Complete. VG 40,00 €
  200. EG 1986-1992(83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102/1, 102/2) Vol VI. VG. Each 3,00 €
  201. EG 1992-1996(103, 104, 105, 106/1, 106/2, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 118, 118 Supplement, 119, 119 Supplement, 120) Vol VII. VG. Each 3,00 €
  202. EG 1997-1999(124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 130, 130 Computer supplement, 131, 133, 134) Vol VIII. VG. Each 3,00 €
  203. EG 2000-2002(135, 136, 136 Computer supplement, 137, 140, 141, 142, 142 Supplement, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 147 Supplement) Vol. IX. VG. Each  3,00 €
  204. EG 2005(148, 149, 151, 151 Supplement, 152, 153, 156, 157, 158) Vol. X. VG. Each 3,00 €
  205. EG 2005-2006(159-162) 564+(1)p. Bound. Original publishers binding. ARVES 2006 As new! 50,00 €
  206. EG 2006-2007(164, 165, 166, 167) Vol. XII. VG. Each 3,00 €
  207. EG 2007(168, 169, 170) Vol. XIII. VG. Each 3,00 €
  208. EG 2008(171, 171 Supplement, 172, 173, 173 Supplement, 174) Vol. XIV. VG. Each 3,00 €
  209. EG 2009(175, 176, 176 Supplement, 177, 177 Supplement, 178, 178 John Roycroft Special) Vol. XV. VG+ Each 3,00 €
  210. EG 2010(179, 179 Supplement, 180, 181, 181 Supplement, 182) Vol. XVI. VG. Each 3,00 €
  211. EG 2011(183, 183 Supplement, 184, 184 Supplement, 185, 185 Supplement, 186, 186 Supplement) Vol XVII. VG+ Each 3,00 €
  212. EG 2012(187, 187 Supplement, 188, 188 Supplement, 189, 189 Supplement, 190) Vol. XVIII. VG+ Each 3,00 €
  213. EG 2013(191, 191 Supplement, 192, 192 Supplement, 193, 193 Supplement, 194, 194 Supplement) Vol. XIX. VG+ Each 3,00 €
  214. EG 2014(195, 195 Supplement, 196, 197, 197 Supplement, 198, 198 Supplement) Vol. XX. VG+ Each 3,00 €
  215. EG 2015(199, 199 Supplement, 200, 200 Supplement, 201, 201 Supplement, 202) Vol. XXI. VG+ Each 3,00 €
  216. EG 2016(203, 203 Supplement, 204, 204 Supplement, 205, 205 Supplement, 206, 206 Supplement) Vol XXII. VG+ Each 3,00 €
  217. EG 2017(208, 208 Supplement, 209) Vol XXIII. VG. Each 3,00 €
  218. Ejvazova, Zulejha Korolevy shakhmatnoj kompozitsii. 350 problems, mostly two-movers 234p. Sah(2) 1418 Azerneshär Baku 1986 b. Oboards. VG 10,00 €
  219. Ejvazova, Zulejha Korolevy shakhmatnoj kompozitsii. 350 problems, mostly two-movers 234p. Sah(2) 1418 Azerneshär Baku 1986 b. Oboards. VG- 7,00 €
  220. Emms, John The Survival Guide to Rook Endings 160p. Everyman Chess Great Britain 1999 s.c. A lot of underlines at the beginning of the book, otherwise VG 15,00 €
  221. Enevoldsen, Jens (1907-1980) Bondeslutspillet a skak 3-59+(5)p. Clausens forlag Köbenhavn (1966) s.c. VG 5,00 €
  222. Eszik, Pettersson & Viklund Praktiska slutspel IV+244p. Gästriklands Schackförbund Gävle 1983 s.c. VG 15,00 €
  223. Euwe & Hooper A Guide to Chess Endings VIII+248+(11)p. Dover New York 1976 s.c. VG- 10,00 €
  224. Euwe, Max Das Endspiel I-VIII. 458p. Rattmann Hamburg 1957-60 b. Ocloth. VG 25,00 €
  225. Euwe, Max Die Endspiellehre und ihre praktische Anwendung 194+(4)p. Rattmann Germany 1962 s.c. VG 10,00 €
  226. Euwe, Max Endspieltheorie und -praxis IX+221p. Walter de Gruyter Berlin 1983 s.c. VG 13,00 €
  227. Euwe, Max Het Eindspel 1-12. About 800 pages! Tweede herziene druk (L/N 2309) ’s-Gravenhage/Djakarta (Amsterdam) 1949-51 b. VG- 30,00 €
  228. Euwe, Max Slutspelsteori No 2 Tornslutspel 62p. Tidskrift för Schacks Förlag Stockholm 1946 s.c. VG 5,00 €
  229. Euwe, Max Slutspelsteori No 1-2 Bondeslutspel & Tornslutspel 55+62p. Tidskrift för Schacks Förlag Stockholm 1946 b. No title on spine, otherwise VG 15,00 €
  230. Euwe & van Wijgerden Het eindspel 2B. Stukken en pion(nen) tegen stukken met of zonder pion(nen) (ongelijksoortig materiaal) 135p. Uitgeverij Het Spectrum Utrecht/ Antwerpen 1983 s.c. VG 10,00 €
  231. Euwe & van Wijgerden Het eindspel 3. Toreneindspelen 175p. Uitgeverij Het Spectrum Utrecht/ Antwerpen 1981 s.c. VG 10,00 €
  232. Fabel, Karl Am Rande des Schachbretts 80+(1)p. L/N 2912 Selbstverlag der Schwalbe "Schwalben-Bücherei Band 1" Hamburg 1947 s.c. VG 20,00 €
  233. Fabel, Karl Das 35. Thematurnier von "Problem" 16p. (Helsinki) 1960 s.c. VG 10,00 €
  234. Fabel, Karl Einführung in das Problemschach 80p. 2. Auflage Titel der 1. Auflage: "Einiges über Schachaufgaben" Schachverlag Rudi Schmaus Heidelberg 1976 s.c. VG 10,00 €
  235. Fabel, Karl Introduction to Retrograde Analysis. Translated by Philip Cohen 15p. The Q Press Dursley 1973 s.c. VG 20,00 €
  236. Fabel, Karl(Zusammengestellt und Besprochen) Kleinkunst im Schachproblem. Ausgewählte Miniaturen von Franz Palatz, Dr. Wilhelm Massmann, Dr. Werner Speckmann, Dr. Karl Fabel 64p. RAU "Südwestschach-Reihe Band 7 Germany 1963 s.c. VG 13,00 €
  237. Fabel, Karl Kurioses Schach. Amusante Stellungen. Interessantes Geschehen. Seltsame Spielregeln auf den 64 Feldern 64p. Walter Rau Verlag "RAU 2" Germany 1960 s.c. VG 10,00 €
  238. Fabel, Karl Kurioses Schach. Amusante Stellungen. Interessantes Geschehen. Seltsame Spielregeln auf den 64 Feldern 64p. 3. Auflage Walter Rau Verlag "RAU 2" Germany 1975 s.c. VG 10,00 €
  239. Fabel, Karl Rund um das Schachbrett. Amüsantes Stellungen und Interessantes vom Schach VII+137p. Walter de Gruyter Berlin 1955 s.c. VG 15,00 €
  240. Fabel & Kemp Schach ohne Grenzen. Chess unlimited 74p. Walter Rau Verlag "RAU 14" Germany 1969 s.c. VG+ 15,00 €
  241. Feenschach 1979-80 (45-52) Zeitschrift für märchenschach. Band XVI. Index+508p. Bound. VG+ 50,00 €
  242. Feenschach 1983-84 (64-72) Zeitschrift für märchenschach. Band XVIII. Index+524p. Bound. VG 50,00 €
  243. Feenschach 1985-86 (73-81) Zeitschrift für märchenschach. Band XIX. Index+488p. Bound. VG 50,00 €
  244. Feenschach 1987-88 (82-89) Zeitschrift für märchenschach. Band XX. Index+448p. Bound. VG 50,00 €
  245. Feenschach 1989-90 (90-98) Zeitschrift für märchenschach. Band XXI. Index+500p. Bound. VG 50,00 €
  246. Feenschach 1990-91(94-95, 97-102) Zeitschrift für märchenschach. Band XXI-XXII. Bound. VG+ 40,00 €
  247. Feenschach 1991-92 (99-106) Zeitschrift für märchenschach. Band XXII. Index+448p. Bound. VG 50,00 €
  248. Feenschach 1992-93(103-110) Zeitschrift für märchenschach. Band XXII-XXIII. Bound. VG+ 50,00 €
  249. Feenschach 1993-94 (107-114) Zeitschrift für märchenschach. Band XXIII. Index+428p. Bound. VG 50,00 €
  250. Feenschach 2001-02(147, 148) Zeitschrift für märchenschach. Band XXVII. VG. Each 3,00 €
  251. Feenschach 2003-04 (150-157) Zeitschrift für märchenschach. Band XXVIII. Index+388p. Loose issues. Complete. VG 40,00 €
  252. Feenschach 2007-08 (167-174) Zeitschrift für märchenschach. Band XXX. Index+344p. Loose issues. Complete. VG 40,00 €
  253. Feenschach 2009 (175-179) Zeitschrift für märchenschach. Band XXXI. VG. Each 3,00 €
  254. Feenschach 2010 (181-184) Zeitschrift für märchenschach. Band XXXI. VG. Each 3,00 €
  255. Feenschach 2012 (193, 194, 195, 196) Zeitschrift für märchenschach. Band XXXII. VG. Each 3,00 €
  256. FIDE Album 1914-1944/I Petrovic, Nenad(Edited) FIDE Album 1914-1944/I. 179p. Sahovska naklada Zagreb 1971  b. Ocloth. VG 25,00 €
  257. FIDE Album 1945-1955 Petrovic, Nenad(Edited) FIDE Album 1945-1955. 1891 problems with solutions 479p. Sahovska naklada Zagreb 1964 s.c. VG+ 35,00 €
  258. FIDE Album 1945-1955 Petrovic, Nenad(Edited) FIDE Album 1945-1955. 479p. Sahovska naklada Zagreb 1964 s.c. Back cover stained, otherwise VG- 20,00 €
  259. FIDE Album 1945-1955 Petrovic, Nenad(Edited) FIDE Album 1945-1955. 479p. Sahovska naklada Zagreb 1964 s.c. A reading copy only. G 10,00 €
  260. FIDE Album 1956-1958 Petrovic, Nenad(Edited) FIDE Album 1956-1958. 186+(1)p. Vjesnik Zagreb 1961 s.c. VG+ 20,00 €
  261. FIDE Album 1956-1958 Petrovic, Nenad(Edited) FIDE Album 1956-1958. 187p. 2nd revised edition Vjesnik Zagreb 1961 s.c. VG- 15,00 €
  262. FIDE Album 1959-1961 Petrovic, Nenad(Edited) FIDE Album 1959-1961. 224p. Sahovska naklada "Br. 25" Zagreb 1966 b. Ocloth. Some notes made by CorrGM Risto Kauranen. VG- 20,00 €
  263. FIDE Album 1959-1961 Petrovic, Nenad(Edited) FIDE Album 1959-1961. 224p. Sahovska naklada "Br. 25" Zagreb 1966 s.c. VG+ 20,00 €
  264. FIDE Album 1959-1961 Petrovic, Nenad(Edited) FIDE Album 1959-1961. 224p. Sahovska naklada "Br. 25" Zagreb 1966 s.c. VG- 15,00 €
  265. FIDE Album 1962-1964 Petrovic, Nenad(Edited) FIDE Album 1962-1964. 259p. Sahovska naklada Zagreb 1968 b. Ocloth. VG 30,00 €
  266. FIDE Album 1962-1964 Petrovic, Nenad(Edited) FIDE Album 1962-1964. 259p. Sahovska naklada Zagreb 1968 s.c. VG 20,00 €
  267. FIDE Album 1962-1964 Petrovic, Nenad(Edited) FIDE Album 1962-1964. 259p. Sahovska naklada Zagreb 1968 s.c. VG- 15,00 €
  268. FIDE Album 1965-1967 Petrovic, Nenad(Edited) FIDE Album 1965-1967. 200p. Sahovska naklada Zagreb 1976 b. Ocloth. VG 20,00 €
  269. FIDE Album 1965-1967 Petrovic, Nenad(Edited) FIDE Album 1965-1967. 200p. Sahovska naklada Zagreb 1976 s.c. VG- 15,00 €
  270. FIDE Album 1968-1970 Petrovic, Nenad(Edited) FIDE Album 1968-1970. 200p. Sahovska naklada Zagreb 1977 b. Ocloth. VG 20,00 €
  271. FIDE Album 1968-1970 Petrovic, Nenad(Edited) FIDE Album 1968-1970. 200p. Sahovska naklada Zagreb 1977 b. Ocloth. VG- 15,00 €
  272. FIDE Album 1971-1973 Petrovic, Nenad(Edited) FIDE Album 1971-1973. 200p. Sahovska naklada Zagreb 1978 b. Ocloth. VG- 15,00 €
  273. FIDE Album 1971-1973 Petrovic, Nenad(Edited) FIDE Album 1971-1973. 200p. Sahovska naklada Zagreb 1978 s.c. VG 15,00 €
  274. FIDE Album 1977-1979 Petrovic, Nenad(Edited) FIDE Albom 1977-1979. 199p. Sportska tribina Zagreb 1984 b. Ocloth. VG 20,00 €
  275. FIDE Album 1977-1979 Petrovic, Nenad(Edited) FIDE Albom 1977-1979. 199p. Sportska tribina Zagreb 1984 s.c. VG 15,00 €
  276. FIDE Album 1980-1982 Petrovic, Nenad(Edited) FIDE Album 1980-1982. 431p. Sportska tribina Zagreb 1988 b. Ocloth. VG 25,00 €
  277. FIDE Album 1980-1982 Petrovic, Nenad(Edited) FIDE Album 1980-1982. 431p. Sportska tribina Zagreb 1988 b. Ocloth. VG- 20,00 €
  278. FIDE Album 1980-1982 Petrovic, Nenad(Edited) FIDE Album 1980-1982. 431p. Sportska tribina Zagreb 1988 s.c. VG 20,00 €
  279. FIDE Album 1986-1988 Blondel & Ellinghoven(Edited) FIDE Album 1986-1986. XVI+568p. EDITIONS feenschach - phenix Aachen 1995 b. Ocloth. VG 50,00 €
  280. FIDE Album 1989-1991 Blondel & Ellinghoven(Edited) FIDE Album 1989-1991. XVI+684p. EDITIONS feenschach - phenix Aachen 1997 b. Ocloth. 700 copies printed. VG+ 50,00 €
  281. FIDE Album 1992-1994 Blondel & Ellinghoven(Edited) FIDE Album 1992-1994. XIV+671p. EDITIONS feenschach - phenix Aachen 2001 b. Ocloth. 600 copies printed! VG+ 50,00 €
  282. FIDE Album 1995-1997 Blondel & Ellinghoven(Edited) FIDE Album 1995-1997. XIV+604p. EDITIONS feenschach - phenix Aachen 2004 b. Ocloth. Only 600 copies printed! VG+ 50,00 €
  283. FIDE Album 2001-2003 Blondel & Ellinghoven(Edited) FIDE Album 2001-2003. XIV+676p. EDITIONS feenschach - phenix Aachen 2011 b. Ocloth. Only 600 copies printed! VG+ 60,00 €
  284. FIDE Album 2013-2015 Fougiaxis, Harry(Edited) FIDE Album 2013-2015. X+691+(1)p. Bratislava 2019 b. Ocloth. As new! 60,00 €
  285. Finales ... y temas 2001 (20) Ano V Buenos Aires(Jose Copie) s.c. VG 4,00 €
  286. Finales ... y temas 2003 (26, 27) Ano VII Buenos Aires(Jose Copie) s.c. VG Each 4,00 €
  287. Finales ... y temas 2004 (30, 31, 32, 33) Ano VIII Buenos Aires(Jose Copie) s.c. VG Each 4,00 €
  288. Finales ... y temas 2005 (34, 35, 36) Ano IX Buenos Aires(Jose Copie) s.c. VG Each 4,00 €
  289. Fine, Reuben Basic Chess Endings XIV+573p. L/N 2313 Betts 21-27 Second edition McKay USA 1941 b. Oboards. VG 15,00 €
  290. Fine, Reuben Basic Chess Endings XIV+573p. Fourth edition McKay USA 1941 b. Oboards. VG 15,00 €
  291. Fine, Reuben Basic Chess Endings XIV+573p. Reprinted McKay USA 1960 dj. VG 15,00 €
  292. Fine, Reuben Basic Chess Endings XIV+573p. Reprinted David McKay Company "Tartan Books 3" USA 1969 s.c. VG+ 15,00 €
  293. Fine, Reuben Basic Chess Endings XIV+573p. Reprinted David McKay Company "Tartan Books 3" USA 1969 s.c. VG 10,00 €
  294. Fine, Reuben Basic Chess Endings XIV+573p. Reprinted McKay "McKay Chess Library" USA (s.a.) s.c. VG 10,00 €
  295. Fine, Reuben Osnovne sahovske konacnice. I-II knjiga. 2 books bound together 336+367p. Sahovska naklada "Biblioteka sahovske naklade broj 14-15" Zagreb 1951 b. Bound by Matti Nukari, who was the editor-in-chief of Suomen Shakki magazine in the seventies. There are few of his underlinings! VG/VG- 30,00 €
  296. Flear, Glenn Test your endgame thinking 160p. Everyman Chess Great Britain 2002 s.c. VG+ (As new) 20,00 €
  297. Fomichev, Eugene Mini bikini. 134 problems with solutions. Foreword by Mike Prcic 71p. Self published Shatki 2009 s.c. VG- 15,00 €
  298. Fomichev, Evgeny Shakhmatnaja kompozitsija v Gorkom 108p. Volgo-Vjatskoe Knizhnoe Izdatelstvo Gorkij 1989 b. Privately bound. 1500 copies printed. VG 12,00 €
  299. Formanek, Bedrich A kompozicny sach 47p. Metodicky list kompozicneho sachu no. 10 Bratislava 1983 s.c. VG 10,00 €
