21th HOF-chess tournament in Jyväskylä, Finland 11.7-17.7.2011
Chessclub Jyväs-Shakki organizes the 21th open HOF (Heart of Finland)-chess tournament in Jyväskylä, Finland during July 11-17.7.2011. The Venue is
Harju Building of Jyväskylä College, Sepänkatu 3, Jyväskylä
The tournament will be played in 9 rounds according to Swiss system. Tournament is ELO rated and there are possibilities to reach FIDE title norms.
mon | 11.7 at | 13.00-15.00 confirmation of | participation |
| | 16.00 opening ceremony |
| | 16.30 round 1 |
tue | 12.7 | 10.00 round 2 | 16.30 round 3 |
wed | 13.7 | 10.00 round 4 |
thu | 14.7 | 10.00 round 5 | 16.30 round 6 |
fri | 15.7 | 10.00 round 7 |
sat | 16.7 | | 16.30 round 8 |
sun | 17.7 | 10.00 round 9 |
after that prize giving ceromony
If player want to rest round 1 he must inform that by jysturn@gmail.com not later than 2.7.2011 and gets 0,5 point from it.
Time rate is 90 min + 30 s/move, add 30 min after 40th move.
The first price will be 1000 euros. Also best woman prize, best junior prize, ELO-group prizes.
GMs, IMs, WGMs, WIMS no entry fee (registration before July 4 by jysturn@gmail.com before June 20), young players under 20, seniors over 60 and FMs 60€, others 90€.
All the fees 10€ less if payed in may. Payment means registration and should be transferred to
Jyväs-Shakki's bank account (for international transfers): IBAN: FI 3110453007200545, SWIFT/BIC: NDEAFIHH.
Accomodation summer hotel Harju and summer hotel Rentukka near the venue. Look at the prices and contact information from accommodation.
Enquiries jysturn@gmail.com
Supplementary program
Evening cruise
For the participants is evening cruise on the lake Päijänne by s/s Suomi 15.7 at 19-22.30 o´clock. One can register for the cruise when the tournament starts. Ticket for the cruise 20 eur/person.
Summerfestival "Jyväskylä Summer"
During the tournament in Jyväskylä is going famous summerfestival "Jyväskylä Summer" 12-17.7.2011. The program of festival can be found by the address www.jyvaskylankesa.fi and e-mail mari.lankinen@jkl.fi
Especially for the participants of the tournament we can recommend Wednesday 13.7.2011 Classical music/mime "Tämäkö skandaali" in Jyväskylä theater at 18.00 a´clock. Depussy, Rachmaninoff and Stravinsky performed by concert pianists Ursula von Lerber and Christian Erbslöh. Brilliant mime artist Guerassim Dchliev as soloist in Stravinsky´s The Rite of Spring.
We recommend also old dance music. The Revival of the most legendary Finnish dance orchestra of all times "DALLAPE". Wednesday 13.7. ta 19.00 o´clock Tapahtumateltta, Kampuksen kenttä, Univercity. Memorable waltzes and tangos as they used to be played!!
City of Jyväskylä
Finnish Central Chess Federation
Summerfestival "Jyväskylä Summer"