
21th HOF-chess tournament in Jyväskylä, Finland 11.7-17.7.2011

Chessclub Jyväs-Shakki organizes the 21th open HOF (Heart of Finland)-chess tournament in Jyväskylä, Finland during July 11-17.7.2011. The Venue is Harju Building of Jyväskylä College, Sepänkatu 3, Jyväskylä

The tournament will be played in 9 rounds according to Swiss system. Tournament is ELO rated and there are possibilities to reach FIDE title norms.


mon11.7 at13.00-15.00 confirmation ofparticipation
16.00 opening ceremony
16.30 round 1
tue12.710.00 round 216.30 round 3
wed13.710.00 round 4
thu14.710.00 round 516.30 round 6
fri15.710.00 round 7
sat16.716.30 round 8
sun17.710.00 round 9

                       after that prize giving ceromony

If player want to rest round 1 he must inform that by not later than 2.7.2011 and gets 0,5 point from it.

Time rate is 90 min + 30 s/move, add 30 min after 40th move.

The first price will be 1000 euros. Also best woman prize, best junior prize, ELO-group prizes.

GMs, IMs, WGMs, WIMS no entry fee (registration before July 4 by before June 20), young players under 20, seniors over 60 and FMs 60€, others 90€. All the fees 10€ less if payed in may. Payment means registration and should be transferred to Jyväs-Shakki's bank account (for international transfers): IBAN: FI 3110453007200545, SWIFT/BIC: NDEAFIHH.

Accomodation summer hotel Harju and summer hotel Rentukka near the venue. Look at the prices and contact information from accommodation.


Supplementary program

Evening cruise

For the participants is evening cruise on the lake Päijänne by s/s Suomi 15.7 at 19-22.30 o´clock. One can register for the cruise when the tournament starts. Ticket for the cruise 20 eur/person.

Summerfestival "Jyväskylä Summer"

During the tournament in Jyväskylä is going famous summerfestival "Jyväskylä Summer" 12-17.7.2011. The program of festival can be found by the address and e-mail

Especially for the participants of the tournament we can recommend Wednesday 13.7.2011 Classical music/mime "Tämäkö skandaali" in Jyväskylä theater at 18.00 a´clock. Depussy, Rachmaninoff and Stravinsky performed by concert pianists Ursula von Lerber and Christian Erbslöh. Brilliant mime artist Guerassim Dchliev as soloist in Stravinsky´s The Rite of Spring.

We recommend also old dance music. The Revival of the most legendary Finnish dance orchestra of all times "DALLAPE". Wednesday 13.7. ta 19.00 o´clock Tapahtumateltta, Kampuksen kenttä, Univercity. Memorable waltzes and tangos as they used to be played!!


City of Jyväskylä
Finnish Central Chess Federation
Summerfestival "Jyväskylä Summer"