  300. Formanek, Bedrich Kompozicny shach na Slovensku. 301 problems with solutions 231+(1)p. Sport Bratislava 1984 b. Oboards. VG 10,00 €
  301. Fougiaxis, Harry & Prentos, Kostas(Edited) 48th world congress of chess composition 3-10 september 2005 Eretria. Results of the Pantelis Martoudis Memorial Tourney 2005. Selected chess compositions of Pantelis Martoudis. Results of the Dniepropetrovsk - Tsessaloniki Match 2004-05. Results of the Halkidiki WCCC Internet Composing Ty 2004. 44p. Greek Chess Composition Committee (s.l.) 2005 s.c. VG 15,00 €
  302. Fuss & Möller 150 Ausgewählte Schachaufgaben IV+120p. L/N 2594 Verlag von Veit & Comp. Leipzig 1909 s.c. Covered with plastic, otherwise VG 40,00 €
  303. Fuss & Möller 200 Ausgewählte Schachaufgaben VII+106p. L/N 2818 Berlin 1939 dj. VG 30,00 €
  304. Földeak, Arpad Ein Vierteljahrhundert Turmendspiele. Turmendspiele in Schachpartien. Theorie und Praxis 184p. Corvina Verlag Hungary 1976 s.c. VG- 10,00 €
  305. Földeak, Arpad Turmendspiele in Schachpartien. Theorie und Praxis mit 252 Diagrammen 184p. Falken Budapest 1976 s.c. VG 10,00 €
  306. Gannholm, K. E Egna problem från 1930-talets början (73 problems) samt några partier där (11 annotated games). Gannholms special vinner snabbt 92p. Self published (s.l.) 1981 s.c. VG 25,00 €
  307. Gawlikowski, Stanislaw Koncowa gra szachowa. Zakonczenia figurowo-pionowe 947+(1)p. Czytelnik Poland 1954 b. Ocloth. VG 30,00 €
  308. Giddins, Steve 101 Chess Endgame Tips. Golden nuggets of endgame wisdom 111+(1)p. Gambit Publications Great Britain 2007 s.c. VG+ 20,00 €

  309. Gijssen, Geurt(Edited) Award of the Jan van Reek 50th anniversary jubilee tourney. Judge Jan van Reek 28p. Eleventh book of Stichting Eindspel The Netherlands 1995 s.c. VG 10,00 €
  310. Giöbel, Bengt Problem och profiler i svenskt schackliv (136p.) SB:s Förlag Uppsala 1984 s.c. VG 15,00 €
  311. Gorgiev & Rudenko Osada tshernogo korolja 132p. Sah 711 Dnepropetrovskoe knizhnoe izdatelstvo Dnepropetrovsk 1960 s.c. VG 20,00 €
  312. Gorgiev, Tigran Izbrannye etjudy. 156 studies with solutions 151+(1)p. Sah 736 Fizkultura i sport Moskva 1959 s.c. VG 15,00 €
  313. Grand, Piet le a.o. 60 componisten in 60 jaar 36p. Drukkerij Van Spijk the Netherlands 1991 s.c. VG+ 10,00 €
  314. Grasemann, Herbert Eines Reverends Einfall, der Geschichte machte. Das neudeutsche Schachproblem. Ursprung, Grundlagen, Grundbegriffe 56p. Im Selbstverlag des Verfassers Berlin (1981) s.c. Dedicated and signed by Grasemann in 1981! VG 15,00 €
  315. Grasemann, Herbert Problem-Juwelen. Auslese 1958-1962. 260 problems 116p. Siegfried Engelhardt Verlag Berlin (1964) s.c. VG 15,00 €
  316. Grasemann, Herbert Problemschach 196p. Sportverlag Berlin 1955 b. Oboards. VG 10,00 €
  317. Grzeban, Grzegorz zagadki szachowe I. 16p. Biuletyn miesiecznika szachy 1988(6/42) Warszawa 1988 s.c. VG 5,00 €
  318. Griffiths, Peter Exploring the Endgame 220p. Black Great Britain 1984 s.c. VG 10,00 €
  319. Grin, A(=Guljaev, A) Znamenitye kompozitsii 87p. Sah(2) 1399 Fizkultura i sport "Bibliotetshka shakhmatista" Moskva 1973 s.c. VG 7,00 €
  320. Grivas, Efstratios Monster Your Endgame Planning. Volume 1. 282+(5)p. Chess Evolution Hungary 2019 s.c. VG+ (As new) 25,00 €
  321. Gufeld, Eduard Exploiting Small Advantages VI+90p. Batsford Great Britain 1985 s.c. VG 10,00 €
  322. Guljaev, A Izbrannye shakhmatnye zadatshi i etjudy 87+(1)p. Sah 737 Fizkultura i sport Moskva 1956 s.c. VG 12,00 €
  323. Gurgenidze, David Etjud i teoretitsheskij endshpil 96p. Dedaena Tbilisi 2002 s.c. VG+ 15,00 €
  324. Gurvitsh, A (1897-1962) Etjudy. 70(own)+69(other composers) studies with solutions 189+(4)p. Sah 738 Fizkultura i sport Moskva 1961 b. Oboards. VG 15,00 €
  325. Gurvitsh, A (1897-1962) Etjudy. 70(own)+69(other composers) studies with solutions 189+(4)p. Sah 738 Fizkultura i sport Moskva 1961 b. Oboards. G+/VG- 10,00 €
  326. Gurwitsch & Speckmann Meisterwerke der Endspielkunst. Ausgewählte Schachstudien mit eingehenden Erläuterungen 137+(3)p. Walter de Gruyter Berlin 1964 s.c. G+ 10,00 €
  327. Guttmann, E Minimalprobleme 64p. RAU "Südwestschach-Reihe Band 5 Germany 1962 s.c. VG 13,00 €
  328. Gvozdjak, Peter Cyclone. Contains 1673 cyclic problems by 288 authors 300p. Self published (s.l.) 2000 b. Oboards. VG 20,00 €
  329. Götze, Lothar Bodo Zweiundzwanzig Stunden Schachunterricht 115p. Verlag Das Schach Hamburg 1967 s.c. VG 15,00 €
  330. Haas, Walter Franckh-Schachkurs: Das Endspiel. Eine neue Trainingsmethode. Technik und Präzision 78p. Franckh-Schach Germany 1990 s.c. Covered with plastic, otherwise VG 5,00 €
  331. Hannelius, Jan 512 finländska miniatyrer 195p. Suomen Tehtäväniekat Helsinki 1992 s.c. VG+ 25,00 €
  332. Hannelius, Jan 512 finländska miniatyrer 195p. Suomen Tehtäväniekat Helsinki 1992 s.c. G+ 15,00 €
  333. Hannelius, Jan 100 år finländska miniatyrer. 435 finländska miniatyrer III+160p. Walther Jörgensen Köpenhavn 1984 s.c. VG- 15,00 €
  334. Hannelius & Kaila(Edited) The 11th meeting of the permanent commission of the FIDE for chess compositions 23.-30.8.1967 Tampere. Includes e.g. "Jan Hannelius: The man behind his composition (Comins Mansfield)" 16p. Suomen Tehtäväniekat Helsinki 1967 s.c. VG 10,00 €
  335. Hansen, Lars Bo Secrets of Chess Endgame Strategy. How to marshal your forces in the decisive phase of the game 223+(1)p. Gambit Publications Great Britain 2006 s.c. VG+ 20,00 €
  336. Harkola, Hannu(Edited) FIDE:n tehtäväkongressi Hyvinkäällä 6.-15.7. 1979. The material of this publication is mostly based on a booklet by Mr. Pieter ten Cate (1971) and completed by Hannu Harkola 32p. Suomen Shakki 1979(4a) s.c. VG+ 5,00 €
  337. Harkola, Hannu(Edited) Suomen 18. ratkaisijamestaruuskilpailu 4p. Suomen Tehtäväniekat (s.l.) 1974 s.c. VG 4,00 €
  338. Harkola, Hannu(Edited) Suomen 33. ratkaisijamestaruuskilpailu 4p. Suomen Tehtäväniekat (s.l.) 1989 s.c. VG 4,00 €
  339. Harley, Brian Mate in Two Moves. The two-move chess problem made easy VII+216p. (Betts 34-11) Reprinted Bell Great Britain 1947 b. Ocloth. VG- 10,00 €
  340. Harley, Brian Mate in Two Moves. The two-move chess problem made easy III+216p. Dover New York 1970 s.c. VG 10,00 €
  341. Hasek, Josef 215 sachovych studii 32p. SNZZ Brno 1998 s.c. VG 5,00 €
  342. Heijden, Harold van der Harold van der Heijden 50 JT 54+(2)p. ARVES (s.l.) 2011 s.c. VG+ 10,00 €
  343. Heijden, Harold van der Pawn Promotion to Bishop or Rook in the Endgame Study 75+(4)p. New in Chess the Netherlands 1996 s.c. VG 10,00 €
  344. Hellsten, Johan Mastering Endgame Strategy 537p. Everyman Chess UK 2013 s.c. VG+ 25,00 €
  345. Henke, Walter Schach dem unhumor. Schachaufgaben und -epigramme sowie nicht schachgebundene heitere Gedanken in Vers und Prosa 50+(2)p. Deutscher Schachverband der DDR Freital 1985 s.c. VG 10,00 €
  346. Henneberger, Hans Kunstschach in der Schweiz. Les Echecs artistiques en Suisse. Schachprobleme und Studien schweizerischer Komponisten von 1966-1976. 154p. Vereinigung der Schweizer Kunstschachfreunde Switzerland 1980 s.c. VG 20,00 €
  347. Herbstman, A Das Geheimnis des schwarzen Königs 253+(3)p. Sportverlag Berlin 1960 dj. VG 10,00 €
  348. Herbstman, A Das Geheimnis des schwarzen Königs 253+(3)p. Sportverlag Berlin 1960 b. Ocloth. VG 10,00 €
  349. Herbstman, A De schaakstudie der nieuw-Russische Grootmeesters. Met een voorwoord van Dr. Aljechin 189p. L/N 2276 De Tijdstroom Lochem (1937) b. Oboards. G+ 10,00 €
  350. Herbstman, A (1900-1982) Izbrannye shakhmatnye etjudy. 117(Herbstman) + 47(others) studies with solutions 199+(1)p. Sah 735 Sah(2) 1482 Fizkultura i sport Moskva 1964 s.c. VG 8,00 €
  351. Herbstman, A Padenie tshernogo korolja. Shakmatnye novelly 192p. Sah 898 Kazgoslitizdat Alma-Ata 1958 s.c. Oboards. VG 15,00 €
  352. Herbstman, A Padenie tshernogo korolja. Shakmatnye novelly 192p. Sah 898 Kazgoslitizdat Alma-Ata 1958 s.c. Oboards. VG- 10,00 €
  353. Herbstman, A Rasskazy o belom slone 126+(2)p. Sah 899 Fizkultura i sport Moskva 1959 s.c. VG 10,00 €
  354. Herbstman, A Sovremennyj shakmatnyj etjud 185+(3)p. L/N 2285 Sah 727 Fizkultura i Turizm Leningrad 1937 b. Oboards. VG 75,00 €
  355. Hildebrand, Alexander Harakiri. En samling självmatter 73p. Self published Uppsala 1998 s.c. VG+ 20,00 €
  356. Hildebrand & Uddgren Svenska miniattyrer II. 98+(1)p. Svenska problemschackklubben Uppsala 1994 s.c. VG 15,00 €
  357. Hinkka, Erkki 18 shakkitehtävää (1+25p.) Self published Helsinki 1989 b. Oboards. Only 200 copies printed! VG+ 20,00 €
  358. Holladay, Edgar Wurzburg artistry. A selection of 200 chess problems composed by Otto Wurzburg (1875-1951) (64p.) Self published USA 1974 s.c. VG- 20,00 €
  359. Hooper, David A Pocket Guide to Chess Endgames VIII+197p. Reprinted Bell and Sons Great Britain 1973 dj. VG 10,00 €
  360. Hooper, David A Pocket Guide to Chess Endgames VIII+197p. Reprinted Bell Chess Books Great Britain 1979 s.c. VG 8,00 €
  361. Hooper, David Practical Chess Endgames VIII+143p. Routledge "Chess Handbooks 6" Great Britain 1968 s.c. VG 8,00 €
  362. Horwitz & Kling Chess Studies and End-Games in two parts. Part I. Chess Studies by Horwitz and Kling. Part II. Miscellaneous Endgames by Horwitz VII+376p. L/N 2172 2nd edition Bell London 1889 b. Ocloth. VG 150,00 €
  363. Howard, Kenneth Chess Problem Gems by Eight Eminent American Composers V+102+(15)p. Dover New York 1972 s.c. VG 10,00 €
  364. Howard, Kenneth Classic Chess Problems by Pioneer Composers. 155 problems of various types with solutions V+109+(7)p. Dover New York 1970 s.c. VG 10,00 €
  365. Howard, Kenneth How to Solve Chess Problems IX+171p. Dover New York 1961 s.c. VG 10,00 €
  366. Howard, Kenneth Spectacular Chess Problems. 200 Gems by American Composers III+117+(3)p. Dover New York 1965 s.c. VG 10,00 €
  367. Howard, Kenneth The Enjoyment of Chess Problems IX+222p. L/N 2865 Revised Edition Bell Great Britain 1951 dj. VG 20,00 €
  368. Howard, Kenneth The Enjoyment of Chess Problems XIII+222+(17)p. 4th Revised Edition Dover New York 1967 s.c. VG 15,00 €
  369. Hume, George(Edited) An English bohemian: A tribute to B. G. Laws by John Keeble 175+(1)p. L/N 2749 Chess Amateur "Christmas series" Stroud 1933 b. Ocloth. VG 70,00 €
  370. Hume, George(Edited) Suomi: A Collection of Problems by finnish Composers by Pentti Sola 140+(1)p. L/N 2764 Chess Amateur "Christmas series" Stroud 1934 b. Ocloth. VG 80,00 €
  371. Hume, George(Edited) Suomi: A Collection of Problems by finnish Composers by Pentti Sola 140+(1)p. L/N 2764 Chess Amateur "Christmas series" Stroud 1934 b. Ocloth. VG- 70,00 €
  372. Idee & form 1998(57, 60) Jahrgang 15. VG. Each 3,00 €
  373. Idee & form 1999(63) Jahrgang 16. VG 3,00 €
  374. Idee & form 2002(76) Jahrgang 19. VG 3,00 €
  375. Infoblatt 1994-1999(September/1994, 14, 20, 21, 25, 26) VG. Each 2,00 €
  376. Infoblatt 1997-2008(18, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 43, 44, 47, 48) VG. Each 1,00 €
  377. Il Duale 1984(4-7) anno 7 Comins Mansfield. VG- 3,00 €
  378. Il Duale 1985(8-9) anno 8 Temi Feldman e altre cose. VG- 3,00 €
  379. Il Duale 1985(10-11) anno 8 28 meeting Fide - Riccionen 1985. VG- 3,00 €
  380. Jaarboek 1946 van de nederlandse bond van schaak probleemvrienden 46+(2)p. Nanning Eindhoven (s.a.) s.c. VG- 15,00 €
  381. Jaarboek 1980 van de nederlandse bond van schaak probleemvrienden 48p. Van Spijk Venlo (s.a.) s.c. VG+ 10,00 €
  382. Jakovlev, Nikolaj Mat v okontshanii 32p. Self published Sankt-Peterburg 1999 s.c. VG 7,00 €
  383. Janevski, Zhivko Antologija na makedonskiot problemski shakh. Prvo izdanie. 311 problems with solutions 110+(2)p. Skopje 1987 s.c. 471/1000. Signed by the Author! VG 15,00 €
  384. Janevski, Zhivko Antologija na makedonskiot problemski shakh. Prvo izdanie. 311 problems with solutions 110+(2)p. Skopje 1987 s.c. 471/1000. Signed by the Author! VG 10,00 €
  385. Janevski, Zivko Vukota Nikoletic. 314 Selected Compositions II+121p. Library of the Magazine Orbit Skopje 2002 s.c. VG 20,00 €
  386. Janevski & Stolev The Modern Helpmate in Two 144p. Skopje 1989 s.c. VG+ 15,00 €
  387. Johandl, Wenda, Chlubna Dreiklang 331p. Verlag Friedrich Chlubna Wien 2001 b. Oboards. Signed by all three Authors! VG+ 30,00 €
  388. Jussupow & Dworezki Effektives Endspieltraining 177p. Beyer-Verlag Germany 1996 s.c. VG 10,00 €
  389. Jörgensen, Walther 170 skakopgaver af Walther Jörgensen 75p. + Rettelser og tilföjelser Self published Köpenhavn 1975 b. Oboards. Signed by the Author. VG 20,00 €
  390. Kaila, Osmo(Edited) Lauantaishakkia. 363 Suomen Sosialidemokraatissa julkaistua tehtäväshakkipalstaa 1964-1971. About 400 problems 205+(1)p. Kustannusosakeyhtiö Kansanvalta Helsinki 1975 dj. VG 20,00 €
  391. Kaila & Myllyniemi Tehtävä- eli taideshakki. Eripainos teoksesta "Nuorten tieto 5" 12p. Porvoo 1965 s.c. VG 8,00 €
  392. Kallai & Szabolcsi 64 Tests für 64 Felder. Endspieltests 155p. Caissa Chess Books Kecskemet 1997 s.c. VG 10,00 €
