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19th Heart of Finland Open chess tournament

Jyväskylä, Finland July 7-12, 2009

Chessclub Jyväs-Shakki organizes the 19th Heart of Finland Open chess tournament in Jyväskylä, Finland during July 7-12 2009.

The tournament will be played in 9 rounds according to Swiss system. Tournament is ELO rated and there are possibilities to reach FIDE title norms.


Main campus of Jyväskylä University of Applied Sciences, street address Rajakatu 35, Jyväskylä.


July 7 11-13 Confirmation of participation
  14:00 Opening ceremony
  15:00 Round 1
 July 8 10:00 Round 2

16:00 Round 3
 July 9 10:00 Round 4

16:00 Round 5
July 10 10:00 Round 6

16:00 Round 7
July 11 16:00 Round 8
July 12 10:00 Round 9

Prize giving ceremony after final round.

Player can rest round 1 and gets 1/2 point from it.

Time rate

1h 30 min + 30 s/move, add 30 min after 40th move.

Entry fees

GMs and IMs no entry fee (registration required before June 23), FM/U20 60 EUR, others 100 EUR.
Discounts: Payments received not later than May 31th are allowed a 20 % discount, no later than June 14th are allowed a 10% discount. Payments should be transferred to Jyväs-Shakki's bank account (for international transfers): IBAN: FI 3110453007200545, SWIFT/BIC: NDEAFIHH.


The first price will be 1000 euros. Open group's top six will be awarded, also women's prize, ELO group prizes and young player prizes.


Summer hotel Amis, http://www.hotelliamis.com/info_eng.htm
The location is very near to the playing venue.

Further information

email: hof2009@gmail.com
tel. +358414834001

Updated 7/9/2009 - © 2009 Jyväs-Shakki Ry