Ellivuori Grandmaster Tournament


Playing Hall

Hotel Ellivuori, Vammala, Finland

Playing Time

90 minutes with an increment of 30 seconds per move for the whole game.


La 24.8. 13.00    Opening Ceremony .... Avajaiset
         14.00    1st Round ........... 1. kierros
Su 25.8  14.00    2nd Round ........... 2. kierros
Ma 26.8. 14.00    3rd Round ........... 3. kierros
Ti 27.8. 14.00    4th Round ........... 4. kierros
Ke 28.8. 14.00    5th Round ........... 5. kierros
To 29.8. 14.00    6th Round ........... 6. kierros
Pe 30.8. 11.00    7th Round ........... 7. kierros
         19.00    Blitz Tournament .... Pikashakkiturnaus
La 31.8. 14.00    8th Round ........... 8. kierros
Su  1.9. 10.00    9th Round ........... 9. kierros
         16.00    Closing Ceremony .... Palkintojenjako


1st prize ..... 600 euros
2nd prize ..... 400 euros
3rd prize ..... 300 euros
4th prize ..... 200 euros


More Information

Arto Satonen, email asatonen@sci.fi, phone (mobile) 0500-639617.

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Updated 27.8.2002