  393. Kallio, Timo(Edited) Tehtäväshakin käsikirja. Kirjoittajat: Kallio, Mänttä, Perkonoja, Tanner, Valtonen 206p. Suomen Tehtäväniekat Helsinki 1995 s.c. VG+ 15,00 €
  394. Kan, I(Edited) Shakhmatnoe tvortshestvo N. D. Grigorjeva. Analizy, teoretitsheskie raboty, etjudy, izbrannye partii. Mostly endgames 342+(2)p. Sah 418 L/N 2356 Fizkultura i sport Moskva 1952 b. Oboards. VG 15,00 €
  395. Kan, I(Edited) Shakhmatnoe tvortshestvo N. D. Grigorjeva(1895-1938). Analizy, teoretitsheskie raboty, etjudy, izbrannye partii. A lot of endgames and 20 games 487+(1)p. 2nd revised edition Sah 419 Sah(2) 806 Fizkultura i sport Moskva 1954 b. Oboards. VG 20,00 €
  396. Karakas, Eva Tamadas a kiraly ellen. Mostly endgames 199+(1)p. Sport Budapest 1974 b. Oboards. VG 10,00 €
  397. Karpov & Gik Mis finales favoritos. Y estudios de grandes maestros 167+(6)p. Zugarto Ediciones "Coleccion ajedrez 2" Spain 1992 s.c. VG 10,00 €
  398. Karpov & Gik Vsë o shakhmatakh. A lot of studies 495p. 2-e izdanie, ispravlennoe i dopolnennoe Fair-press Moskva 2002 b. Oboards. VG 12,00 €
  399. Karsch & Hagemann Figuren-Rundläufe im Schachproblem 37p. L/N 2968 Feenschach-Verlag Hamburg 1952 b. Oboards. VG 20,00 €
  400. Kasparjan, Henrich Zauber des Endspiels 135p. Walter Rau Verlag "RAU 15" Germany 1974 s.c. VG 15,00 €
  401. Kasparjan, G 555 etjudov-miniatjur 307+(1)p. Ajastan Erevan 1975 b. Oboards. VG 15,00 €
  402. Kasparjan, G Etjudy. 269 endgame studies 198+(2)p. Sah(2) 1491 Fizkultura i sport Moskva 1972 s.c. VG 8,00 €
  403. Kasparjan, G Etjudy. 269 endgame studies 198+(2)p. Sah(2) 1491 Fizkultura i sport Moskva 1972 b. VG 8,00 €
  404. Kasparjan, G Etjudy, stati, analizy. 400 studies 285+(3)p. Sah(2) 1495 Fizkultura i sport Moskva 1988 s.c. VG 7,00 €
  405. Kasparjan, G Izbrannye etjudy i partii. Predislovie tshempion mira M. Botvinnika 246p. Sah 430 Sah(2) 1489 Armgosizdat Erevan 1959 b. Oboards. VG 15,00 €
  406. Kasparjan, G Izbrannye etjudy i partii. Predislovie tshempion mira M. Botvinnika 246p. Sah 430 Sah(2) 1489 Armgosizdat Erevan 1959 b. Oboards. VG- 13,00 €
  407. Kasparjan, G Pozitsionnaja nitshja 103+(1)p. Sah 733 Sah(2) 1458 Fizkultura i sport Moskva 1962 s.c. VG 5,00 €
  408. Kasparjan, G Pozitsionnaja nitshja 103+(1)p. Sah 733 Sah(2) 1458 Fizkultura i sport Moskva 1962 b. VG 7,00 €
  409. Kasparjan, G Pozitsionnaja nitshja 144p. Izdanie vtoroe, pererabotannoe Sah(2) 1458a Fizkultura i sport Moskva 1977 s.c. VG 5,00 €
  410. Kasparjan, G Razvitie etjudnykh idej. 1380 studies with solutions 341+(3)p. Ajastan Erevan 1979 b. Oboards. VG 7,00 €
  411. Kasparjan, G Sbornik etjudov i partij. 400 studies and 124 games 351+(1)p. Sah(2) 1494 Ajastan Erevan 1987 b. Oboards. VG 10,00 €
  412. Kasparjan, G Shakhmatnye etjudy. Dominatsija I-II. 2545 studies with solutions 257+352p. Ajastan Erevan 1972-74 b. Oboards. VG 15,00 €
  413. Kasparjan, G Sila peshki. 1338 studies with solutions 352p. Ajastan Erevan 1980 b. Oboards. VG 7,00 €
  414. Kasparjan, G Shakhmatnye etjudy. Dominatsija I-II 257+352p. Ajastan Erevan 1972-74 b. Oboards. VG 15,00 €
  415. Kasparjan, G Tajny etjudista 279+(1)p. Sah(2) 1493 Ajastan Erevan 1984 b. Oboards. VG 7,00 €
  416. Kasparjan, G Zametshatelnye etjudy. 1062 studies with solutions 326+(2)p. Ajastan Erevan 1982 b. Oboards. VG 7,00 €
  417. Kasparyan, Ghenrikh Domination in 2,545 endgame studies 541+(2)p. Progress Publishers Moscow 1980 dj. VG+ 35,00 €
  418. Kazazjka schachiwnycja 2006(1-7/23-29) 4 loose issues(1, 2-3, 4-5, 6-7) Only 100 copies printed! VG 15,00 €
  419. Kazantsev, Aleksandr Dar Kaissy. Nautshno-fantastitsheskaja povest i rasskazy 191+(1)p. Fizkultura i sport Moskva 1975 s.c. VG 5,00 €
  420. Kazantsev, Aleksandr Dar Kaissy. Nautshno-fantastitsheskaja povest i rasskazy 272p. 2-e izdanie, dopolnennoe Fizkultura i sport Moskva 1983 s.c. VG 5,00 €
  421. Kazantsev, Kofman, Liburkin(Edited) Sovetskij shakhmatnyj etjud. Sbornik 461+(3)p. Sah 730 Fizkultura i sport Moskva 1955 b. Ocloth. VG 15,00 €
  422. Keres, Paul Practical Chess Endings. Translated by John Littlewood IX+262p. Batsford Great Britain 1974 b. Ocloth. VG- 15,00 €
  423. Keres, Paul Practical Chess Endings. Translated by John Littlewood IX+262p. Reprinted Batsford "The Club Player's Library" Great Britain 1977 s.c. VG 15,00 €
  424. Keres, Paul Praktische Endspiele 334p. Das Schach-Archiv Kurt Rattmann Holland 1973 b. Oboards. VG 15,00 €
  425. Keres, Paul Praktische Endspiele 332+(3)p. Das Schach-Archiv Kurt Rattmann Germany 1979 b. Oboards. VG 15,00 €
  426. Khait, Arkadij & Kurjatnikov, Anatolij 50 izbrannykh etjudov V. Evreinova 32p. Self published (s.l.) 1997 s.c. VG 8,00 €
  427. Khajrabedjan & Gartshev Shakhmatni superminiatjuri. 146 problems 48p. Meditsina i fizkultura "Biblioteka za shakhmatista" Sofija 1988 s.c. VG 6,00 €
  428. Kipping, C The Chessmen Speak. Edited by George Hume 179+(1)p. L/N 2745 Chess Amateur "Christmas series" Stroud 1932 b. Ocloth. VG 90,00 €
  429. Kipping, C The Chessmen Speak. Edited by George Hume 179+(1)p. L/N 2745 Chess Amateur "Christmas series" Stroud 1932 b. Ocloth. The covers of the book are discoloured because of water damage, otherwise G+ 30,00 €
  430. Kirilitshenko, Stanislav(Edited) Shakhova kompozitsija Ukraini. Litopis 2006. 328p. Mikolaiv 2007 s.c. Limited edition of 100. VG 40,00 €
  431. Klinke, A Das schwarze Schnittpunktgefüge. Ein Leitfaden durch das Labyrinth einer der wichtigsten Problemarten VIII+191+(1)p. L/N 2689 Verlag des Deutschen Arbeiter-Schach-Bundes (Chemnitz) 1924 b. Ocloth. VG 50,00 € 
  432. Klinke, A Das schwarze Schnittpunktgefüge VIII+191+(1)p. L/N 2689 Verlag des Deutschen Arbeiter-Schach-Bundes Chemnitz 1924 b. Ocloth. Missing III-VI (Vorwort). VG 20,00 €
  433. Klüver, Hans Erich Brunner. Ein Künstler und Deuter des Schachproblems 200p. Rattmann Hamburg 1958 b. Oboards. VG 10,00 €
  434. Klüver, Hans Faschingsschach der Welt. 44 studies and problems 36p. Siegfried Engelhardt Verlag Berlin (1963) s.c. Covered with plastic, otherwise VG- 5,00 €
  435. Kniest, Peter Caissas Schlossbewohner 1. 119+(1)p. feenschach Germany 1983 b. Ocloth. VG 15,00 €
Kniest, Peter Caissas Schlossbewohner 2. 133+(2)p. feenschach Germany 1985 b. Ocloth. VG 15,00 €
  437. Kniest, Peter(Herausgegeben) Die Wiesbadener Problemschachtage 80p. Feenschach Germany 1975 s.c. VG+ 15,00 €
  438. Kniest, Peter(Herausgegeben) Giegold, Fritz(1903-1978) - 200 problematische Einfälle und Ideen II+125p. Feenschach Germany 1982 b. Oboards. VG 15,00 €
  439. Koder, Gabor(Edited) 2nd international Tungsram cup. Chess problem competition '80. 47p. Budapest (1980) s.c. VG 10,00 €
  440. Kofman, R(Edited) Izbrannye kompozitsii (Grin, Dombrovskis, Kofman, Kuznetsov, Popandopulo). About 600 problems and studies 365+(3)p. Sah(2) 1413 Fizkultura i sport Moskva 1985 s.c. VG 8,00 €
  441. Kofman, R(Edited) Shakhmatnaja kompozitsija 1974-1976. 362 problems with solutions 224+(1)p. Sah(2) 1401 Fizkultura i sport Moskva 1978 s.c. VG 5,00 €
  442. Kofman, R Izbrannye etjudy Kaminera i Liburkina 160p. Sah(2) 1488 Fizkultura i sport Moskva 1981 s.c. VG 10,00 €
  443. Kofman, R Izbrannye zadatshi S. Lojda. 156 problems with solutions 95+(1)p. Sah 743 Fizkultura i sport Moskva 1960 s.c. VG 10,00 €
  444. Kofman, R Vsesojuznye pervenstva po shakhmatnoj kompozitsii 312p. Sah 709 Fizkultura i sport Moskva 1956 s.c. VG- 15,00 €
  445. Kofman & Umnov Shakhmatnaja zadatsha. Sbornik 343p. Sah 721 Fizkultura i sport Moskva 1951 b. Oboards. VG 8,00 €
  446. Kolmen juhlakilpailun tuomiot. Erkki A. Wirtasen 60- Eero Bonsdorfin 50- Erkki Heinosen 50-vuotisjuhlakilpailujen tulokset 43p. Suomen Tehtäväniekat Helsinki 1973 s.c. VG 4,00 €
  447. Konikowski, Jerzy Sprawdz sie w koncowkach pionkowych 161+(2)p. Penelopa Warszawa 1999 s.c. VG 10,00 €
  448. Koranyi, Attila (1934-1997) Selected Chess Studies and Problems 140+(6)p. Caissa Kecskemet 1999 s.c. VG+ 15,00 €
  449. Korn, Walter American Chess Art 250 Portraits of Endgame Study XI+384p. Pitman USA 1975 b. Ocloth. VG 15,00 €
  450. Korn, Walter American Chess Art 250 Portraits of Endgame Study XI+384p. Chess Digest USA 1995 s.c. VG 15,00 €
  451. Korolkov, Vladimir Izbrannye etjudy 261+(3)p. Sah 739 Fizkultura i sport Moskva 1958 s.c. VG- 15,00 €
  452. Korolkov & Tshehover Izbrannye etjudy Troitskogo. 176 studies with solutions 183+(1)p. Sah 748 Fizkultura i sport Moskva 1959 s.c. VG- 9,00 €
  453. Kos, Vladimir(Edited) Josef Hasek: 215 sachovych studii 32p. SNZZ "Series SNZZ no. 77" Brno 1998 s.c. VG 5,00 €
  454. Kos, Vladimir Vyber sachovych skladeb. 123 authors problems 36p. Brno 1991 s.c. VG 8,00 €
  455. Kosten, Tony Slutspel i schack 127p. ICA bokförlag Falun 1993 b. Oboards. VG+ 15,00 €
  456. Kotesovec, Vaclav Exoproblemy Dr. Zdenka Macha 68p. Self published Praha 1996 s.c. Only 160 copies printed. VG 10,00 €
  457. Kotesovec, Vaclav Mezi sachovnici a pocitacem (Between chessboard and computer). Includes a guide for English-speaking readers 300+(4)p. Self published Praha 1996 dj. VG+ 20,00 €
  458. Kotesovec, Vaclav Rekordy v KÖlner KOntakt sachu 84p. Self published Praha 1997 s.c. Only 150 copies printed. VG+ 10,00 €
  459. Kotesovec, Vaclav Rekordy v PlatzWechselCirce 56p. Self published Praha 1996 s.c. Only 100 copies printed. VG+ 12,00 €
  460. Kotesovec, Vaclav Rekordy v PlatzWechselCirce II. 64p. Self published Praha 1996 s.c. Only 100 copies printed. VG+ 12,00 €
  461. Kotesovec, Vaclav Vysledek jubilejniho turnaje Kotesovec 40 (C 29.7.1996) 36p. Self published Praha 1996 s.c. Only 120 copies printed. VG 10,00 €
  462. Kovacevic, Vlado Basic Endings 140p. Croatian Chess Federation Zagreb 2007 s.c. VG+ 20,00 €
  463. Kovasevic, Marjan Minijature Jugoslovenskih Problemista 31p. Sahovski klub Bor 1984 s.c. Signed by the author. Slightly stained, otherwise VG 10,00 €
  464. Kraemer & Zepler Im Banne des Schachproblems.  Ausgewählte Schachaufgaben und Studien IV+158+(2)p. L/N 2958 Walter de Gruyter Germany 1951 s.c. VG- 15,00 €
  465. Krejcik, Josef Mein Abschied vom Schach. Mit 44 Partien, 40 Schluss-Spielen, 30 Endspielstudien, 17 Problemen, 27 Selbstmattaufgaben und 131 Stellungsbildern 106p. Walter de Gruyter Berlin 1955 s.c. VG 15,00 €
  466. Krogius, Nikolaj Zakony endshpilja 46+(2)p. Fizkultura i sport "Bibliotetshka shakhmatista" Moskva 1971 s.c. VG 5,00 €
  467. Krystufek, Peter Schach-Logeleien. 130 Aufgaben mit Lösungen für Einsteiger 143+(1)p. Verlag Harri Deutsch Germany 1987 s.c. VG 15,00 €
  468. Kubbel, Leonid 150 shakhmatnykh etjudov. 150 Endspielstudien. Mit dem Bildnis des Verfassers und einem Vorwort von Meister G. Löwenfisch 180p. Sah 740 L/N 2254 Leningrad 1925 b. Oboards. 3000 copies printed. Original covers G+, inside VG- 50,00 €
  469. Kubbel, Leonid 250 izbrannykh etjudov 184p. L/N 2290 Sah 741 Fizkultura i sport Leningrad 1938 b. Original covers. VG+/VG 80,00 €
  470. Kudesnik 2006(101, 102) A problem magazine from Moscow. VG. Each 3,00 €
  471. Kuhn & Murkisch(Herausgegeben) Das Hans-Klüver-Gedenkturnier 1990-1993. 48p. Selbstverlag der Herausgeber "Kuhn/Murkisch-Serie Nr.17" Germany 1993 s.c. VG+ 4,00 €
  472. Kuhn & Murkisch(Herausgegeben) Fritz Hoffmann Schachkonturen. Umrisse einer Problemkarriere mit 124 Aufgaben 132p. Selbstverlag der Herausgeber Göttingen/Lüneburg 1992 s.c. 250 copies printed. Ex libris Astrid Montag. VG 25,00 €
  473. Kuhn, Winfried Problemschach-Jahrbuch 1992 D 350p. Kuhn/ Murkisch-Serie Nr.16 Germany 1993 s.c. VG 15,00 €
  474. Kuiper, Pieter Feenstra (1888-1969) Het half pin thema. Een terugblik op het werk van de Good Companionsclub. 455 problems with solutions 118+errata+(1)p. L/N 2913 Good Companions Club (Hilversum 1947) b. Rebound with original front and back covers. Scarce item! VG+ 100,00 €
  475. Kuznetsov, Anatolij Tsveta shakhmatnogo spektra (endgame studies) 96p. Sah(2) 1511 Fizkultura i sport Moskva 1980 s.c. VG 7,00 €
  476. Lakdawala, Cyrus First Steps: Fundamental Endings 272p. Everyman Chess UK 2017 s.c. VG+ 20,00 €
  477. Larsen, Bent Taktik & teknik i slutspelet. 60 problems 47p. Prisma "Prismas Schackskola 4" Lund 1977 s.c. VG 10,00 €
  478. Larsson, Bror "Swing med Caissa" 97p. + errata Jörgensen Köpenhavn (s.a.) s.c. VG 15,00 €
  479. Lauterbach, Werner Das unsterbliche Spiel. Band I. Einführung in das Schach und seine Welt. A lot of problems 173+(3)p. RAU Germany 1957 s.c. VG 8,00 €
  480. Lauterbach, Werner Das unsterbliche Spiel. Band I. Einführung in das Schach und seine Welt. A lot of problems 173+(3)p. + 8 pages of photos RAU Germany 1957 b. Ocloth. VG 15,00 €
  481. Lauterbach, Werner Das unsterbliche Spiel. Band II. Das Schach und seine Welt 175p. RAU Germany 1959 s.c. VG 10,00 €
  482. Lauterbach, Werner & Treppner, Gerd Hundert grosse Endspiele. Lehrreiche Beispiele der Endspielkunst 58+(2)p. Schwarz-Weiss Verlag Germany (1984) s.c. VG 10,00 €
  483. Laws, B. G Chess Problems and how to solve them (9)+152p.+errata L/N 2681 Whitehead and Miller Leeds 1923 b. Oboards. A nice copy. VG+ 30,00 €
  484. Laws, B. G Chess Problems and how to solve them (9)+152p.+errata L/N 2681 Whitehead and Miller Leeds 1923 b. Oboards. VG 20,00 €
  485. Laws, B. G The Two-Move Chess Problem. With numerous diagrams (2)+IV+116+(2)p. L/N 2494 Georg Bell & Sons "The Club Series" London 1890 b. Oboards. VG 40,00 €
  486. Levenfish, Grigory & Smyslov, Vasily Rook Endings 224p. Fifth impression Batsford "The tournament player's collection" Great Britain 1982 s.c. VG 20,00 €
  487. Levenfish & Smyslov Teorija ladejnykh okontshanij 213+(3)p. Sah 699 Fizkultura i sport Moskva 1957 b. Oboards. VG 9,00 €
  488. Levenfish & Smyslov Teorija ladejnykh okontshanij 264p. Sah 700 2-e dopolnennoe izdanie Fizkultura i sport Moskva 1959 b. Oboards. VG 9,00 €
  489. Levenfish & Smyslov Teorija ladejnykh okontshanij 255p. 3-e izdanie, pererabotannoe i dopolnennoe Fizkultura i sport Moskva 1986 s.c. VG 8,00 €
  490. Levenfis & Szmiszlov A bastyavegjatekok elmelete 212p. Sport Budapest 1961 b. Private half cloth with gilt spine title. VG 10,00 €
  491. Löwenfisch & Smyslow Teoria de finales de Torre 196p. Editorial Grijalbo "Coleccion Escaques 3" Barcelona 1960 s.c. VG 10,00 €
  492. Löwenfisch & Smyslow Theorie der Turmendspiele. Mit 257 Diagrammen 192+(4)p. Walter de Gruyter Germany 1959 s.c. VG 15,00 €
  493. Löwenfisch & Smyslow Theorie der Turmendspiele. Mit 257 Diagrammen 192+(4)p. Walter de Gruyter Germany 1959 s.c. G+ 10,00 €
  494. Liesveld, A Hersengymnastiek op acht kwadraat. Schaakproblemen voor iedereen. 54 problems 56p. Limburgse schaakbond Venlo (s.a.) s.c. VG+ 10,00 €
  495. Lipis, Kalendovsky & Kos Almanach moravskoslezskych problemistu 46p. Brno 1999 s.c. VG 5,00 €
  496. Lipis & Kos 2 sachove meteory: Eduard Prandstetter & Miroslav Sindelar 26p. Brno 2000 s.c. VG 5,00 €
  497. Lipton, Matthews & Rice Chess Problems: Introduction to an Art 295p. Faber and Faber Great Britain 1963 dj. VG 20,00 €
  498. Livshits & Speelman Test Your Endgame Ability 201p. Batsford "Popular" Great Britain 1988 s.c. VG 20,00 €
  499. Lommer, Harold 1357 End-game Studies. The Best Chess Compositions 1935-1973. XXII+234p. Pitman Publishing Great Britain 1975 dj. VG+ 50,00 €
  500. Lommer, Harold 1357 End-game Studies. The Best Chess Compositions 1935-1973. XXII+234p. Pitman Publishing Great Britain 1975 dj. VG- 30,00 €
  501. Lommer, Harold 1357 End-game Studies. The Best Chess Compositions 1935-1973. XXII+234p. Pitman Publishing Great Britain 1975 dj. G+ 20,00 €
  502. Lukov, Valentine Encyclopaedia Draw. Combinations and Studies. 444 beautiful draw combinations and studies 194+(2)p. POLIS Sofia 2012 s.c. VG+ 20,00 €
  503. Lutz, Christopher Endspieltraining für die Praxis. Analysen und Übungen aus Grossmeisterhand 177p. Verlag Schach!! Jürgen Daniel 1999 s.c. VG 15,00 €
  504. Löwenfisch & Smyslow Theorie der Turmendspiele 192+(4)p. Schachverlag Walter de Gruyter Germany 1959 s.c. VG 15,00 €
  505. Maailman shakkiliiton tehtäväshakin XI kongressi Tampereella 23.-30.8.1967. Sisältää mm. Kailan ja Myllyniemen kirjoituksen "Suomi ja tehtäväshakki" 36p. Tampere 1967 s.c. VG 5,00 €
  506. Madsen, Arthur 64 opgaver 140p. Jörgensen Köbenhavn (1965) s.c. Signed by Matti Myllyniemi. VG 17,00 €
  507. Makarov, Marat Okontshanija 176p. Solovjov "Bibliotetshka praktika" Sankt Peterburg 2007 s.c. VG+ 15,00 €
  508. Manolescu, Mircea Probleme de sah I+78+(1)p. + errata Self-edition Bucuresti 1998 s.c. VG- 10,00 €
  509. Marandjuk, Mikhail Zadatshi-miniatjury. 1969-1999. 90 problems by Marandjuk 3-96p. (1-2 missing!) Problemist pribuzhja Mikolaiv 1997 s.c. VG- 10,00 €
  510. Marwitz & de Feijter De eindspelstudie. Met 115 diagrammen 95p. L/N 2344 Lochem 1948 dj. VG 20,00 €
  511. Marwitz & de Feijter De eindspelstudie. Met 115 diagrammen 95p. L/N 2344 Lochem 1948 b. Ocloth. VG- 10,00 €
  512. Matanovic, Aleksandar(Edited) Encyclopaedia of Chess Endings. Pawn Endings 383+(1)p. Chess Informant Beograd 1982 dj. VG 15,00 €
  513. Matanovic, Aleksandar(Edited) Encyclopaedia of Chess Endings. Rook Endings. 1st part 422+(1)p. Chess Informant Beograd 1985 dj. VG 20,00 €
  514. Matanovic, Aleksandar(Edited) Encyclopaedia of Chess Endings. Rook Endings. 2nd part 426+(1)p. Chess Informant Beograd 1986 dj. VG 20,00 €
  515. Matanovic, Aleksandar(Edited) Encyclopaedia of Chess Endings. Queen Endings 446+(1)p. Chess Informant Beograd 1989 dj. VG 15,00 €
  516. McWilliam, Robert Schiffs with Everything. Examines the development of the Schiffmann theme. 64 problems with solutions (16p.) G. P. Jelliss "Chessays 2" England 1984 s.c. VG 10,00 €
  517. Mednis, Edmar Advanced Endgame Strategies 129p. CEI USA 1996 s.c. VG+ 30,00 € 
  518. Mednis, Edmar From the Opening into the Endgame. (Chapter 12 English Opening: Andersson-Böök Line) XI+151p. Pergamon "Pergamon Chess Series" Great Britain 1983 s.c. VG 15,00 €
  519. Mednis, Edmar From the Opening into the Endgame XI+151p. Pergamon "Pergamon Chess Series" Great Britain 1983 s.c. VG- 10,00 €
  520. Mednis, Edmar Gewinne das Endspiel! Meisterhaftes Endspieltraining für die Praxis 175+(1)p. 3. Auflage Edition Olms Germany 2000 s.c. VG 15,00 €
  521. Mednis, Edmar Practical Endgame Lessons XV+332p. McKay USA "Tartan books 66" 1978 s.c. VG 10,00 €
  522. Mednis, Edmar Practical Endgame Lessons XV+332p. Batsford "The Club Player's Library" Great Britain 1979 s.c. VG 10,00 €
  523. Mednis, Edmar Practical Endgame Tips 144p. Cadogan Chess Great Britain 1998 s.c. VG- 10,00 €
  524. Mednis, Edmar Questions and Answers on Practical Endgame Play 135+(1)p. CEI USA 1987 s.c. VG 10,00 €
  525. Melnitshenko, V Dva shaga v shakhmatnom korolevstve 136p. Zdorovja Kiev 1988 s.c. VG 9,00 €
  526. Melnitshenko, V Mastera shakhmatnoj kompozitsii. 445 problems with solutions 148+(4)p. Sah(2) 1409 Zdorovja Kiev 1984 s.c. VG 5,00 €
  527. Memorial de Miroslav Havel 1960-1961. 39 problems and 9 studies 16p. Praha (1961) s.c. VG 8,00 €
  528. Meszaros, Andras 1000 Endgame Studies. Endspielestudien. Etudes de finale. Vegjatektanulmany 313+(1)p. Magyar Sakkvilag (s.l.) 2007 b. Oboards. VG+ (As new) 25,00 €
  529. Meszaros, Gyula The Secrets of the Opposite-Coloured Bishop Endings. Volume One: The Fight of the Lonely Bishops 160p. Caissa Chess Books Hungary 2010 s.c. VG+ (As new) 18,00 €
  530. Mieses, Jacques Manual of the Endgame X+70p. L/N 2231 Bell & Sons Great Britain 1947 dj. VG 15,00 €
  531. Mieses, Jacques Manual of the Endgame X+70p. L/N 2231 Bell & Sons Great Britain 1947 b. Oboards. VG 10,00 €
  532. Mieses, Jacques Taschenbuch des Endspiels 71+(1)p. 2. Verbesserte Auflage L/N 2229 Curt Ronniger Leipzig 1920 b. VG 8,00 €
  533. Mieses & Schelfhout De kleine schaakgids. II eindspelen. Korte leidraad ten dienste van de in theorie onervaren spelers 48p. Derde druk van Goor den Haag 1938 s.c. G+ 5,00 €
  534. Mikan, Ilja Dobrodruzstvi 64 poli. A biography and 700 problems by Ilja Mikan 160p. Kotva "Series Kotva Vol 2" Praha 1973 s.c. VG 15,00 €
  535. Mikan, Ilja Galerie ceskoslovenskych skladatelu Vol 1 Vaclav Tuzar(1868-1908). Biographical sketch and 84 problems by Tuzar with solutions 16p. Kotva Praha (1965) s.c. VG 8,00 €
  536. Mikan, Ilja Galerie ceskoslovenskych skladatelu Vol 2 Frantisek Jelinek(1902-1958). Biographical sketch and 84 problems by Jelinek with solutions 16p. Kotva Praha 1965 s.c. VG 8,00 €
  537. Mikan, Ilja Galerie ceskoslovenskych skladatelu Vol 3 Ladislav Knotek(1892-1954). Biographical sketch and 411 problems by Knotek with solutions 77p. Kotva Praha 1966 s.c. VG 12,00 €
  538. Mikan, Ilja Galerie ceskoslovenskych skladatelu Vol 4 Frantisek Mazel(1882-1968). Biographical sketch and 60 problems by Mazel with solutions 16p. Kotva Praha 1966 s.c. VG 5,00 €
  539. Mikan, Ilja Galerie ceskoslovenskych skladatelu Vol 5 Antonin Zeman(1865-1947). Biographical sketch and 36 problems by Zeman with solutions 8p. Kotva Praha 1966 s.c. VG 8,00 €
  540. Mikan, Ilja Galerie ceskoslovenskych skladatelu Vol 6 Emil Prevorovsky(1920-1942). Biographical sketch and 60 problems by Prevorovsky with solutions 16p. Kotva Praha 1967 s.c. VG 8,00 €
  541. Mikan, Ilja Galerie ceskoslovenskych skladatelu Vol 7 Ladislav Cimburek(1867-1915). Biographical sketch and 108 problems by Cimburek with solutions 28p. Kotva Praha 1968 s.c. VG 10,00 €
  542. Mikan, Ilja Galerie ceskoslovenskych skladatelu Vol 9 Josef Moravec(1882-1969). Biographical sketch and 336 problems by Moravec with solutions 77p. Kotva Praha 1971 s.c. VG 12,00 €
  543. Mikan, Ilja Galerie ceskoslovenskych skladatelu Vol 10 Ludvig Stepan(1904-1971). Biographical sketch and 204 problems by Stepan with solutions 46p. Kotva Praha 1972 s.c. VG 10,00 €
  544. Mikan, Ilja Galerie ceskoslovenskych skladatelu Vol 11 Cyril Dedrle(1876-1944). Biographical sketch and 81 problems by Dedrle with solutions 20p. Kotva Praha 1974 s.c. VG 8,00 €
  545. Mikan, Ilja Galerie ceskoslovenskych skladatelu Vol 13 Zdenek Mach(1877-1954). 120p. Kotva Praha 1975 s.c. VG 15,00 €
  546. Mikan, Ilja Rychle vitezstvi 16p. L/N 2915 Kniznice sachoveho umeni Svazek 1 Praha 1947 s.c. VG 10,00 €
  547. Mironov, G Razmyshlenija ljubitelja shakhmatnykh etjudov 80p. Fizkultura i sport "Bibliotetshka shakhmatista" Moskva 1975 s.c. VG 5,00 €
  548. Morse, Jeremy Chess Problems: Tasks and Records. Introduction by John Nunn XIV+381p. Faber & Faber England 1995 s.c. VG+ 35,00 €
  549. Montgomerie, John The Quiet Game. Games, problems and studies 189+(3)p. Davis-Poynter Great Britain 1972 dj. VG 20,00 €
  550. Müller, Gunter Schwarzer König im Pattnetz 169+(3)p. Schachverlag Reinhold Dreier Germany 1988 dj. VG 15,00 €
  551. Müller, Karsten & Lamprecht, Frank Secrets of Pawn Endings. Foreword by John Nunn 288p. Everyman Chess Great Britain 2000 s.c. VG 20,00 €
  552. Müller, Karsten & Lamprecht, Frank Secrets of Pawn Endings. Foreword by John Nunn 287+(1)p. Gambit Publications Great Britain 2007 s.c. VG+ 20,00 €
  553. Myllyniemi & Hynönen EAW. Valikoima Erkki A. Wirtasen(1911-1979) shakkitehtäviä 47p. Suomen Tehtäväniekat (s.l.) 1983 s.c. VG 7,00 €
  554. Myllyniemi & Valtonen Tapani Tikkasen shakkitehtäviä 1960-86. 39p. Suomen Tehtäväniekkain julkaisuja Helsinki 1991 s.c. VG 10,00 €
  555. Myllyniemi, Valtonen & Paavilainen Veikko Hynösen(1920-1985) shakkitehtäviä 1959-1986. 70 problems 47p. Suomen Tehtäväniekkain julkaisuja Helsinki 1991 s.c. VG 10,00 €
  556. Myllyniemi, Matti(koonnut) Leo Valve (1914-1952). 136 problems with solutions 31p. Suomen Tehtäväniekat (s.l.) 1973 s.c. Signed by Myllyniemi! VG 10,00 €
  557. Myllyniemi, Matti(koonnut) Leo Valve (1914-1952). 136 problems with solutions 31p. Suomen Tehtäväniekat (s.l.) 1973 s.c. VG 6,00 €
  558. Myllyniemi, Matti Toteutuneita oivalluksia. 300 author's own problems from the years 1948-79. 87p. Suomen Tehtäväniekat (Pori) 1980 s.c. VG 10,00 €
  559. Nadareishvili, Gia Etjud glazami grossmejsterov 207p. Sah(2) 1474 Fizkultura i sport Moskva 1982 s.c. VG 5,00 €
  560. Nadareishvili, Gia Izbrannye etjudy. 100 selected studies by Nadareishvili. Preface by Mikhail Botvinnik 330+(2)p. Sabtshota Sakartvelo Tbilisi 1970 dj. VG 9,00 €
  561. Nadareishvili, Gia Izbrannye shakhmatnye etjudy 100+(4)p. Fizkultura i sport Moskva 1976 s.c. VG 5,00 €
  562. Nadareishvili, Gia Shakhmatnyj etjud v Gruzii 213p. Sah(2) 1467 Sabjuta sakartvelo Tbilisi 1975 s.c. VG 10,00 €
  563. Nadareishvili, Gia V poiskakh krasoty. 204+LV+XX studies with solutions 206+(2)p. + 8 pages of photos Sabtshota Sakartvelo Tbilisi 1986 s.c. VG 13,00 €
  564. Naroditsky, Daniel Mastering Complex Endgames. Practical Lessons, Critical Ideas and Plans 304p. New in Chess The Netherlands 2012 s.c. VG+ 50,00 €
  565. Nedeljkovic, Ozren Zavrshnitse. Utsenik shakha. Endgames and studies 407+(7)p. L/N 2353 Izdane Shahovskog Saveza Serbije Beograd 1951 s.c. Signed by Julius Gunst and Aarne Dunder. VG 20,00 €
  566. Nejshtadt & Sukharev Lovushka dlja tshernogo korolja. Portrety i siluety shakhmatnykh kompozitorov Sibiri i Dalnego Vostoka. 363 problems 168p. Barnaul 1994 s.c. VG 15,00 €
  567. Nederlandse bond van probleemvrienden. Het Oplossen van Schaakproblemen 8p. (Haag) (1976) s.c. VG 2,00 €
  568. Nesis, Gennadij Entsiklopedija razmena 304p. Ripol Klassik "Iskusstvo shakhmat" Moskva 2003 b. Oboards. VG+ 10,00 €
  569. Nesis, Gennady Exchanging to Win in the Endgame V+168p. Batsford Great Britain 1991 s.c. VG 10,00 €
  570. Nesis, Gennadij Razmen v endshpile Nesis & Shulman Netozhdestvennyj razmen 160p. Fizkultura i sport "Bibliotetshka shakhmatista" Moskva 1990 s.c. VG 4,00 €
  571. Nielsen, Björn Hvordan man vinder en gevinststilling. Many endgames and studies 178p. L/N 2337 Dansk Skakforlag Aalborg (s.a.) s.c. VG 10,00 €
  572. Niemann, John(Edited) 100 Jahre Deutscher Schachbund Jubiläums Kompositionsturniere 20p. Wegberg 1978 s.c. 5,00 €
  573. Niemann, John Wenigsteiner im Hilfsmatt. 883 helpmates 156p. feenschach-Sonderdruck Wegberg 1977 s.c. VG 10,00 €
  574. Niemeijer, M Adversaria. Scaccariana 32p. Self published Wassenaar 1975 s.c. VG 15,00 €
  575. Niemeijer, M Boerenschroom. Een verzameling van 160 "bauernlose Zweizüger" met medewerking van Feenstra Kuiper 47p. Self published Wassenaar 1965 s.c. VG 15,00 €
  576. Niemeijer, M 40 dubbele task problemen (12p.) Self published Wassenaar 1962 s.c. VG 15,00 €
  577. Niemeijer, M(Edited) E. Visserman 55p. Uitgave van de Nederlandse bond van probleemvrienden "Probleemcomponisten VIII" (s.l.) 1960 s.c. VG 10,00 €
  578. Niemeijer, M Fascinerend materiaal. Bloemlezing van 120 schaakproblemen 65p. Self published Wassenaar 1970 s.c. VG 10,00 €
  579. Niemeijer, M Hoekstenen. A century of cornered kings. Met medewerking van Feenstra Kuiper 52p. Self published Wassenaar 1967 s.c. VG 15,00 €
  580. Niemeijer, M Hoekstenen. A century of cornered kings. Met medewerking van Feenstra Kuiper 52p. Self published Wassenaar 1967 s.c. VG- 10,00 €
  581. Niemeijer, M Honderd en een nacht. Bloemlezing van 101 schaakproblemen gecomponeerd in de jaren 1918-1982. 63p. Self published Wassenaar 1983 s.c. VG 15,00 €
  582. Niemeijer, M Inspanning en ontspanning 40p. Self published Wassenaar 1969 s.c. VG 10,00 €
  583. Niemeijer, M Majesteitsschennis. 120 problems with solutions 63p. Self published Wassenaar 1971 s.c. VG 10,00 €
  584. Niemeijer, M Op zoek naar harmonie. Schaakproblemen van Gerard Johan Bouma 43p. Self published Wassenaar 1984 s.c. VG 10,00 €
  585. Niemeijer, M Posthume hulde. 60 schaakproblemen van Mr. J. Albarda 30p. Self published Broek in Waterland 1986 s.c. VG+ 15,00 €
  586. Niemeijer, M(Selected and discussed) Chess problems of G. H. Goethart. 24+4 problems with solution 33p. Self published Wassenaar 1962 s.c. VG- 15,00 €
  587. Niemeijer, M The Danish Wizard. One Hundred Chess Problems of Knud Harald Hannemann. Selected by their Author 59p. Self published Wassenaar 1963 s.c. VG 15,00 €
  588. Niemeijer, M Vierspan. 36(J. J. Burbach)+36(C. Groeneveld)+36(W. Hoek)+36(W. J.G. Mees)+1(M. Niemeijer) problems with solution 56p. Self published Wassenaar 1985 s.c. VG 15,00 €
  589. Nikolaiczuk, Lothar Endspieltechnik a la Bobby Fischer 74+(2)p. Reinhold Dreier Mannheim 1990 s.c. VG 10,00 €
  590. Norwood, David The Daily Telegraph Chess Puzzles 128p. Batsford Great Britain 1995 s.c. VG 12,00 €
  591. Nunn, John Nunn's Chess Endings. Volume 1. The definitive work on practical endgame tactics 319+(1)p. Reprinted Gambit Publications Great Britain 2012 s.c. VG+ 20,00 €
  592. Nunn, John Nunn's Chess Endings. Volume 2. The definitive work on practical endgame tactics 351+(1)p. Gambit Publications Great Britain 2010 s.c. VG+ 20,00 €
  593. Nunn, John Secretos de los finales de piezas menores 306p. Editorial Paidotribo "Coleccion Caissa" Barcelona 2000 s.c. VG 10,00 €
  594. Nunn, John Secrets of Pawnless Endings 320p. Batsford Great Britain 1994 s.c. VG 10,00 €
  595. Nunn, John Secrets of Pawnless Endings. Revised and expanded edition 384p. Gambit Publications Great Britain 2002 s.c. VG+ 20,00 €
  596. Nunn, John Solving in Style 238p. George Allen & Unwin Great Britain 1985 dj. VG 30,00 €
  597. Nunn, John Tactical Chess Endings IX+208p. Batsford Great Britain 1988 s.c. VG 10,00 €
  598. Nunn, John Understanding Chess Endgames. Featuring the 100 most important endgame ideas 231+(1)p. Reprinted Gambit Publications UK 2014 s.c. VG+ (As new) 20,00 €
  599. Olympiavuoden 1952 tehtävänlaadintakilpailu. The Composition Competition of the Olympic Year 1952. 18 Two movers, 12 Three movers, 9 Endgames. Text also in English! 23p. L/N 2969 Suomen Tehtäväniekat Helsinki 1952 s.c. VG 15,00 €
  600. Onions, Tim & Regis, David Ten ways to succeed in the Endgame. Tips for young players on the endgame in chess 64p. Reprinted Dawlish UK 2014 s.c. VG 10,00 €
  601. Ott, Kummer, Schudel Kunstwerke auf 64 Feldern. Schachprobleme schweizerischer Komponisten von 1922-1966. 372 problems with solutions 230+(1)p. Schachverlag Grob Zürich 1968 s.c. VG 25,00 €
  602. Paavilainen, Jorma(Edited) Heikki Lukkarinen. Shakkitehtävät. Chess compositions. Heikki Lukkarinen was a talented composer, who was only 23 years old when he lost his life in WWII. He published his first compositions at the age of fourteen and soon became one of Finland's leading composers. This book presents all 132 Lukkarinen's known compositions in chronological order. The commentary, themes, terms and other relevant texts are in both Finnish and English 91+(1)p. Suomen Tehtäväniekat Helsinki 2024 s.c. 100 copies printed. VG+ (As new) 15,00 €
  603. Paavilainen, Jorma & Tanner, Henry Minitehtäviä 20p.Suomen Tehtäväniekat Helsinki 1990 s.c. VG 5,00 €
  604. Pachman, Ludek Endspielpraxis in Schach. Die moderne Schachlehre des internationalen Grossmeisters. Originalausgabe 196+(2)p. 2. Ausgabe Wilhelm Heyne Verlag Germany 1979 s.c. VG 5,00 € 
  605. Pachman, Ludek Sachove koncovky v praxi. Portrait 138p. Frydek-Mistek Pliska 1990 s.c. VG 10,00 €
  606. Pachman, Vladimir Metodicky dopis 92p. Praha 1979 s.c. 750 copies printed. VG- 10,00 €
  607. Palatz, Massmann, Speckmann & Fabel Kleinkunst im Schachproblem. Ausgewählte Miniaturen 64p. Walter Rau Verlag "RAU 7" Germany 1963 s.c. VG 10,00 €
  608. Pantschenko, Aleksander Endspieltheorie und Praktik 402p. Caissa Chess Books Kecskemet 2001 s.c. VG+ (As new!) 18,00
  609. Paros, György(Edited) Soviet Chess Compositions 1945-47. 200 studies and problems 64p. L/N 2931 Magyar Sakkvilag Kecskemet (s.a.) b. VG 15,00 €
  610. Paros, György(Edited) Soviet Chess Compositions 1945-47. 200 studies and problems 64p. L/N 2931 Magyar Sakkvilag Kecskemet (s.a.) s.c. VG- 8,00 €
  611. Paros, György Kepeskönyv. A sakktablamrol. 101 problems with solutions 72p. Self published Budapest 1944 s.c. Dedicated to Finnish composer Aleksis Rautanen(1891-1970) 30.III 1947 by the Author. 233/300 VG 75,00 €
  612. Pat a Mat 1984-1993(2, 3, 4-5, 8-9, 12, 16) Slovak problem magazine, published in Bratislava by Bedrich Formanek from 1984. VG. Each 3,00 €
  613. Perlo, G. C. van Van Perlo's Endgame Tactics. A Comprehensive Guide to the Sunny Side of Chess Endgames. Tired of studying endgames that never come up in real life? Here's help! More than 1.000 sparkling tricks and traps 479p. 2nd edition New in Chess the Netherlands 2006 s.c. VG+ (As new) 25,00 €
  614. Perlo, G. C. van Van Perlo's Endgame Tactics. A Comprehensive Guide to the Sunny Side of Chess Endgames. Tired of studying endgames that never come up in real life? Here's help! More than 1.000 sparkling tricks and traps 479p. 3rd improved edition! New in Chess the Netherlands 2008 s.c. VG+ (As new) 30,00 €
  615. Petkov, Petko Izbrani shakhmatni zadatsi. 222 problems with solutions 127p. Meditsina i fizkultura Sofia 1982 s.c. Signed by Petkov! VG 15,00 €
  616. Petkov, Petko 120 Selbstmatt-preisaufgaben 53p. Riko Sintes Sofia 1991 s.c. VG 9,00 €
  617. Petkov, Petko Selection de Problemes Primes. II. (h et feeriques). Text also in English! 56p. diagrammes Numero Special 20. France 1996 s.c. VG 10,00 €
  618. Phenix 1989(6) Signed by Denis Blondel (directeur) VG 5,00 €
  619. Phenix 2004(128, 135) VG. Each 4,00 €
  620. Phenix 2005(139) VG 4,00 €
  621. Phenix 2007(162/163) VG 4,00
  622. Phenix 2012(213-214, 215, 216, 217-218) VG. Each 4,00 €
  623. Phenix 2013(226) VG 4,00
  624. Pinter, Jozsef 1000 Minor Piece Endings. Endspiele mit leichten Figuren. Finales des pieces legeres. Finales de piezas menores. Könnyütiszt vegjatek 548+(2)p. Magyar Sakkvilag (s.l.) 2007 b. Oboards. VG+ (As new) 25,00 €
  625. Pinter, Jozsef 1000 Pawn Endings. Bauernendspiele. Finales de pions. Gyalogvegjatek 318p. Magyar Sakkvilag (s.l.) 2006 b. Oboards. VG+ 20,00 €
  626. Pinter, Jozsef 1000 Rook Endings. Turmendspiele. Finales de tours. Bastyavegjatek 432+(1)p. Magyar Sakkvilag (s.l.) 2007 b. Oboards. VG+ (As new) 25,00 €
  627. Pinter, Jozsef Special Endings I. 461 positions with solutions 199p. Caissa Chessbooks Hungary 2009 s.c. VG+ (As new) 18,00 €
  628. Pinter, Jozsef Special Endings II. 540 positions with solutions 249p. Caissa Chessbooks Hungary 2009 s.c. VG+ (As new) 18,00 €
  629. Pogats, Jozsef Hundert Hilfsmatt- und Hilfspattmehrzüger. Rückkehr eines Schachmeisters zum Hilfsm(p)attmehrzüger. Kuhn & Murkisch(Herausgegeben) 96p. Selbstverlag der Herausgeber "Kuhn/Murkisch-Serie 21" Germany 1995 s.c. VG 15,00 €
  630. Polgar, Laszlo Chess Endgames. 171 types in 4560 positions 1159p. Könemann Hungary 1999 dj. VG+ (As new) 60,00 €
  631. Portisch & Sarközy 600 Endspiele 253p. Corvina (s.l.) 1986 s.c. VG- 15,00 €
  632. Portisch & Sarközy 600 vegjatek 283p. Sport Budapest 1973 s.c. VG 5,00 €
  633. Portish & Sharkozi 600 okontshanij 237p. Sah(2) 1378 Fizkultura i sport Moskva 1979 s.c. VG 8,00 €
  634. Portisch & Sarközy Six Hundred Endings VII+198p. Pergamon Chess Series Hungary b. Oboards. VG- 40,00 €
  635. Pospisil, Josef An outline of the theory of chess problems. From Ceske ulohy sachove 1887 translated and edited by John Beasley with a selection of problems 20p. John Beasley England 1999 s.c. VG 10,00 €
  636. Prebor CSSR 1963-1965. Predbezny vysledok. 16p. Kotva edice pratel problemu Praha 1967 s.c. VG 8,00 €
  637. Prcic, Mike Petkov. Selected Compositions XV+206p. Ventana Graphics "Library of Strategems" USA 2000 s.c. VG 25,00 €
  638. Prcic, Mike Selected Compositions of Julius Buchwald XII+168p. Strategems "Library of Strategems" USA 2005 s.c. VG 25,00 €
  639. Probleemcomponisten I. Dr. L. N. de Jong (1869-1937). Edited by Dr. M. Niemeijer. 50 problems with solutions 46s. Uitgave van de Nederlandse bond van Probleemvrienden the Netherlands 1941 s.c. VG 25,00 €
  640. Probleemcomponisten II. G. L. de Boer. Edited by Dr. M. Niemeijer. About 60 problems with solutions 53s. Uitgave van de Nederlandse bond van Probleemvrienden the Netherlands (1941) s.c. VG 25,00 €
  641. Probleemcomponisten VI. J. van Dijk. 60 problems with solutions 28p. Uitgave van de Nederlandse bond van Probleemvrienden the Netherlands 1955 s.c. VG 20,00 €
  642. Probleemcomponisten IX. Mr. P. ten Cate. 80 problems with solutions 45p. Uitgave van de Nederlandse bond van Probleemvrienden the Netherlands 1961 s.c. VG 12,00 €
  643. Probleemcomponisten XI. Ing. Jac Haring 48p. Uitgave van de Nederlandse bond van Probleemvrienden the Netherlands 1977 s.c. VG 10,00 €
  644. Probleemcomponisten XIII Grand-de Boer, Herma le(Edited) Henk le Grand & Piet le Grand. 130 problems with solutions 103p. Uitgave van de Nederlandse bond van schaakprobleemvrienden the Netherlands 2000 s.c. VG- 10,00 €
  645. Probleemblad 1953(67) nov.-dec. VG- 2,00 €
  646. Probleemblad 1963-65(1-18) 4th vol. Bound. Weenink-Herdenkings-Oplos-Wedstrid 1963-1965 are boun in! (Each 4 pages.) 268+(12)p. VG 40,00 €
  647. Probleemblad 1966-69 4x(1-6) 4th vol. Bound. Haagse Schaakbond 1926-1966 feestelijke oploswedstrijd and Weenink-Herdenkings-Oplos-Wedstrid 1966-1969 are boun in! (Each 4 pages.) 104+100+96+96+(20)p. VG 50,00 €
  648. Probleemblad 1983(4) 41e Jaargang. VG 1,00 €
  649. Probleemblad 1984(4, 5, 6) 42e Jaargang. VG- Each 1,00 €
  650. Probleemblad 1985(1, 2) 43e Jaargang. VG- Each 1,00 €
  651. Probleemblad 1990(2) 48e Jaargang. VG 1,00 €
  652. Probleemblad 1993(6) 51e Jaargang. VG 1,00 €
  653. Problem 1951-54(1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 7-9, 10-12, 13-14, 15-16, 17-18, 19-20, 21-22, 23-24) 192+188p. + 2x index L/N 6365 Zagreb Juli 1951 to Zagreb Juni 1954. Bound with all covers. VG 150,00 €
  654. Problem 1968(112-119) 37-168+(3)p. Zagreb Februar 1968. FIDE VG 15,00 €
  655. Problemas 1953(130-131) Vol. IV. VG 3,00 €
  656. Problemas 1958(193 al 195) Vol. V. VG 3,00 €
  657. Problemas 1959-60(202 al 204, 214 al 216) Vol. VI. VG. Each 3,00 €
  658. Problemas 1966-67(21 al 24, 33 al 36) Vol. VIII. VG. Each 3,00 €
  659. Problemas 1974(118 al 120) Vol. X. VG 3,00 €
  660. Problemas 1978-80(1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10) Volumen XII 3. epoca. Boletin de la Sociedad Espanola de Problemistas de Ajedrez. VG. Each 3,00 €
  661. Problemas 1984-86(26, 27-28+complemento, 29, 30, 31-32+fasciculo complementario, 33, 34, 35-36+fasciculo segundo) Volumen XIV 3. epoca. VG. Each 3,00 €
  662. Problemas 1987(37, 38, 39-40+fasciculo segundo) Volumen XV 3. epoca. VG. Each 3,00 €
  663. Problemas 1978(3+suplemento) Numero extraordinario! 41-82+83-86p. VG 15,00 €
  664. Problemas 1995(9) Volumen XVII 4. epoca. Boletin de la S.E.P.A. 24p. VG 3,00 €
  665. Problemkiste 1993(85, 86, 87/88) 12. Jahrgang. VG. Each 3,00 €
  666. Problemkiste 1994(91, 92) 13. Jahrgang. VG. Each 3,00 €
  667. Puskunigis, Henrikas 300 sachmatu uzdaviniu 100p. Vakarines naujienos Vilnius 1991 s.c. VG 10,00 €
  668. Puusa, Arto Queue problems 23p. Suomen Tehtäväniekat Helsinki 1992 s.c. VG 10,00 €
  669. QUARTZ 1996/2(Romanian) Periodique dedie a la composition echiqueenne 14p. VG 2,00 €
  670. Rabinovitsh, I Endshpil. Zakljutshitelnaja stadija shakhmatnoj partii 326+(2)p. L/N 2259 Sah 689 Priboj Leningrad (1927) 4000 copies printed. s.c. VG 60,00 €
  671. Rabinovitsh, I Endshpil. Zakljutshitelnaja stadija shakhmatnoj partii. Important work! 465+(3)p. Izdanie vtoroe, ispravlennoe i dopolnennoe L/N 2260 Sah 691 Fizkultura i Turizhm Moskva 1938 b. Original covers. VG 90,00 €
  672. Rabinovitsh, I Endshpil. Zakljutshitelnaja stadija shakhmatnoj partii. Important work! 465+(3)p. Izdanie vtoroe, ispravlennoe i dopolnennoe L/N 2260 Sah 691 Fizkultura i Turizhm Moskva 1938 b. Original covers worn out, otherwise VG- 60,00 €
  673. Rabinowitsj, I Pionneneindspelen 104p. L/N 2263 de Tijdstroom Lochem 1950 b. Ocloth. VG- 10,00 €
  674. Rabinowitsj, I Toreneindspelen 201+(1)p. L/N 2262 de Tijdstroom Lochem 1948 dj. VG- 15,00 €
  675. Ramin, Emil Im Wunderland des Schachproblems. Ein Streifzug durch das Wunsch- und Traumland der Schachspieler 86+(2)p. Rattmann Germany 1958 s.c. VG 10,00 €
  676. Ramin, Emil Schachprobleme 56+(1)p. Schach-Welt Stuttgart 1948 s.c. 3.000 copies printed. VG 20,00 €
  677. Ramin, Emil Schachprobleme 56+(1)p. Schach-Welt Stuttgart 1948 s.c. 3.000 copies printed. VG- 15,00 €
  678. Ranneforth, H von Das Schachproblem. Ein Einführung in das Gebiet des Kunstschachs, eine Anleitung zum Lösen von Schachaufgaben, eine kurze Darstellung derder Entwicklung der Problemkunst mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Neudeutschen Problemscule 72p. Schachverlag Hans Hedewigs Nachf. Curt Ronniger Germany 1937 s.c. VG- 15,00 €
  679. Rautanen, A 30 shakkiprobleemaa. 30 Finnaj sakproblemoj. First finnish problem book. Text also in esperanto! 38p. L/N 2724 WSOY Porvoo 1929 s.c. VG 30,00 €
  680. Rayner, James Chess problems. Their Composition and Solution 100+(7)p. Third Edition L/N 2501 Swan Sonnenshein & Co "The Young Collector" London 1896 s.c. VG 50,00 €
  681. Rayner, James Chess problems. Their composition and solution 100p. Reprinted George Allen & Unwin "The young collector" Great Britain 1935 s.c. VG 15,00 €
  682. Rayner, James Chess problems. Their composition and solution 100p. Reprinted George Allen & Unwin Great Britain 1948 b. Oboards. VG 10,00 €
  683. Razuvaev & Nesis Perekhod v endshpil 80p. Sah(2) 1216 Fizkultura i sport "Bibliotetshka shakhmatista" Moskva 1981 s.c. VG 5,00 €
  684. Reek, Jan van(Herausgegeben) Th. C. L. Kok Wege zur Endspielstudie. Bauernendspiele. Schwarze Damen in Zugzwang 174+(2)p. Verlag Fink Germany 1992 dj. VG+ 30,00 €
  685. Reinfeld, Fred Practical End-Game Play VI+177+(1)p. Betts 21-24 Reprinted Pitman Great Britain 1945 dj. VG 8,00 €
  686. Reinfeld, Fred Practical End-Game Play VI+176+(2)p. Reprinted Pitman Great Britain 1946 b. Ocloth. VG 8,00 €
  687. Reinfeld, Fred Reinfeld on the End-Game in Chess (Practical End-Game Play) VI+177p. Dover New York 1957 s.c. VG+ 10,00 €
  688. Reinfeld, Fred Strategy in the Chess Endgame. Winning patterns, principles and tactics 128p. Reprinted Cornerstone Library New York 1967 s.c. VG 10,00 €
  689. Reti, Richard Die Meister des Schachbretts/ Sämtliche Studien X+398+86p. Nachdruck der Ausgaben Mährisch-Ostrau 1930 und 1931 Edition Olms Germany 1983 dj. VG 40,00 €
  690. Reti, Richard Die Meister des Schachbretts/ Sämtliche Studien X+398+86p. Nachdruck der Ausgaben Mährisch-Ostrau 1930 und 1931 2. Auflage Edition Olms Germany 1989 dj. VG+ 50,00 €
  691. Rex multiple 1989?(26) VG 4,00 €
  692. Rey Ardid, R Finales de dama (con peones) V+234+(1)p. Ajedrez Canario Las Palmas 1975 s.c. VG 15,00 €
  693. Rice & Dickins The Serieshelpmate 48+(1)p. Second Edition Self published Surrey 1978 s.c. Limited Edition of 250 numbered copies and 50 unnumbered. 92/250. VG 20,00 €
  694. Rice, John An ABC of Chess Problems 349p. Faber and Faber Great Britain 1970 b. Ocloth. VG 15,00 €
  695. Rice, John Chess Problems for Solving 32p. Waterthorpe Information Services Limited England 1995 s.c. VG 10,00 €
  696. Rice, John Chess Wizardry: The New ABC of Chess Problems 352p. Batsford Great Britain 1996 s.c. VG+ (As new) 25,00 €
  697. Rice, John Chess Wizardry: The New ABC of Chess Problems 352p. Batsford Great Britain 1996 s.c. VG 20,00 €
  698. Rice, John European Chess Solving Championship (ECSC) Sunningdale (England, April 2010. 12p. British Chess Problem Society (s.l.) 2010 s.c. VG 10,00 €
  699. Richter, Kurt Kurzgeschichten um Schachfiguren 283p. L/N 2338 Walter de Gruyter Berlin 1947 s.c. VG 10,00 €
  700. Richter, Kurt Kurzgeschichten um Schachfiguren. Ein Bilderbuch des Schachspiels zugleich ein Unterhaltungsbuch für alle Schachfreunde 308+(4)p. 2. verbesserte Auflage Walter de Gruyter Germany 1955 s.c. VG- 15,00 €
  701. Richter, Kurt Schach-Delikatessen. Eine Züge-Cocktail aus dem Reich der 64 Felder VII+62+(2)p. de Gruyter Berlin 1961 s.c. VG 10,00 €
  702. Richter, Kurt Schack-kavalkad. Korta äventyrsberättelser ur schackpjäsernas underbara liv. Del I 158p. Tidskrift för Schacks Förlag Örebro 1949 b. Oboards. VG 8,00 €
  703. Richter, Kurt Schack-kavalkad. Korta äventyrsberättelser ur schackpjäsernas underbara liv. Del II 160p. Tidskrift för Schacks Förlag Örebro 1950 b. Oboards. VG 8,00 €
  704. Riihimaa, Olavi Aritmeettisia shakkitehtäviä 5p. (s.l.) (1960) s.c. VG 8,00 €
  705. Robertie, Bill Basic Endgame Strategy. Kings, Pawns, & Minor Pieces. Road to chess mastery. 168p. Cardoza Publishing USA 1998 s.c. VG+ (As new) 15,00 € 
  706. Robertie, Bill Basic Endgame Strategy. Queens & Rooks. Road to chess mastery. 144p. Cardoza Publishing USA 1998 s.c. VG+ (As new) 15,00 €
  707. Rosen, Bernd Chess Endgame Training. An experienced coach guides you through a practical training course 175+(1)p. Gambit Publications Great Britain 2003 s.c. VG+ 20,00 €
  708. Roth, Helmut Der Schachkomponist. Johan Berger(1845-1933) als Schachtheoretiker und Partiespieler 135s. Leopold Stocker Verlag Austria 1982 s.c. VG 20,00 €
  709. Roycroft, John Test Tube Chess. A Comprehensive Introduction to the Chess Endgame Study 370p. Stackpole Books (USA) Great Britain 1972 b. Dedicated to D. Gurgenidze With author's good wishes John Roycroft London, October 1973. Ocloth. G+(covers)/VG(inside) 30,00 €
  710. Roycroft & Thompson Queen and Pawn on a6 against Queen 20p. Chess Endgame Consultants and Publishers "Roycroft's 5-Man Chess Endgame Series 2" Great Britain 1986 s.c. Signed by Roycroft in 1992! VG 15,00 €
  711. Roycroft & Thompson Queen and Pawn on a2 against Queen 8p. Chess Endgame Consultants and Publishers "Roycroft's 5-Man Chess Endgame Series 6" Great Britain 1986 s.c. Signed by Roycroft in 1992! VG 15,00 €
  712. Roycroft & Thompson Queen and Pawn on b7 against Queen 16p. Chess Endgame Consultants and Publishers "Roycroft's 5-Man Chess Endgame Series 7" Great Britain 1986 s.c. Signed by Roycroft in 1992! VG 15,00 €
  713. Rozenfeld, I Maleetüüdid. 190 studies with solutions 79+(1)p. Eesti Raamat Tallinn 1981 s.c. VG 10,00 €
  714. Rozenfeld, I Mis on probleemmale? 202 problems with solutions 93+(3)p. Eesti Raamat Tallinn 1976 s.c. VG 10,00 €
  715. Rudenko, V Presledovanie temy. 1162 problems with solutions 430+(2)p. Fizkultura i sport Moskva 1983 s.c. VG 10,00 €
  716. Rusinek, Jan Sto kompozycji szachowych 95p. Podkowa Lesna 1991 s.c. VG 10,00 €
  717. Russ, Colin Miniature Chess Problems From Many Countries. 400 Compositions with Solutions and Comments X+262p. Heinemann Great Britain 1981 b. Oboards. VG+ 20,00 €
  718. Russ, Colin Miniature Chess Problems From Many Countries. 400 Compositions with Solutions and Comments X+262p. Revised edition Unwin Paperbacks Guernsey 1987 s.c. VG 8,00 €
  719. Rödl, Ludwig Endspiele. Ein Leitfaden für die Praxis 157+(2)p. L/N 2284 Curt Ronniger "Bücherei des Grossdeutschen Schachbundes Band 3" Leipzig 1936 b. VG- 15,00 €
  720. Saarenheimo, Eero Ruutulaudan lumoissa. Muisteluksia ja shakkitehtäviä puolen vuosisadan takaa 144p. Suomen Tehtäväniekat Helsinki 1999 s.c. VG 15,00 €
  721. Sachova skladba 1993(38, 39, 40) Problem magazine, published irregularly in Prague from 1984. VG. Each 2,00 €
  722. Sachova skladba 2003(79) VG 2,00 €
  723. Schereschewski, M Strategie der Schachendspiele 190+(2)p. Sportverlag Berlin 1985 dj. VG 10,00 €
  724. Schneider, Michael Eine kleine Auswahl eigener Schachaufgaben 28p. Schweinfurt Germany 1978 s.c. Nr 284/1000 VG 10,00 €
  725. Schulz, Johannes(Edited) Willy-Roscher-Gedenkturnier. Der Sächsischen Zeitung. Preisbericht 43p. (Dresden 1978) s.c. VG 8,00 €
  726. Schuster, Theo Das Endspiel im Schach. Was der Amateur vom Endspiel wissen sollte 67+(1)p. Schach bei Franckh Stuttgart 1975 s.c. VG 5,00 €
  727. Schuster, Theo Das Endspiel im Schach. Was der Amateur vom Endspiel wissen sollte 79+(1)p. 4. neu bearbeitete und erweiterte Auflage Franckh'sche Verlagshandlung Germany 1988 s.c. VG 10,00 €
  728. Selb, Hans Themen in Zyklusform 41p. Sonderdruck der Schwalbe Ausgabe Nr. 1/ Mai 1963 s.c. VG 5,00 €
  729. Seleznev, Aleksej 100 shakhmatnykh etjudov. This is a very rare book but for me it seems that this is a copy made in the sixtees or seventies (in Estonia?). It may be original but most probably not 68p. Sah - L/N - Fizkultura i sport Leningrad 1940 b. VG 30,00 €
  730. Sevcik, Jan Studie s parametry partie II. dil Material pro trenery a prakticke hrace 28p. Brno 2002 s.c. VG 5,00 €
  731. Shakhmatnaja kompozitsija 1992(2) Problem magazine in Moscow, from 1992. Up to 1997 quarterly, since 1998 bi-monthly. One issue has usually 64p. 3,00 €
  732. Shakhmatnaja kompozitsija 1993(3, 4) Each 3,00 €
  733. Shakhmatnaja kompozitsija 2009(88) VG. 300 copies printed! 5,00 €
  734. Shakhmaty za 1953 god Abramov, L(Edited) Sbornik. 57 annotated games. Endgames. 16 studies and problems 320p. Sah 576 Fizkultura i Sport Moskva 1954 b. Oboards. VG 10,00 €
  735. Shakhmaty za 1954 god Abramov, L(Edited) Sbornik. 92 annotated games. Endgames 368p. Sah 577 Fizkultura i Sport Moskva 1955 b. Oboards. VG 10,00 €
  736. Shakhmaty za 1955 god Prorvitsh, A(Edited) Sbornik. A lot of annotated games. 54+16 studies and problems 288p. Sah 578 Fizkultura i Sport Moskva 1956 b. Oboards. VG 10,00 €
  737. Shakhmaty za 1957 god Bejlin, M(Edited) Sbornik. 107 annotated games. 190 studies and problems 512p. Sah 580 Fizkultura i Sport Moskva 1959 b. Oboards. VG 20,00 €
  738. Shakhmaty za 1958-1959 gody Romanov & Bejlin(Edited) Sbornik. 145 annotated games 503p. Sah 581 Fizkultura i Sport Moskva 1960 b. Oboards. VG 10,00 €
  739. Shakhmatnyj ezhegodnik 1960 Bykova, E(Edited) 146 annotated games. 122 problems and studies 496p. Sah 582 Fizkultura i Sport Moskva 1962 b. Oboards. VG 10,00 €
  740. Shakhmatnyj ezhegodnik 1962 Fridshtejn, G(Edited) 81 annotated games. 42 studies and problems 304p. Sah 584 Fizkultura i Sport Moskva 1964 b. Oboards. VG 10,00 €
  741. Shereshevskij, M Strategija endshpilja 111p. Polymja Minsk 1981 s.c. VG 5,00 €
  742. Shereshevskij, M Strategija endshpilja 302+(2)p. Fizkultura i sport Moskva 1988 s.c. VG 5,00 €
  743. Shereshevsky, M Endgame Strategy (6)+218p. Reprinted Cadogan Chess Great Britain 1999 s.c. Coffee stains at the end of the book at the bottom. Otherwise VG 15,00 €
  744. Shire, David The Original Christopher Reeves. A survey of Christopher's chess problems with a commentary by David Shire and additional contributions from Don Smedley, John Rice and Marjan Kovasevic 39p. British Chess Problem Society Supplement to The Problemist, January 2014 s.c. VG+ 10,00 €
  745. Sidler, Werner Problemschach. Alphabetisch geordnete Begriffsübersicht 148p. Selbstverlag Switzerland 1968 s.c. G+ 10,00 €
  746. Siehndel, Karl-Heinz(Edited) Problemschach. 407 Aufgaben und Studien 252p. Sportverlag Berlin 1984 dj. VG 5,00 €
  747. Siehndel, Karl-Heinz(Edited) Problemschach. 407 Aufgaben und Studien 252p. Dritte Auflage Sportverlag Berlin 1987 dj. VG 5,00 €
  748. Siehndel, Hoffmann, Schiller, Zucker Problemschach. 407 Aufgaben und Studien 251+(4)p. Ullstein "Sachbuch 34805" Germany 1991 s.c. VG 5,00 €
  749. Siers, Theodor Rösselsprünge im Schachproblem 48p.+errata L/N 2935 Schwalben Bücherei nr. 3 Germany 1948 s.c. VG 20,00 € 
  750. Siinfonie Scacchistiche 1988(93-94) Anno 24 - Vol 5. 24p. VG 3,00 €
  751. Sikdar, Niharendu(Compiled and annotated) Seven is the Limit. Miniature Chess Problems. Book I: The Two-Movers (no more published). 225 Miniatures 88p. Naya Prokash Calcutta 1989 s.c. VG- 20,00 €
  752. Sinfonie Scacchistiche 1989(97-98) Anno 25 - Vol 5. 16p. VG 3,00 €
  753. Sjöblom, Simo(Edited) Eero E. Böökin laatimat shakkitehtävät 40p. Seaflower's Chess Booklets n:o 4 Helsinki 1995 s.c. VG 10,00 €
  754. Slutskij & Shereshevskij Kontury endshpilja 400p. Fizkultura i sport Moskva 1989 s.c. VG 5,00 €
  755. Smullyan, Raymond The Chess Mysteries of Sherlock Holmes. 50 Tantalising Problems of Chess Detection 171+(1)p. Times Books USA 1994 s.c. VG 15,00 €
  756. Smullyan, Raymond The Chess Mysteries of the Arabian Knights. 50 New Problems of Chess Detection XVII+170+(1)p. Knopf USA 1981 s.c. VG 15,00 €
  757. Smyslov, Vasily Vasily Smyslov: Endgame Virtuoso 176p. Cadogan Chess Great Britain 1997 s.c. VG+ 15,00 €
  758. Smyslow, Wassili Die Kunst des Endspiels 176p. Verlag Bock & Kübler Germany 1996 b. Oboards. VG+ 15,00 €
  759. Solja, Kenneth(Edited) Richard Guy's Chess Endgame Studies. Compiled and presented by John Roycroft. Layout Henry Tanner 79p. Prime Actions/Kenneth Solja Helsinki 1996 s.c. VG 25,00 €
  760. Soltis, Andrew Grandmaster Secrets. Endings. Caricatures by Rob Long 214+(8)p. Thinkers' Press USA 1997 s.c. VG 20,00 €
  761. Speckmann, Werner Das logische Schachproblem 111p. RAU Germany 1965 s.c. VG 8,00 €
  762. Speckmann, Werner Das logische Schachproblem 123p. Zweite völlig neu bearbeitete Auflage RAU Germany 1980 s.c. VG 7,00 €
  763. Speckmann, Werner Fremdlinge auf dem Schachbrett. Matt-Miniaturen 121+(2) Selbstverlag Germany 1992 s.c. VG 15,00 €
  764. Speckmann, Werner(Herausgegeben) Peter Kniest 50 Jahre. Geburtstagsheft 37p. Die Schwalbe Vereinigung von Problemfreunden Germany (1964) s.c. VG 5,00 €
  765. Speckmann, Werner Kleinste Schachaufgaben. Drei- und Viersteiner 64p. Walter de Gruyter Berlin 1970 s.c. VG 15,00 €
  766. Speckmann, Werner Kleinste Schachaufgaben. Drei- und Viersteiner 64p. Walter de Gruyter Berlin 1970 s.c. VG- 10,00 €
  767. Speckmann, Werner Kleinste Schachaufgaben. Drei- und Viersteiner 62+(2)p. 2. Auflage Walter de Gruyter Berlin 1978 s.c. VG+ 10,00 €
  768. Speckmann, Werner Mattaufgaben mit drei und vier Steinen 1.Teil: Zwei- und Dreizüger 131p. feenschach-Sonderdruck Wegberg 1976 s.c. VG 12,00 €
  769. Speckmann, Werner Mattaufgaben mit drei und vier Steinen 1.Teil: Zwei- und Dreizüger 131p. feenschach-Sonderdruck Wegberg 1976 s.c. VG- 10,00 €
  770. Speckmann, Werner Mattaufgaben mit drei und vier Steinen 2.Teil: Vier- und Mehrzüger 139p. Feenschach Verlag Germany 1979 s.c. VG 15,00 €
  771. Speckmann, Werner Perlen der Schachkomposition. Dreizügige Miniaturen IX+254+(2)p. Walter de Gruyter Germany 1985 s.c. VG+ 15,00 €
  772. Speckmann, Werner Schachmatt in 2 Zügen. 200 Miniaturen 130+(1)p. Selbstverlag Germany 1990 s.c. VG 20,00 €
  773. Speckmann, Werner Schachmatt in 3 Zügen. 300 Miniaturen 168+(1)p. Selbstverlag Germany 1988 s.c. VG 20,00 €
  774. Speckmann, Werner Strategie im Schachproblem. 242 Miniaturen 132+(4)p. Walter de Gruyter Berlin 1959 s.c. VG 15,00 €
  775. Speckmann, Werner Strategie im Schachproblem. 242 Miniaturen 132+(4)p. Walter de Gruyter Berlin 1982 s.c. VG+ 15,00 €
  776. Speckmann, Werner Zweizügige Sternflucht-Miniaturen. (Anhang: Kreuzflucht) 28p. Die Schwalbe "Sonderdruck 1, 1a" Germany 1974-75 s.c. VG- 10,00 €
  777. Speelman, John Analysing the Endgame. New Edition IV+172p. 2nd revised edition Batsford "Competitive" Great Britain 1988 s.c. VG 10,00 €
  778. Speelman, John Analysing the Endgame. Practical endings studied in depth IV+172p. 3rd revised edition Batsford Great Britain 1997 s.c. VG+ 15,00 €
  779. Speelman, Tisdall, Wade Batsford Chess Endings 448p. Reprinted with corrections Batsford Great Britain 1994 s.c. VG 20,00 €
  780. Speelman, John Endgame Preparation 177p. Batsford "Competitive" Great Britain 1997 s.c. VG 10,00 €
  781. Speelman, John Endgame Preparation 177p. Reprinted Batsford "Competitive" Great Britain 1997 s.c. VG 10,00 €
  782. Springaren 1983(16) VG 3,00 €
  783. Springaren 1987(30, 31) VG. Each 3,00 €
  784. Springaren 1990(40, 41) VG. Each 3,00 €
  785. Springaren 1991(44, 45, 46, 47) VG. Each 3,00 €
  786. Springaren 1993(53, 54) VG. Each 2,00 €
  787. Springaren 1994(58) VG 2,00 €
  788. Springaren 2003-05 (92-100) Bound Index+196+index+212p. VG 50,00 €
  789. Springaren 2010(116, 117, 118) VG. Each 4,00 €
  790. Springaren 2011(120, 121, 122) VG. Each 4,00 €
  791. Stapff, Hermann Einfürung in das Märchenschach 24p. L/N 2934 Selbstverlag der Schwalbe "Schwalben Bücherei Nr. 2" (s.l.) s.c. VG- 10,00 €
  792. Staudte & Milescu Das 1x1 des Endspiels. Ein Lehr- und Lesebuch der Endspielkunst im Schach 164+(4)p. Walter de Gruyter Berlin 1965 s.c. VG 12,00 €
  793. Stere, Marian Wolfgang Pauly. Challenge of a Legacy. Provocarea unei mosteniri 735p. Editura Gambit Romania 2001 b. Oboards. A heavy book! VG 20,00 €
  794. StrateGems 1998-2000(1-12) Volumes 1-3. 152+12+208+240+20p. Nicely bound. VG+ 90,00 €
  795. StrateGems 2001-2002(13-20) Volumes 4-5. 240+232p. Nicely bound. VG+ 70,00 €
  796. Ståhlberg, Gideon Slutspel i schack 123p. Raben & Sjögren Örebro 1962 b. Oboards. VG+ 15,00 €
  797. Ståhlberg, Gideon Slutspel i schack II. Tornslutspel 114p. Raben & Sjögren Skara 1963 b. Oboards. VG 10,00 €
  798. Ståhlberg, Gideon Slutspel i schack III. Damslutspel 110p. Raben & Sjögren Skara 1963 b. Oboards. VG 10,00 €
  799. Suomen 23. ratkaisijamestaruuskilpailu Dunder, Aarne & Myllyniemi, Matti 4p. Suomen Tehtäväniekat (s.l.) 1979 s.c. VG- 4,00 €
  800. Suomen 24. ratkaisijamestaruuskilpailu Perkonoja, Pauli 4p. Suomen Tehtäväniekat (s.l.) 1980 s.c. VG- 4,00 €
  801. Suomen 26. ratkaisijamestaruuskilpailu Harkola, Hannu & Tikka, Paavo 4p. Suomen Tehtäväniekat (s.l.) 1982 s.c. VG 4,00 €
  802. Suomen 33. ratkaisijamestaruuskilpailu Harkola, Hannu 4p. Suomen Tehtäväniekat (s.l.) 1989 s.c. VG- 4,00 €
  803. Suomen 34. ratkaisijamestaruuskilpailu Heimo, Olli & Riihimäki, Seppo 4p. Suomen Tehtäväniekat (s.l.) 1990 s.c. VG- 4,00 €
  804. Suomen 35. ratkaisijamestaruuskilpailu Valtonen, Kari & Virtanen, Kauko 4p. Suomen Tehtäväniekat (s.l.) 1991 s.c. VG 4,00 €
  805. Suomen Shakki 1979(4a) FIDe:n tehtäväkongressi Hyvinkäällä. The material of this publication is mostly based on a booklet by Mr. ten Cate (1971) and completed by Hannu Harkola s.c. VG 5,00 €
  806. Suomen Tehtäväniekat 1947(6) 2. vsk. 5,00 €
  807. Suomen Tehtäväniekat 1965(1-6) 19. vsk. 26p. Loose issues. Complete. VG- 20,00 €
  808. Suomen Tehtäväniekat 1965(4) 19. vsk. 3p. 3,00 €
  809. Suomen Tehtäväniekat 1966(1-7) 20. vsk. 28p. Loose issues. Complete. VG- 20,00 €
  810. Suomen Tehtäväniekat 1966(4) 20. vsk. 3,00 €
  811. Suomen Tehtäväniekat 1967(1, 2, 3, 5) 21. vsk. VG. Each 3,00 €
  812. Suomen Tehtäväniekat 1968(1-5) 22. vsk. 26p. Loose issues. Complete. VG 15,00 €
  813. Suomen Tehtäväniekat 1969(1-6) 23. vsk. 33p. Loose issues. Complete. VG 20,00 €
  814. Suomen Tehtäväniekat 1969(3, 4, 5, 6) 23. vsk. VG. Each 3,00 €
  815. Suomen Tehtäväniekat 1970(1-5) 24. vsk. 29p. Loose issues. Complete. VG 15,00 €
  816. Suomen Tehtäväniekat 1971(1-5) 25. vsk. 26p. Loose issues. Complete. VG 15,00 €
  817. Suomen Tehtäväniekat 1971(1, 2, 4) 25. vsk. VG. Each 3,00 €
  818. Suomen Tehtäväniekat 1972(1-5) 26. vsk. 29+(2)p. Loose issues. Complete. VG 15,00 €
  819. Suomen Tehtäväniekat 1972(1, 2, 4, 5) 26. vsk. VG. Each 3,00 €
  820. Suomen Tehtäväniekat 1973(1-4) 27. vsk. 24+(2)p. Loose issues. Complete. VG 15,00 €
  821. Suomen Tehtäväniekat 1973(1, 2, 4) 27. vsk. VG. Each 3,00 €
  822. Suomen Tehtäväniekat 1974(1-5) 28. vsk. 25+(4)p. Loose issues. Complete. VG 15,00 €
  823. Suomen Tehtäväniekat 1974(1, 4) 28. vsk. VG. Each 3,00 €
  824. Suomen Tehtäväniekat 1975(1-5) 29. vsk. 29+(3)p. Loose issues. Complete. VG 15,00 €
  825. Suomen Tehtäväniekat 1975(4, 5) 29. vsk.  VG. Each 3,00 €
  826. Suomen Tehtäväniekat 1976(1-5) 30. vsk. 28+(3)p. Loose issues. Complete. VG 15,00 €
  827. Suomen Tehtäväniekat 1976(1, 2, 3, 5) 30. vsk. VG. Each 3,00 €
  828. Suomen Tehtäväniekat 1977(1-5) 31. vsk. 30+(3)p. Loose issues. Complete. VG 15,00 €
  829. Suomen Tehtäväniekat 1977(2) 31. vsk. VG 3,00 €
  830. Suomen Tehtäväniekat 1978(1-5) 32. vsk. 32p. Loose issues. Complete. VG 15,00 €
  831. Suomen Tehtäväniekat 1979(1-5) 33. vsk. 32p. Loose issues. Complete. VG 15,00 €
  832. Suomen Tehtäväniekat 1979(2, 3, 4, 5) 33. vsk. Each 3,00 €
  833. Suomen Tehtäväniekat 1980(1-5) 34. vsk. 34+(3)p. Loose issues. Complete. VG 15,00 €
  834. Suomen Tehtäväniekat 1981(1-4) 35. vsk. 25+(3)p. Loose issues. Complete. VG 15,00 €
  835. Suomen Tehtäväniekat 1982(1-5) 36. vsk. 30+(2)p. Loose issues. Complete. VG 15,00 €
  836. Suomen Tehtäväniekat 1983(1-5) 37. vsk. 26+(2)p. Loose issues. Complete. VG 15,00 €
  837. Suomen Tehtäväniekat 1984(1, 2, 4) 38. vsk. VG- to VG. Each 2,00 €
  838. Suomen Tehtäväniekat 1987(2, 3, 4) 41. vsk. VG. Each 2,00 €
  839. Suomen Tehtäväniekat 1988(1, 4) 42. vsk. VG. Each 2,00 €
  840. Suomen Tehtäväniekat 1989(2, 3, 4) 43. vsk. VG-. Each 2,00 €
  841. Suomen Tehtäväniekat 1990(1, 3, 4) 44. vsk. VG. Each 2,00 €
  842. Suomen Tehtäväniekat 1991(2, 3, 4, 5) 45. vsk. VG. Each 2,00 €
  843. Suomen Tehtäväniekat 1992(1, 2, 3, 4, 6) 46. vsk. VG. Each 2,00 €
  844. Suomen Tehtäväniekat 1994(1, 2, 3, 4, 5) 41. vsk. VG. Each 2,00 €
  845. Suomen Tehtäväniekat 1998(1-2) 52. vsk. VG 3,00 €
  846. Suomen Tehtäväniekat 2001(1-6) 55. vsk. Loose issues. Complete. VG 15,00 €
  847. Suomen Tehtäväniekat 2002(1-6) 56. vsk. Loose issues. Complete. VG 15,00 €
  848. Suomen Tehtäväniekat 2003(1-6) 57. vsk. Loose issues. Complete. VG 15,00 €
  849. Suomen Tehtäväniekat 2004(1-6) 58. vsk. Loose issues. Complete. VG 15,00 €
  850. Suomen Tehtäväniekat 2007(2, 3, 4, 5-6) 61. vsk. VG. Each 3,00 €
  851. Suomen Tehtäväniekat 2010(2, 3, 4, 5-6) 64. vsk. VG. Each 3,00 €
  852. Suomen Tehtäväniekat 2011(2, 3, 4-5, 6) 65. vsk. VG. Each 3,00 €
  853. Suomen Tehtäväniekat 2012(3, 4-5) 66. vsk.VG. Each 3,00 €
  854. Suomen Tehtäväniekat 2013(1-6) 67. vsk. Loose issues. Complete. VG 15,00 €
  855. Suomen Tehtäväniekat 2014(1, 4, 5-6) 68. vsk. VG. Each 3,00 €
  856. Suomen Tehtäväniekat 2015(1) 69. vsk. VG 3,00 €
  857. Suomen Tehtäväniekkain kilpailuja 4p. Helsinki 1965 s.c. 3,00 €
  858. Sutherland & Lommer(Compiled) 1234 Modern End-game Studies. With Appendix Containing 24 Additional Studies XXIV+358+(15)p. Betts 23-29 Corrected reprint Dover New York 1968 s.c. VG 15,00 €
  859. Takala, Aarne Shakkitehtäviä. 33(two-movers)+30(three-movers)+4(many-movers)+6(fairy) problems by Takala 32p. L/N 2837 Self published Turku 1940 s.c. VG 20,00 €
  860. Teschner, Rudolf Das moderne Schachlehrbuch. Teil 3. Das Endspiel. Originalausgabe 179+(13)p. Goldmann Ratgeber Germany 1980 s.c. VG 5,00 €
  861. Teschner, Rudolf(Herausgegeben) Ausgewählte Schachaufgaben. 350 Probleme und Studien aus den letzten 30 Jahren 261p. Reclam Germany 1981 s.c. VG 5,00 €
  862. Thema Danicum 1983(5, 6, 7, 8) Vol 4. G+. Each 2,00 €
  863. Thema Danicum 1986(41-48) Vol 6. VG. Each 3,00 €
  864. Thema Danicum Domsberetninger Vol 7, 1988-89. 24p. (s.l.e.a.) s.c. VG 5,00 €
  865. Thema Danicum 1990-91(57, 58, 59, 60, 61, index) Vol 8. VG. Each 3,00 €
  866. Thema Danicum 1993(69, 70, 71, 72) Vol 9. G+. Each 2,00 €
  867. Thema Danicum 1994(75) Vol 10. VG 3,00 €
  868. Thema Danicum 1996(81) Vol 11. 3,00 €
  869. Thema Danicum 2002-03(106, 110, 111, 112, index) Vol 14. VG. Each 4,00 €
  870. Thema Danicum 2004-05(114, 115, 116, 117) Vol 15. VG. Each 4,00 €
  871. Themes-64 1983(109, 110, 111, 112) 28e annee VG- Each 2,00 €
  872. The Problemist 1949(7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12) Vol 4. 347-393p. VG 30,00 €
  873. The Problemist 1987(13) Vol 12. VG 2,00 €
  874. The Problemist 1997(2) Vol 16. Special Issue. Award in Dennison Nixon memorial tourney. VG 3,00 €
  875. The Problemist 1997(6) Vol 16. Special Issue. BJM 60 tourneys. VG 3,00 €
  876. The Problemist 1997-1998(1-12) Vol 16 Loose issues. Complete 500p.+index. Two special issues are included! VG 40,00 €
  877. The Problemist 1999-2000(1-12) Vol 17 Loose issues. Complete 508p.+index. VG 40,00 €
  878. The Problemist 2001-2002(1-12+1a) Vol 18 Loose issues. Complete 524p.+index. VG 40,00 €
  879. The Problemist 2001(1a) Vol 18. Awards extra. Bob Mcwilliam memorial tourney: Awards VG 3,00 €
  880. The Problemist 2003-2004(1-12) Vol 19 Loose issues. Complete 548p.+index. VG 40,00 €
  881. The Problemist 2005-2006(1-12) Vol 20 Nicely bound. 568p.+index. VG+ 80,00 €
  882. The Problemist 2005-2006(1-12) Vol 20 Loose issues. Complete 568p.+index. VG 40,00 €
  883. The Problemist 2005-2006(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) Vol 20 VG. Each 3,00 €
  884. The Problemist 2007-2008(1-12) Vol 21 Nicely bound. 548p.+index. VG+ 80,00 €
  885. The Problemist 2007-2008(7-12 + index) Vol 21 VG+ Each 3,00 €
  886. The Problemist 2009-2010(1-12) Vol 22 Loose issues. Complete 536p.+index VG+ 40,00 €
  887. The Problemist 2009-2010(1, 2, 3, 4, 5) Vol 22 VG. Each 3,00 €
  888. The Problemist 2011-2012(1-11 + index) Vol 23 VG+ Each 3,00 €
  889. The Problemist 2013-2014(1-12) Vol 24 Loose issues. Complete 544p.+index VG+ 40,00 €
  890. The Problemist 2015-2016(1-12) Vol 25 Loose issues. Complete 524p.+index VG 40,00 €
  891. The Problemist 2017(1-6) Vol 26 VG+ Each 3,00 €
  892. The Problemist Special jubilee issue May 1969. Proceedings of the British Chess Problem Society 1918-1968. With problems Composed by its Members 27p. (Great Britain 1969) s.c. VG 10,00 €
  893. The Problemist P. F. Blake. A Tribute Overdue. Special issue. Compiled by G. W. Chandler 15p. British Chess Problem Society Bristol 1971 s.c. VG 10,00 €
  894. The Problemist Supplement 1992-2001(1-55) 464p. Nicely bound. VG+ 80,00 €
  895. The Problemist Supplement 2002-2009(56-102) 465-964+24p. Nicely bound. VG+ 80,00 €
  896. The Problemist Supplement 1996-2010(22, 25-84, 87, 88, 91, 92, 94-120, 122-141, 144-151)The first issue of the Supplement appeared in May 1992. VG. Each 2,00 €
  897. The Ural Problemist Uralskij Problemist 1994 1(2) 32p. Signed by Selivanov. VG- 3,00 €
  898. The Ural Problemist Uralskij Problemist 2000 3(23) 32p. VG 3,00 €
  899. Thomas, G Mattvang. Nogle ideer og temaer i selvmat - totraekkere! Redigeret af Leif Schmidt. 64 selfmate problems with solutions 46+(2)p. + errata Dansk Skakproblem Klub Köpenhavn 1977 s.c. Nr. 147/300. VG 20,00 €
  900. Timman, Jan Schaakwerk I. Analyses en Studies 224p. 2nd revised edition Uitgeverij Bert Bakker Amsterdam 1991 s.c. VG 10,00 €
  901. Tishkov & Tsepiznyj Shakhmatnye tsadatshi-miniatjury. 892 problems with solutions 332+(4)p. Fizkultura i sport Moskva 1987 s.c. VG 10,00 €
  902. Tkachenko, Sergei Tigran Gorgiev (1910-1976). Maestro of Practical Studies. 100 short endgame studies 212p. Elk and Ruby Publishing House (s.l.) s.c. VG+ (As new) 15,00 €
  903. Tkatshenko, Sergej Edinitsa shakhmatnogo vesa. 100 utshebnik etjudov s odnoj peshkoj v finale 206+(2)p. Izdatel Andrej Elkov Moskva 2015 b. Oboards. VG+ 10,00 €
  904. Troitskij, A Sbornik shakhmatnykh etjudov 299+(1)p. Sah 747 L/N 2278 Fizkultura i Turizm Leningrad 1934 b. Oboards. Several stamps. VG 60,00 €
  905. Troitzky, Alexis 360 Brilliant and Instructive End Games. With an Introduction by Fred Reinfeld 192+(15)p. Dover New York 1968 s.c. VG 10,00 €
  906. Tshekhover, V Shakhmatnye etjudy i okontshanija 72p. Sah 749 Fizkultura i sport Moskva 1959 s.c. VG 9,00 €
  907. Tykodi, Ralph(Compiled and edited) Cecil Purdy on the Endgame. With editorial assistance from GM Karsten Müller 247p. Thinkers' Press USA 2003 s.c. VG 25,00 €
  908. Hildebrand & Uddgren Svenska miniattyrer II. 350 problems and studies with solutions 98+(1)p. Svenska problemschackklubben Uppsala 1994 s.c. VG+ 20,00 €
  909. Uknivenko, Aleksej Velikolepnaja semerka. 555 miniatjur. 555 problems and studies with solutions 151+(1)p. Izdanie avtora Tsherkassy 2006 s.c. Only 100 copies printed! VG 30,00 €
  910. Umnov, E Putjami shakhmatnogo tvortsestva 319+(1)p. Fizkultura i sport Moskva 1983 b. Oboards. VG 8,00 €
  911. Umnov, E Reshenie shakhmatnykh zadatsh 88p. Sah 722 Fizkultura i sport Moskva 1958 s.c. VG- 8,00 €
  912. Umnov, E Reshenie shakhmatnykh zadatsh 88p. Sah 722 Fizkultura i sport Moskva 1958 s.c. Spine worn, otherwise VG 5,00 €
  913. Umnov, E Shakhmatnaja zadatsha v SSSR. Dvukhkhodovki 253+(3)p. Sah 720 L/N 2788 Fizkultura i Turizm Moskva 1936 s.c. VG 70,00 €
  914. Umnov, E Shakhmatnaja zadatsha XIX veka 221+(2)p. Sah 723 Fizkultura i sport Moskva 1960 b. Oboards. VG 15,00 €
  915. Umnov, E Shakhmatnaja zadatsha XX veka 1901-1944 gg. 375 problems 175+(1)p. Sah 724 Fizkultura i sport Moskva 1966 s.c. VG 10,00 €
  916. Umnov, E Sovremennaja shakhmatnaja zadatsha. 375 problems 198+(2)p. Sah(2) 1439 Fizkultura i sport Moskva 1967 s.c. VG 8,00 €
  917. Umnov, E Tshto takoe shakhmatnaja kompozitsija. 190 problems and endgame studies 162+(2)p. Sah 708 Fizkultura i sport Moskva 1954 s.c. VG 10,00 €
  918. Umnow, E Schachkompositionen. Ein Vergleich zwischen Problem, Studie und Partie 88p. Walter Rau Verlag "RAU 3" Germany 1961 s.c. VG 10,00 €
  919. Valtonen & Virtanen Suomen 27. ratkaisijamestaruuskilpailu 4p. Suomen Tehtäväniekat (s.l.) 1983 s.c. 4,00 €
  920. Valtonen, Kari Hiljaisia siirtoja. Ismo Tompurin valitut shakkitehtävät 69s. Aviador Kustannus 2012 s.c. VG+ 15,00 €
  921. Valtonen, Kari Hiljaisia siirtoja. Ismo Tompurin valitut shakkitehtävät. 95 two-movers, 16 three- and four-movers, 3 selfmates and 6 helpmates  69s. 2nd corrected edition Aviador Kustannus Helsinki 2014 s.c. VG+ 15,00 €
  922. Velimirovic, Milan & Valtonen, Kari The Definitive Book. Encyclopedia of Chess Problems. Themes and Terms 519+(1)p. Chess Informant Beograd 2012 b. Oboards. VG+ 50,00 €
  923. Verkhovskij, L Nitshja! S predisloviem Mikhajla Talja 88p. Fizkultura i sport Moskva 1972 s.c. VG 5,00 €
  924. Verkhovskij, L Nitshja! Endgame positions from tournament games 112p. 2-e izdanie, dopolnennoe Fizkultura i sport Moskva 1979 s.c. VG 5,00 €
  925. Verkhovskij, L Tsugtsvang Kotshiev & Jakovlev Preimushtshestvo dvukh slonov 160p. Sah(2) 1248 Fizkultura i sport "Bibliotetshka shakhmatista" Moskva 1989 s.c. VG 4,00 €
  926. Verkhovsky, Leonid Draw! The Art of the Half-Point in Chess. Foreword by Mikhail Tal 136p. Russell Enterprises USA 2014 s.c. VG+ 15,00 €
  927. Villa, Jesus de la 100 Endgames You Must Know. Vital Lessons for Every Chess Player. Simple rules. Easy to learn 248p. NIC The Netherlands 2008 s.c. VG+ (As new) 20,00 €
  928. Villeneuve, Alain Les finales 394+(3)p. Editions Grasset France 1998 s.c. VG+ 25,00 €
  929. Virtanen, Kauko Musta ratsupyörä. Suomen Kuvalehden shakkipalstat vuosina 1976-1979. 195s. Suomen Shakkikustannus Tampere 2003 s.c. VG 20,00 €
  930. Virtanen, Kauko Musta ratsupyörä. Suomen Kuvalehden shakkipalstat vuosina 1976-1979. 195s. Suomen Shakkikustannus Tampere 2003 s.c. VG- 15,00 €
  931. Visbeen, Frank (1937-1996) Moving on. Fifty chess compositions and their adventures 171p. Nederlandse Bond van Schaakprobleemvrienden the Netherlands 2008 s.c. VG+ 20,00 €
  932. Vladimirov & Fokin Leonid Kubbel. 656 problems and studies 383+(1)p. Sah(2) 1500 Fizkultura i sport Moskva 1984 s.c. VG 7,00 €
  933. Vladimirov, Jakov & Selivanov, Andrey Album Russia 1998-2000. The 964 best problems and studies of 119 Russian composers 223+(1)p. Uralskij problemist "17 Bibliotetshka zhurnala" Moskva 2002 s.c. 500 copies printed. VG+ 20,00 €
  934. Vladimirov, Jakov & Selivanov, Andrey Album Russia 2001-2003. The 817 best problems and studies of 113 Russian composers 191+(1)p. Uralskij problemist "25 Bibliotetshka zhurnala" Moskva 2005 s.c. 500 copies printed. VG+ 20,00 €
  935. Vladimirov, Jakov & Selivanov, Andrey Mezhdunarodnyj kongress shakhmatnykh kompozitorov. 46th World Congress of Chess Composition Moscow, Russia 2003. 112p. Uralskij problemist "23 Bibliotetshka zhurnala" Moskva 2003 s.c. 500 copies printed. VG+ 15,00 €
  936. Vladimirov, Jakov Izbrannye zadatshi. Selected problems. 400 problems 239+(1)p. Published by Andrey Selivanov "Famous chess composers 11" Moskva 2015 b. Oboards. Only 100 copies printed! VG+ 30,00 €
  937. Vladimirov, Kofman & Umnov Grossmejster shakhmatnoj kompozitsii (Lev Loshinskij) 1913-76. 438 problems with solutions 303+(1)p. Fizkultura i sport Moskva 1980 b. Oboards. VG 8,00 €
  938. Vladimirov, Razumenko, Fokin Poezija shakhmat. Tvortshestvo shakhmatnykh kompositorov Sankt-Peterburga 176p. Sankt-Peterburg Lenizdat 1993 dj. 1000 copies printed. VG 15,00 €
  939. Vlasak & Bunka Jindrich Sulc - studie a ulohy (Endgame Studies and Problems) 41p. SNZZ Brno 1999 s.c. VG 5,00 €
  940. Vlasak, Emil Matous under the Microscope 34p. 2nd revised edition SNZZ Brno 1998 s.c. VG 3,00 €
  941. Vlasak, Emil Moravec pod lupou - studie 53p. SNZZ Brno 2000 s.c. VG 5,00 €
  942. Vlasak, Emil Moravec under the Microscope - EG studies 57p. SNZZ Brno 2001 s.c. VG 8,00 €
  943. Vlasak, Emil Studie pod lupou 34p. Brno 1995 s.c. VG 5,00 €
  944. Voellmy, Erwin Wie führst du das Endspiel? Erster Teil 95p. L/N 2335 Verlag Majer Basel 1946 b. Oboards. VG 10,00 €
  945. Volf & Formanek I. Album Ceskoslovenskych sachovych skladeb 1972-1973. 60p. Praha 1976 s.c. VG 8,00 €
  946. Volf & Formanek III. Album Ceskoslovenskych sachovych skladeb 1976-1978. 69p. Praha 1983 s.c. VG 8,00 €
  947. Volf, Josef V. Album Ceskoslovenskych sachovych skladeb 1982-1984. 72p. Praha 1987 s.c. VG 8,00 €
  948. Vollenweider, Odette 125 ausgewählte NZZ-Schachprobleme aus 25 Ländern 83p. Neue Zürcher Zeitung Switzerland 1982 s.c. VG 15,00 €
  949. Voltshek, Viktor & Beltshikov, Nikolaj Poezija shakhmat Belarusi. 1800 problems with solutions 343+(1)p. Goupp Lida 2004 b. Oboards. 500 copies printed! VG+ 35,00 €
  950. Wade, R(Compiled) Soviet Chess. Pages 207-259 cover "modern compositions" in Soviet Union 288p. Neville Spearman Great Britain 1968 dj. VG 20,00 €
  951. Wade, R(Compiled) Soviet Chess. Pages 207-259 cover "modern compositions" in Soviet Union 288p. Neville Spearman Great Britain 1968 b. Ocloth. Covered with plastic, otherwise VG 15,00 €
  952. Welling, Jules De koning 110p. Uitgeverij M & P "Beter schaken" Weert 1992 b. Oboards. VG 5,00 €
  953. Westberg, Jostein Slutspel i schack. Tredje schackboken 95+(1)p. Sesam Stockholm 1968 s.c. VG 10,00 €
  954. Westberg, Jostein Slutspel i schack. Tredje schackboken 96p. Andra omarbetade upplagan Sesam Stockholm 1977 s.c. VG+ 10,00 €
  955. Whitaker & Hartleb 365 Ausgewählte Endspiele eines für jeden Tag im Jahr. Mit einer Studie "Das Endspiel im Schach" und einer Bibliographie der Endspielbücher. 365 Selected endings. One for each day of the year. Deutsche Bearbeitung Dr. Werner Lauterbach. Deutsch & English 315p. Selbstverlag der Verfasser Heidelberg 1960 s.c. VG- 15,00 €
  956. White, Alain Sam Loyd and His Chess Problems 471+(5)p. Dover New York 1962 s.c. VG 20,00 €
  957. White, Alain Sam Loyd und seine Schachaufgaben IV+482p. Nachdruck der Ausgabe Leipzig 1926 Edition Olms Germany 1984 dj. VG 50,00 €
  958. White, Alain Sam Loyd e i suoi problemi di scacchi 495p. Messaggerie Scacchistiche Brescia 2000 s.c. VG+ 25,00 €
  959. World Chess Compositions tournament of the FIDE 104p. Suomen Tehtäväniekat 1972-75 s.c. VG 5,00 €
  960. World Chess Composition tournament of the FIDE. 3. WCCT 1984. Edited by Denis Blondel 76p. Aachen 1986 s.c. VG- 10,00 €
  961. World Chess Composition tournament of the FIDE. 3. WCCT 1984-1988. Jugements Preisberichte Awards 59p. Feenschach (s.l.) 1988 s.c. VG 10,00 €
  962. World Chess Compositions tournament of the FIDE. 4. WCCT 1988. Announcement - Ausschreibung 20p. Federation Polonaise des Echecs Aachen 1988 s.c. VG 10,00 €
  963. World Chess Compositions tournament of the FIDE. 4. WCCT 1989-1992. Awards - Preisberichte - Judgements 54p. Feenschach (s.l.) s.c. VG+ 10,00 €
  964. World Chess Compositions tournament 1993-1996. 5th WCCT 1993-1996. Final results of 5th WCCT 71+(1)p. FIDE Praha 1997 s.c. VG+ 10,00 €
  965. World Chess Compositions tournament of the FIDE. 5. WCCT 1993. Announcement - Ausschreibung 16p. Schwalbe (Germany 1993) s.c. VG 4,00 €
  966. World Chess Compositions tournament of the FIDE. 6. WCCT 1996. Announcement - Ausschreibung 12p. Schwalbe (Germany) 1996 s.c. VG 4,00 €
  967. Wotawa, Alois Auf Spurensuche mit Schachfiguren. 150 Endspielstudien 205+(3)p. Walter de Gruyter Germany 1965 s.c. VG+ 30,00 €
  968. Zadatshi i etjudy Sbornik. Vypusk desjatyj 68p. Sankt-Peterburg 1996 s.c. Tirazh 900. VG 10,00 €
  969. Zadatshi i etjudy Sbornik. Vypusk odinnadtsatyj 76p. Sankt-Peterburg 1996 s.c. Tirazh 700. VG 10,00 €
  970. Zadatshi i etjudy Sbornik. Vypusk dvenadtsatyj 72p. Sankt-Peterburg 1997 s.c. VG 10,00 €
  971. Zadatshi i etjudy Sbornik. Vypusk pjatnadtsatyj 80p. Sankt-Peterburg 1998 s.c. VG 10,00 €
  972. Zadatshi i etjudy Sbornik. Vypusk vosemnadtsatyj 72p. Izdatel Rossomakho Sankt-Peterburg 1999 s.c. VG 10,00 €
  973. Zadatshi i etjudy Sbornik. Vypusk devjatnadtsatyj 68p. Izdatel Rossomakho Sankt-Peterburg 1999 s.c. VG 10,00 €
  974. Zadatshi i etjudy Sbornik. Vypusk dvadtsat shestoj 72p. Izdatel Rossomakho Sankt-Peterburg 2002 s.c. VG 10,00 €
  975. Zavodny, Zdenek 2 strelci versus 2 jezdci 28p. SNZZ Brno 1995 s.c. VG 4,00 €
  976. Zelepukin, Dorokhov, Kakovin, Tutlajants Shakhmatnaja kompozitsija v Donbasse. 419 problems and studies 191+(1)p. Sah(2) 1398 Izdatelstvo Donbass Donetsk 1969 b. Oboards. VG+ 15,00 €
  977. Zelepukin & Moldovanskij Kompozitsii na shakhmatnoj doske 93p. Veselka Kiev 1985 s.c. VG- 8,00 €
  978. Zelepukin, N Slovar shakhmatnoj kompozitsii. 315 problems and studies 205+(3)p. Zdorovja Kiev 1982 b. Oboards. VG 8,00 €
  979. Zelepukin, N Slovar shakhmatnoj kompozitsii. 290 problems and studies 182+(2)p. Izdanie vtoroe, pererabotannoe i dopolnennoe Zdorovja Kiev 1985 b. Oboards. VG 8,00 €
  980. Zheltonozhko € Selivanov Uralskaja miniatjura. 298 problems with solutions 111+(1)p. Uralskij problemist Moskva 1996 s.c. 999 copies printed. VG 15,00 €
  981. Zill, Siegfried Endspiele 103+(1)p. Beyer Verlag "Kleine Schachbücherei Bd. 8" Germany 1978 s.c. VG 8,00 €
  982. Znosko-Borovsky, Eugene How to Play Chess Endings XVI+262+(7)p. Dover New York 1974 s.c. VG 10,00 €
  983. Öhquist, Johannes Schachprobleme. Mit einem Karikaturbildnis. 128 problems with solutions by the Finnish problemist 73+(1)p. L/N 2746 Akateeminen Kirjakauppa Helsinki 1932 s.c. VG 25,00 €